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Definitions for deltaR_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member PFCandIsolatorFromDeposits::SingleDeposit /CommonTools/ParticleFlow/plugins/ 54
class, struct, or union member reco::MatchByDR /CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MatchByDR.h 18
class, struct, or union member reco::MatchByDRDPt /CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MatchByDRDPt.h 20
class, struct, or union member ElectronAnalyzer /DQMOffline/EGamma/plugins/ElectronAnalyzer.h 68
class, struct, or union member PFCandidateMonitor /DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/PFCandidateMonitor.h 75
class, struct, or union member PFJetMonitor /DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/PFJetMonitor.h 54
class, struct, or union member ElectronIsoAnalyzer /EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/test/ 68
class, struct, or union member TriggerMatcherToHLTDebug /MuonAnalysis/MuonAssociators/plugins/ 86
class, struct, or union member CandIsolatorFromDeposits::SingleDeposit /PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/plugins/ 46
class, struct, or union member GenJetFlavourTableProducer /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 54
class, struct, or union member pat::helper::IsoDepositIsolator /PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/interface/IsoDepositIsolator.h 26
class, struct, or union member pat::helper::BasicOverlapTest /PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/interface/OverlapTest.h 65
class, struct, or union member PatElectronAnalyzer /PhysicsTools/PatExamples/plugins/ 67
class, struct, or union member CaloConeSelector /RecoCaloTools/Selectors/interface/CaloConeSelector.h 58
class, struct, or union member ElectronMVANtuplizer /RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/plugins/ 89
class, struct, or union member PhotonMVANtuplizer /RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/plugins/ 92
class, struct, or union member HiGenCleaner /RecoHI/HiJetAlgos/interface/HiGenCleaner.h 52
class, struct, or union member JetCoreClusterSplitter /RecoLocalTracker/SubCollectionProducers/src/ 55
class, struct, or union member DeepCoreSeedGenerator /RecoTracker/TkSeedGenerator/plugins/ 118
class, struct, or union member ElectronMcSignalValidatorMiniAOD /Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/ElectronMcMiniAODSignalValidator.h 38
class, struct, or union member JetCoreMCtruthSeedGenerator /Validation/RecoTrack/plugins/ 114

21 declarations in 21 files.

References to deltaR_

File Line
/CommonTools/ParticleFlow/plugins/ 54 85 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215
/CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MatchByDR.h 15 18
/CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/MatchByDRDPt.h 14 16 20
/DQMOffline/EGamma/plugins/ 43 737
/DQMOffline/EGamma/plugins/ElectronAnalyzer.h 68
/DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/PFCandidateMonitor.h 75 101 102 179 180
/DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/PFJetMonitor.h 54 116 117
/DQMOffline/PFTau/src/ 27 149
/DQMOffline/PFTau/src/ 25 79
/EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/test/ 68 111 128 130 133
/MuonAnalysis/MuonAssociators/plugins/ 86 135 250
/PhysicsTools/IsolationAlgos/plugins/ 46 73 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 30 54 75
/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/interface/IsoDepositIsolator.h 26
/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/interface/OverlapTest.h 51 65
/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/src/ 13 87 101 103 105 107 109 111 113
/PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/src/ 28
/PhysicsTools/PatExamples/plugins/ 67 100 140
/RecoCaloTools/Selectors/interface/CaloConeSelector.h 19 22 41 58
/RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/plugins/ 89 154 362
/RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/plugins/ 92 171 311
/RecoHI/HiJetAlgos/interface/HiGenCleaner.h 52
/RecoHI/HiJetAlgos/src/ 64 115
/RecoLocalTracker/SubCollectionProducers/src/ 55 72 126
/RecoTracker/TkSeedGenerator/plugins/ 118 171 535
/Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/ 25 26 26
/Validation/RecoEgamma/plugins/ElectronMcMiniAODSignalValidator.h 38
/Validation/RecoTrack/plugins/ 114 171 372 445

96 references in 28 files.