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Definitions for AlgebraicVector

Type Member of File Line
typedef /DataFormats/CLHEP/interface/AlgebraicObjects.h 13

1 declarations in 1 files.

References to AlgebraicVector

File Line
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/AlignTools.h 20 31
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/AlignmentParameters.h 43 47 63 64 73 79 115 115 117 117
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/AlignmentParametersData.h 16 19 23 26 31 48
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/SurveyResidual.h 40
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 10 61 84
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 12 23 54 64 166 166 182 215 215 230
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 9 14 21 24 30 36 37
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 44 84
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 123
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 101 101 159 159 201 211 289 341
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 46 76
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/plugins/ 44
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/BeamSpotAlignmentParameters.h 33 38 48 52 63 66 69 76
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/BowedSurfaceAlignmentParameters.h 49 54 64 68
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/CompositeAlignmentDerivativesExtractor.h 36 43 46 51
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/CompositeAlignmentParameters.h 40 42 59 65 68 93 95 116
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/FrameToFrameDerivative.h 58 66
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/RigidBodyAlignmentParameters.h 33 38 48 52 63 66 69 76
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/RigidBodyAlignmentParameters4D.h 32 38 52 56
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/interface/TwoBowedSurfacesAlignmentParameters.h 77 82 92 96
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 86 100 105 110 115
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 26 37 51 63 115 116 125 126 154 174 175 177 203 204
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 26 30 41 52 66 97 103
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 62 68 93 108 109 133 136
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 17 23 51 59 94 103 217 231 234
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 38 103 104 105 106 139 140 141 173 175 181 185
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 26 37 48 61 110 111 119 120 135 155 156 158 183 184
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 35 49
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentParametrization/src/ 28 33 44 56 69 129
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/src/ 805
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/test/GlobalPositionRcdScan.cpp 102
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/interface/HIPUserVariables.h 8 13 14
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 391 524 532 584 588 626 637 696 700 1201 1250 1254 1255
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 107 108 109 149 151 152
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 767 768
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 181
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 414
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/plugins/ 831 842 863 886 897 906 919
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/plugins/MuonGeometryArrange.h 64
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/plugins/ 178 182 187 191
/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/plugins/ 99
/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/plugins/ 275 346 347 468
/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/plugins/CSCChamberFitter.h 39
/Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/plugins/ 1051
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 693 748 803 830 850
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/TrackerGeometryCompare.h 72
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/interface/BeamSpotTransientTrackingRecHit.h 45
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/interface/DualBzeroReferenceTrajectory.h 64
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/interface/DualReferenceTrajectory.h 69
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/interface/ReferenceTrajectory.h 117 184
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/interface/ReferenceTrajectoryBase.h 146 155 191 246 249 252
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/src/ 11 12
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/src/ 43 44
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/src/ 138
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/src/ 289 481 484 1146
/Alignment/ReferenceTrajectories/src/ 45 45
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/interface/SurveyParameters.h 21 28 31
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/plugins/ 79 138 272 273 639 640
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/plugins/CreateSurveyRcds.h 50 53
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 19 58
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 19 34
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 17
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 94 95
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 5 14 19
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/interface/TwoBodyDecay.h 33
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/interface/TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h 32 40 45 53
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/interface/TwoBodyDecayModel.h 33 38 38 42 42 42 46 46 50 50
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/interface/TwoBodyDecayParameters.h 21 23 26 34 46 53
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/interface/TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement.h 41 45 46
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/src/ 29 39 40 89 102 111 112 117 127 127 132 134 137 142 143 159 161 164 169 170 184 215
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/src/ 19 24 29 45 49 50 56 60 61 84
/Alignment/TwoBodyDecay/src/ 65 69 69 72 80 80 81 121 121 125 125
/CommonTools/Statistics/interface/RandomMultiGauss.h 18 26 35
/CommonTools/Statistics/src/ 9 18 71 72
/CondFormats/Alignment/interface/Definitions.h 34
/DataFormats/CLHEP/interface/AlgebraicObjects.h 13
/DataFormats/CSCRecHit/interface/CSCSegment.h 46
/DataFormats/CSCRecHit/src/ 56 60
/DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTRecSegment2D.h 70 148 149
/DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTRecSegment4D.h 52
/DataFormats/DTRecHit/interface/DTSLRecCluster.h 52 88 89
/DataFormats/DTRecHit/src/ 80 83 91
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/interface/GEMCSCSegment.h 50
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/interface/GEMSegment.h 59
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/interface/ME0Segment.h 54
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/src/ 91 95
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/src/ 106 110
/DataFormats/GEMRecHit/src/ 93 97
/DataFormats/GeometryCommonDetAlgo/interface/ErrorFrameTransformer.h 58 59
/DataFormats/TrackerRecHit2D/interface/BaseTrackerRecHit.h 112
/DataFormats/TrackerRecHit2D/src/ 76 78
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/InvalidTrackingRecHit.h 24
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/RecHit1D.h 28
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/RecHit2DLocalPos.h 18
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHit.h 90
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/src/ 6 8
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/src/ 13 14
/DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/src/ 3 4
/RecoMuon/GlobalTrackingTools/src/ 22 52 81
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/plugins/ 477
/RecoMuon/MuonSeedGenerator/src/ 153
/RecoMuon/TrackingTools/src/ 51
/RecoMuon/TransientTrackingRecHit/src/ 50 54 55
/RecoTracker/DebugTools/plugins/ 769 888
/RecoTracker/PixelTrackFitting/interface/KFBasedPixelFitter.h 50
/RecoTracker/PixelTrackFitting/src/ 38 39
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/interface/GenericProjectedRecHit2D.h 23
/RecoTracker/SiTrackerMRHTools/src/ 26 27
/RecoTracker/TrackProducer/plugins/ 195 195
/RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/TRecHit1DMomConstraint.h 11 12
/RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/TRecHit2DPosConstraint.h 20 21
/RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/TRecHit5DParamConstraint.h 29
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/BackToBackKinematicConstraint.h 31 31 31 33 33 40 40 42 45
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/ColinearityKinematicConstraint.h 27
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/CombinedKinematicConstraint.h 33
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/FourMomentumKinematicConstraint.h 24 24 30 30 30 32 32 38 41 41 49 54 55
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/KinematicConstrainedVertexUpdator.h 31
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/MassKinematicConstraint.h 28 28 28 30 30 36 36 38 48 54
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/MomentumKinematicConstraint.h 21 21 27 27 27 29 29 35 38 38 40 51 52
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/MultiTrackMassKinematicConstraint.h 29
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/MultiTrackPointingKinematicConstraint.h 30
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/MultiTrackVertexLinkKinematicConstraint.h 26
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/PointingKinematicConstraint.h 27 27 27 29 29 35 38 38 40 52 52 52 53 53
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/SimplePointingConstraint.h 27 27 27 29 29 35 38 38 40 52 52 52 53 53
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/SmartPointingConstraint.h 27 27 27 29 29 35 38 38 40 52 52 52 53 53
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/TwoTrackMassKinematicConstraint.h 30
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/interface/VertexKinematicConstraint.h 25
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 5 5 5 10 13 17 17 20 21 26 36 39 39 44 53 54 55 60 60 63 68 79 82 83
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 12 16
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 3 5 12
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 5 9 29 29 30 41 42 48 48 51 52 63 71 74 74 81 82 89 89 92 101 107 110 115
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 71 74 88
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 16 24 28 35 42 49 53 65 68 122 125 145
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 127 130 131 146 150 152 155 161 162 180 195 230
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 6 11 11 11 24 25 27 27 30 30 43 44 47 47 55 56 58 58 61 69 72 75 80
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 4 8 15 15 15 26 27 31 31 34 35 47 52 55 55 62 63 67 67 70 77 82 85 90
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 23
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 11
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 11
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 4 4 16 17 20 23 23 26 27 38 44 47 56 61 64 64 71 72 75 75 78 78 79 80 81 110 110 113 114 116 179 182 182
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 4 4 16 17 20 23 23 26 26 37 43 46 55 62 65 65 72 73 79 79 82 82 86 86 86 88 89 119 119 122 123 125 251
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 4 4 16 17 20 23 23 26 26 37 43 46 55 62 65 65 72 73 79 79 82 82 86 86 86 88 89 116 116 119 120 122 180
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 4 9
/RecoVertex/KinematicFit/src/ 9 16
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/interface/KinematicConstraint.h 38 38 38 40 40 48 48 51 62
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/interface/MultiTrackKinematicConstraint.h 41
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/interface/MultipleKinematicConstraint.h 23 23 23 25 25 32 32 34 45
/RecoVertex/KinematicFitPrimitives/src/ 10 10 10 19 28 32 39 39 42 43 54 70 83 83 88 102 106 113 113 116 121 146 149 150 154
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/MeasurementExtractor.h 21
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/src/ 3 4
/TrackingTools/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/GenericTransientTrackingRecHit.h 13
/Validation/TrackerRecHits/src/ 413 416 419 495 499 502

794 references in 152 files.