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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for HGCalDetId

Type Member of File Line
class /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 8
function prototype or declaration HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 23
function prototype or declaration HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 25
function prototype or declaration HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 27
function prototype or declaration HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 29
function definition HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/src/ 6
function definition HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/src/ 8
function definition HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/src/ 10
function definition HGCalDetId /DataFormats/ForwardDetId/src/ 33
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 103
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 74
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 50
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 145
function prototype or declaration /L1Trigger/L1THGCal/test/ 606
function prototype or declaration /L1Trigger/L1THGCal/test/ 727

15 declarations in 7 files.

References to HGCalDetId

File Line
/DataFormats/ForwardDetId/interface/HGCalDetId.h 8 23 25 27 29 31 34 34 56 59
/DataFormats/ForwardDetId/src/ 6 6 8 8 10 10 33 33 35 35 40 55
/DataFormats/HGCRecHit/src/ 109 111
/DataFormats/HGCalDigi/interface/HGCalDigiCollections.h 10
/Geometry/CaloTopology/src/ 135 153
/Geometry/CaloTopology/src/ 599 650
/Geometry/CaloTopology/test/ 70 72 79
/Geometry/HGCalCommonData/src/ 1863
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 65 65 103 171 843 885
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 65 72
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 56 56 74 84 474 507
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/src/ 56 63
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 133 133
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 50
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 99 109 110
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 51
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 117 126 126 127
/Geometry/HGCalGeometry/test/ 129 133 145 196
/Geometry/HGCalTBCommonData/src/ 653 653
/L1Trigger/L1THGCal/plugins/geometries/ 296 296 412 476 524 543 690 690 691 691 711 824 826 828
/L1Trigger/L1THGCal/plugins/geometries/ 1148
/L1Trigger/L1THGCal/test/ 606 635 668 681 694 720 722 727 789 832 911 1053
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 93
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecAlgos/src/ 35 183 202 258 369 405 423 434
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/ 158 162
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFHGCalRecHitCreator.h 111 112
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFRecHitQTests.h 692
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/ 158
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimProducers/interface/HGCDigitizerBase.h 35 35
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimProducers/plugins/ 64
/SimG4CMS/HGCalTestBeam/plugins/ 735 750 908 909 1212 1213 1215
/SimG4CMS/HGCalTestBeam/plugins/ 237
/SimGeneral/CaloAnalysis/plugins/ 580
/SimGeneral/Debugging/plugins/ 314
/Validation/HGCalValidation/test/ 503
/Validation/HGCalValidation/test/ 1358 1698
/Validation/HGCalValidation/test/ 245 245

126 references in 37 files.