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Last indexation completed on 2024-09-10 02:59:17 UTC

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Definitions for SteppingHelixPropagator

Type Member of File Line
function prototype or declaration final /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixPropagator.h 73
function prototype or declaration final /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixPropagator.h 74
extern or forward variable declaration /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixStateInfo.h 24
extern or forward variable declaration /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixStateInfo.h 28
variable /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/python/ 3
function definition SteppingHelixPropagator /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/src/ 56
function definition SteppingHelixPropagator /TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/src/ 58

7 declarations in 4 files.

References to SteppingHelixPropagator

File Line
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentProducer/plugins/ 744 744 745 745 1434 1434 1435 1435
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 2041
/Calibration/HcalAlCaRecoProducers/plugins/ 590
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/test/ 78 225
/FastSimulation/MuonSimHitProducer/plugins/ 152 153 286
/GeneratorInterface/GenFilters/plugins/ 348
/PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/src/ 23
/RecoMTD/DetLayers/test/ 214 264 361
/RecoMuon/DetLayers/test/ 181 229
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixPropagator.h 36 73 74 76 76 185 191 192 193 200 201 203 204 210 210 213 214 217 220 230 239 247
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixStateInfo.h 24 28
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/plugins/ 64 65
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/python/ 4 6 8
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/python/ 3
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/python/ 5 10 16 22 26 30
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/src/ 38 54 56 56 58 58 79 92 105 121 145 152 178 214 246 269 296 309 309 311 657 657 658 659 775 775 776 778 779 870 870 871 879 879 880 883 1317 1317 1773 1781 1781 1781 1782 2049 2049 2049 2308 2308 2308 2432
/TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/test/ 350 350 386 386
/TrackingTools/TrackAssociator/src/ 78 78 97 97 237 237
/TrackingTools/TrackAssociator/src/ 98
/Validation/MtdValidation/plugins/ 739

120 references in 20 files.