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Last indexation completed on 2025-03-11 23:39:34 UTC

  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
  Name Size Date (UTC) Last indexed Description
&quote;folder&quote; Parent directory - 2025-03-11 23:33:17  
bqueue.h 7901 bytes 2024-01-09 19:19:42 2024-04-06 12:31:33


ClosestApproachInRPhi.h 4573 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:33

ifndef __

ClosestApproachOnHelices.h 1600 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:33

ifndef __

ClusterRemovalRefSetter.h 1616 bytes 2020-10-11 18:36:21 2024-04-06 12:31:33

ifndef TrackingTools_PatternTools_

ClusterRemovalRefSetter.icc 3846 bytes 2020-10-11 18:36:21 2024-04-06 12:31:33  
CollinearFitAtTM.h 2743 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:33

ifndef CollinearFitAtTM2_h_

MeasurementExtractor.h 1502 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:33


TempTrajectory.h 10549 bytes 2024-05-07 16:36:19 2024-05-23 03:13:38

ifndef CkfPattern_

TrackCollectionTokens.h 1588 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:33

ifndef TrackingToolsPatternTools

TrackConstraintAssociation.h 2451 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef TrackingTools_PatternTools_

trackingParametersAtClosestApproachToBeamSpot.h 1365 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34 Given the momentum and origin of a particle, calculate the tracking parameters at its closest approach to the beam spot
TrajAnnealing.h 1083 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef TrackingTools_PatternTools_

Trajectory.h 14252 bytes 2024-05-05 10:51:01 2024-05-23 03:13:38

ifndef CommonDet_

TrajectoryBuilder.h 1762 bytes 2024-09-05 14:05:58 2024-09-07 04:38:13

ifndef TrackingTools_PatternTools_

TrajectoryExtrapolatorToLine.h 500 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _

TrajectoryMeasurement.h 8851 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _TRACKER__

TrajectorySmoother.h 899 bytes 2021-06-08 18:28:20 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _Tracker__

TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLineBuilder.h 812 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34


TrajectoryStateClosestToPointBuilder.h 1347 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:34


TrajectoryStateUpdator.h 727 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34


TrajMeasLessEstim.h 489 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef Tracker_

TrajTrackAssociation.h 953 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef TrackingTools_PatternTools_

TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator.h 3224 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _

TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial.h 690 bytes 2024-09-05 14:05:58 2024-09-07 04:38:13


TSCBLBuilderWithPropagator.h 1165 bytes 2024-09-05 14:05:58 2024-09-07 04:38:13


TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h 1809 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:34


TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h 2720 bytes 2020-03-05 20:36:54 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef __

TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixHelix.h 1960 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _Tracker__

TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine.h 2084 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _Tracker__

TwoTrackMinimumDistanceLineLine.h 1220 bytes 2019-05-31 10:17:21 2024-04-06 12:31:34

ifndef _Tracker__