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Definitions for TrackingParticle

Type Member of File Line
variable /L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/python/ 73
class /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h 29
function prototype or declaration TrackingParticle /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h 50
function prototype or declaration TrackingParticle /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h 52
extern or forward variable declaration /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticleFwd.h 9
function definition TrackingParticle /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/src/ 10
function definition TrackingParticle /SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/src/ 14
class /Validation/RecoTrack/python/plotting/ 971
extern or forward variable declaration /Validation/TrackingMCTruth/interface/TrackingTruthValid.h 11

9 declarations in 6 files.

References to TrackingParticle

File Line
/AnalysisDataFormats/TrackInfo/interface/RecoTracktoTP.h 33 33 82 83 83
/AnalysisDataFormats/TrackInfo/interface/TPtoRecoTrack.h 41 41 108 109 109
/AnalysisDataFormats/TrackInfo/src/ 12 13 32 35 38
/AnalysisDataFormats/TrackInfo/src/ 12 13 32 35 38
/CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/plugins/ 63
/CommonTools/RecoAlgos/interface/CosmicTrackingParticleSelector.h 42
/Fireworks/FWInterface/plugins/ 27 41 44 94 161
/Fireworks/SimData/plugins/ 20 38 39 45 64
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1/interface/Tools/CandidateSimMuonMatcher.h 62 91 133 139 149 165
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1/src/Tools/ 146 157 198 252 363 395 474 701
/L1Trigger/L1TMuonOverlapPhase1/src/Tools/ 357 362
/L1Trigger/L1TTrackMatch/plugins/ 158
/L1Trigger/L1TTrackMatch/plugins/ 76 90 102 104 119 181 186
/L1Trigger/L1TTrackMatch/test/ 242 730 1869 2118 2283 2506 2595 2597 2784 2815 2953 2985
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/Stub.h 81
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/interface/TP.h 21
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ 58 81
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTMTT/src/ 328 338 359 361 380
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/plugins/ 193 250 399 424 439 579 582
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/test/ 139 312 847 943 1221 1345 1347 1524 1570
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/interface/Setup.h 94 96
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/python/ 73
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/src/ 646 651
/L1Trigger/TrackerDTC/test/ 53 91 309 314 324
/L1Trigger/TrackerTFP/python/ 5
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/interface/InputData.h 23 24 41
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/interface/L1TrackTruthMatched.h 28 28
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/interface/Stub.h 26
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/interface/TP.h 14
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/plugins/ 63 80
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/plugins/ 64 131
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/plugins/ 541
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/src/ 27 65
/L1Trigger/VertexFinder/src/ 80 83
/MuonAnalysis/MuonAssociators/plugins/ 119 607
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 98 129 264
/RecoTracker/DebugTools/plugins/ 359 373
/RecoTracker/DebugTools/plugins/ 333
/SimDataFormats/Associations/interface/TTClusterAssociationMap.h 186 240 283
/SimDataFormats/Associations/interface/TTTypes.h 11
/SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h 29 30 50 52
/SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticleFwd.h 9 10 11 17
/SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/src/ 8 10 10 14 14 19 21 23 25 25 27 27 29 29 31 31 33 35 37 39 41 47 49 51 55 59 63
/SimGeneral/Debugging/plugins/ 71 105 130
/SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis/plugins/ 29 31 39 48 52 57 64 70 85 96
/SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis/plugins/ 171 201 202 204 226 227 664 678 1082 1083 1119 1197 1220 1250 1251 1256 1306 1356
/SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis/src/ 53
/SimGeneral/TrackingAnalysis/test/ 17 18
/SimMuon/MCTruth/plugins/ 118 576
/SimMuon/MCTruth/plugins/ 108
/SimMuon/MCTruth/src/ 74
/SimMuon/MCTruth/src/ 364 770 805
/SimTracker/Common/interface/TrackingParticleSelector.h 67 69 71 75 76 92 93 95 120 121 128 132 142
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/interface/CosmicParametersDefinerForTP.h 23 26 30 30 35 40 43 48
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/interface/ParametersDefinerForTP.h 31 37 43 49 55 61 67 67 72 72
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/interface/trackAssociationChi2.h 26 31
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/plugins/ 79
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/plugins/ 63 226
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/src/ 19 36 97 120 135 194 198
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/src/ 17 30 40 45 57 67 71 76 76 87 88 98 100
/SimTracker/TrackAssociation/src/ 55 70
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 60 65 354 504 544
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/QuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImpl.h 179
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 21
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 103 183 507 518 543 554
/SimTracker/TrackAssociatorProducers/plugins/TrackAssociatorByHitsImpl.h 81 84
/SimTracker/TrackHistory/src/ 465
/SimTracker/TrackTriggerAssociation/plugins/TTClusterAssociator.h 54 59 81
/SimTracker/TrackTriggerAssociation/plugins/ 126 149 155
/SimTracker/TrackTriggerAssociation/plugins/ 50 96
/Validation/MtdValidation/plugins/ 86 87 90 1264 1269 1295
/Validation/MtdValidation/plugins/ 215 255 1397 2860
/Validation/RecoB/plugins/ 319 320 321
/Validation/RecoMuon/plugins/ 484 486 487 499 500 771 771 773 774
/Validation/RecoMuon/src/ 379 1040
/Validation/RecoMuon/src/ 379 1043
/Validation/RecoParticleFlow/plugins/ 141 142 155 305 602 604 674 1002 1003 1006
/Validation/RecoTrack/interface/MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTracker.h 162 163 169 170 171 194 195 243 244
/Validation/RecoTrack/interface/MultiTrackValidator.h 109 109
/Validation/RecoTrack/plugins/ 434 434 444 445 461 730 730 884 887 888 903 903 904 904 915 916 1082 1177 1178
/Validation/RecoTrack/plugins/ 184 185 198 199 380 381
/Validation/RecoTrack/plugins/ 2934 4426 4427
/Validation/RecoTrack/python/plotting/ 332 362 609 968 971 980 1094 1158 1164
/Validation/RecoTrack/src/ 1715 1716 1730 1731 1732 2269 2270 2569 2570
/Validation/RecoTrack/test/fakeAnalysis/ 606
/Validation/RecoTrack/test/fakeAnalysis/ 273
/Validation/RecoTrack/test/fakeAnalysis/ 257
/Validation/SiTrackerPhase2V/plugins/ 119 143 167 184 325
/Validation/TrackingMCTruth/interface/TrackingTruthValid.h 11 15
/Validation/TrackingMCTruth/plugins/ 16 19 20

396 references in 90 files.