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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 def Phase2OTMonitorCluster(*args, **kwargs):
0004   mod = cms.EDProducer('Phase2OTMonitorCluster',
0005     GlobalNClusters = cms.PSet(
0006       name = cms.string('NumberOfClusters'),
0007       title = cms.string(';Number of clusters per event;'),
0008       xmin = cms.double(0),
0009       switch = cms.bool(True),
0010       xmax = cms.double(350000),
0011       NxBins = cms.int32(150)
0012     ),
0013     GlobalPositionXY_P = cms.PSet(
0014       name = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_XY_P'),
0015       title = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_XY_P;x [mm];y [mm];'),
0016       NxBins = cms.int32(1250),
0017       xmin = cms.double(-1250),
0018       xmax = cms.double(1250),
0019       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0020       ymin = cms.double(-1250),
0021       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0022       switch = cms.bool(True)
0023     ),
0024     GlobalPositionXY_S = cms.PSet(
0025       name = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_XY_S'),
0026       title = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_XY_S;x [mm];y [mm];'),
0027       NxBins = cms.int32(1250),
0028       xmin = cms.double(-1250),
0029       xmax = cms.double(1250),
0030       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0031       ymin = cms.double(-1250),
0032       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0033       switch = cms.bool(True)
0034     ),
0035     GlobalPositionRZ_P = cms.PSet(
0036       name = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_RZ_P'),
0037       title = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_RZ_P;z [mm];r [mm]'),
0038       NxBins = cms.int32(1500),
0039       xmin = cms.double(-3000),
0040       xmax = cms.double(3000),
0041       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0042       ymin = cms.double(0),
0043       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0044       switch = cms.bool(True)
0045     ),
0046     GlobalPositionRZ_S = cms.PSet(
0047       name = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_RZ_S'),
0048       title = cms.string('Global_ClusterPosition_RZ_S;z [mm];r [mm]'),
0049       NxBins = cms.int32(1500),
0050       xmin = cms.double(-3000),
0051       xmax = cms.double(3000),
0052       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0053       ymin = cms.double(0),
0054       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0055       switch = cms.bool(True)
0056     ),
0057     NClustersLayer_P = cms.PSet(
0058       name = cms.string('NumberOfClustersLayerP'),
0059       title = cms.string(';Number of clusters per event(macro pixel sensor);'),
0060       xmin = cms.double(0),
0061       xmax = cms.double(28000),
0062       NxBins = cms.int32(150),
0063       switch = cms.bool(True)
0064     ),
0065     NClustersLayer_S = cms.PSet(
0066       name = cms.string('NumberOfClustersLayerS'),
0067       title = cms.string(';Number of clusters per event(strip sensor);'),
0068       xmin = cms.double(0),
0069       xmax = cms.double(28000),
0070       NxBins = cms.int32(150),
0071       switch = cms.bool(True)
0072     ),
0073     ClusterSize_P = cms.PSet(
0074       name = cms.string('ClusterSize_P'),
0075       title = cms.string(';cluster size(macro pixel sensor);'),
0076       xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
0077       xmax = cms.double(30.5),
0078       NxBins = cms.int32(31),
0079       switch = cms.bool(True)
0080     ),
0081     ClusterSize_S = cms.PSet(
0082       name = cms.string('ClusterSize_S'),
0083       title = cms.string(';cluster size(strip sensor);'),
0084       xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
0085       xmax = cms.double(30.5),
0086       NxBins = cms.int32(31),
0087       switch = cms.bool(True)
0088     ),
0089     GlobalPositionXY_perlayer_P = cms.PSet(
0090       name = cms.string('GlobalPositionXY_perlayer_P'),
0091       title = cms.string('GlobalClusterPositionXY_perlayer_P;x [mm];y [mm];'),
0092       NxBins = cms.int32(1250),
0093       xmin = cms.double(-1250),
0094       xmax = cms.double(1250),
0095       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0096       ymin = cms.double(-1250),
0097       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0098       switch = cms.bool(False)
0099     ),
0100     GlobalPositionXY_perlayer_S = cms.PSet(
0101       name = cms.string('GlobalPositionXY_perlayer_S'),
0102       title = cms.string('GlobalClusterPositionXY_perlayer_S;x [mm];y [mm];'),
0103       NxBins = cms.int32(1250),
0104       xmin = cms.double(-1250),
0105       xmax = cms.double(1250),
0106       NyBins = cms.int32(1250),
0107       ymin = cms.double(-1250),
0108       ymax = cms.double(1250),
0109       switch = cms.bool(False)
0110     ),
0111     LocalPositionXY_P = cms.PSet(
0112       name = cms.string('LocalPositionXY_P'),
0113       title = cms.string('LocalPositionXY_P;x ;y ;'),
0114       NxBins = cms.int32(50),
0115       xmin = cms.double(-10),
0116       xmax = cms.double(10),
0117       NyBins = cms.int32(50),
0118       ymin = cms.double(-10),
0119       ymax = cms.double(10),
0120       switch = cms.bool(True)
0121     ),
0122     LocalPositionXY_S = cms.PSet(
0123       name = cms.string('LocalPositionXY_S'),
0124       title = cms.string('LocalPositionXY_S;x ;y ;'),
0125       NxBins = cms.int32(50),
0126       xmin = cms.double(-10),
0127       xmax = cms.double(10),
0128       NyBins = cms.int32(50),
0129       ymin = cms.double(-10),
0130       ymax = cms.double(10),
0131       switch = cms.bool(True)
0132     ),
0133     TopFolderName = cms.string('TrackerPhase2OTCluster'),
0134     clusterSrc = cms.InputTag('siPhase2Clusters'),
0135     mightGet = cms.optional.untracked.vstring
0136   )
0137   for a in args:
0138     mod.update_(a)
0139   mod.update_(kwargs)
0140   return mod