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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-11 03:08:17 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for bField_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member HcalHBHEMuonHighEtaAnalyzer /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 132
class, struct, or union member IsoTrig /Calibration/IsolatedParticles/plugins/ 198
class, struct, or union member tt::Setup /L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/interface/Setup.h 729
local variable /L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/src/ 389
class, struct, or union member CalIsolationAlgo /PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/interface/CalIsolationAlgo.h 35
class, struct, or union member CandCommonVertexFitterBase /PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/interface/CandCommonVertexFitter.h 28
class, struct, or union member CandKinematicVertexFitter /PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/interface/CandKinematicVertexFitter.h 41
class, struct, or union member HGCalTrackCollectionProducer /RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/plugins/ 62
class, struct, or union member reco::tau::PFRecoTauChargedHadronFromPFCandidatePlugin /RecoTauTag/RecoTau/plugins/ 78

9 declarations in 9 files.

References to bField_

File Line
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 132 364 563 584 608 693 769
/Calibration/IsolatedParticles/plugins/ 198 573 575 1221 1452 1693 1837 1958
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/interface/Setup.h 204 729
/L1Trigger/TrackTrigger/src/ 113 385 389 675
/PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/interface/CalIsolationAlgo.h 29 35 51
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/interface/CandCommonVertexFitter.h 22 24 28
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/interface/CandKinematicVertexFitter.h 28 30 30 31 41
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/src/ 10 84
/PhysicsTools/RecoUtils/src/ 33 157
/RecoParticleFlow/PFTracking/plugins/ 62 115 123 165
/RecoTauTag/RecoTau/plugins/ 78 117 200 216 217
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/ 36 57 81 105
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/HelixFitOnGPU.h 56 59 79
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/ 27 36 50 59 74 83 98 107
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/RiemannFitOnGPU.icc 33 43 59 69 86 96 112 122
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/ 290 328 366 396
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/HelixFit.h 68 71 93
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/ 256 268 295 307 335 347 374 386

83 references in 18 files.