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0001 #ifndef DQMOffline_PFTau_PFCandidateMonitor_h
0002 #define DQMOffline_PFTau_PFCandidateMonitor_h
0004 #include "DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/Benchmark.h"
0005 #include "DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/CandidateBenchmark.h"
0006 #include "DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/MatchCandidateBenchmark.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/Candidate/interface/Candidate.h"
0010 #include "DataFormats/Candidate/interface/CandidateFwd.h"
0012 #include <vector>
0014 #include <TH1.h>  //needed by the deltaR->Fill() call
0016 class PFCandidateMonitor : public Benchmark {
0017 public:
0018   PFCandidateMonitor(float dRMax = 0.3, bool matchCharge = true, Benchmark::Mode mode = Benchmark::DEFAULT);
0020   ~PFCandidateMonitor() override;
0022   /// set the parameters locally
0023   void setParameters(float dRMax,
0024                      bool matchCharge,
0025                      Benchmark::Mode mode,
0026                      float ptmin,
0027                      float ptmax,
0028                      float etamin,
0029                      float etamax,
0030                      float phimin,
0031                      float phimax,
0032                      bool refHistoFlag);
0034   /// set the parameters accessing them from ParameterSet
0035   void setParameters(const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet);
0037   /// set directory (to use in ROOT)
0038   void setDirectory(TDirectory *dir) override;
0040   /// book histograms
0041   void setup(DQMStore::IBooker &b);
0042   void setup(DQMStore::IBooker &b, const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet);
0044   /// fill histograms with all particle
0045   template <class T, class C>
0046   /*void fill(const T& candidateCollection,
0047     const C& matchedCandCollection, float& minVal, float& maxVal) ;*/
0048   void fill(const T &candidateCollection,
0049             const C &matchedCandCollection,
0050             float &minVal,
0051             float &maxVal,
0052             const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet);
0053   template <class T, class C, class M>
0054   void fill(const T &candidateCollection,
0055             const C &matchedCandCollection,
0056             float &minVal,
0057             float &maxVal,
0058             const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet,
0059             const M &muonMatchedCandCollection);
0061   void fillOne(const reco::Candidate &cand);
0063 protected:
0064   CandidateBenchmark candBench_;
0065   MatchCandidateBenchmark matchCandBench_;
0067   TH1F *pt_gen_;
0068   TH1F *eta_gen_;
0069   TH1F *phi_gen_;
0071   TH1F *pt_ref_;
0072   TH1F *eta_ref_;
0073   TH1F *phi_ref_;
0075   TH1F *deltaR_;
0076   float dRMax_;
0077   bool matchCharge_;
0078   bool createReferenceHistos_;
0079   bool histogramBooked_;
0081   bool matching_done_;
0082   bool createEfficiencyHistos_;
0083 };
0085 #include "DQMOffline/PFTau/interface/Matchers.h"
0086 template <class T, class C>
0087 void PFCandidateMonitor::fill(const T &candCollection,
0088                               const C &matchedCandCollection,
0089                               float &minVal,
0090                               float &maxVal,
0091                               const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet) {
0092   matching_done_ = false;
0093   if (createEfficiencyHistos_) {
0094     for (unsigned i = 0; i < candCollection.size(); ++i) {
0095       if (!isInRange(candCollection[i].pt(), candCollection[i].eta(), candCollection[i].phi()))
0096         continue;
0097       fillOne(candCollection[i]);  // fill pt_gen, eta_gen and phi_gen histos for
0098                                    // UNMATCHED generated candidate
0100       for (unsigned j = 0; j < matchedCandCollection.size(); ++j)  // for DeltaR spectrum
0101         if (deltaR_)
0102           deltaR_->Fill(reco::deltaR(candCollection[i], matchedCandCollection[j]));
0103     }
0104   }
0106   std::vector<int> matchIndices;
0107   PFB::match(candCollection, matchedCandCollection, matchIndices, matchCharge_, dRMax_);
0108   // PFB::match( candCollection, matchedCandCollection, matchIndices,
0109   // parameterSet, matchCharge_, dRMax_ );
0110   // now matchIndices[i] stores the j-th closest matched jet
0111   matching_done_ = true;
0113   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (candCollection).size(); i++) {
0114     const reco::Candidate &cand = candCollection[i];
0116     if (!isInRange(, cand.eta(), cand.phi()))
0117       continue;
0119     int iMatch = matchIndices[i];
0120     assert(iMatch < static_cast<int>(matchedCandCollection.size()));
0122     if (iMatch != -1) {
0123       const reco::Candidate &matchedCand = matchedCandCollection[iMatch];
0124       if (!isInRange(, matchedCand.eta(), matchedCand.phi()))
0125         continue;
0126       // std::cout <<"PFJet pT " << <<" eta " <<cand.eta() <<" phi "
0127       // <<cand.phi() ; std::cout <<"\nmatched genJet pT " <<
0128       // <<" eta " <<matchedCand.eta() <<" phi " <<matchedCand.phi() <<"\n"
0129       // <<std::endl ;
0130       float ptRes = ( - /;
0132       if (ptRes > maxVal)
0133         maxVal = ptRes;
0134       if (ptRes < minVal)
0135         minVal = ptRes;
0137       if (!createEfficiencyHistos_) {
0138         candBench_.fillOne(cand);  // fill pt, eta phi and charge histos for MATCHED candidate
0139         // matchCandBench_.fillOne(cand, matchedCand);  // fill delta_x_VS_y
0140         // histos for matched couple
0141         matchCandBench_.fillOne(cand, matchedCand,
0142                                 parameterSet);  // fill delta_x_VS_y histos for matched couple
0143         if (createReferenceHistos_)
0144           fillOne(matchedCand);  // fill pt_ref, eta_ref and phi_ref histos for
0145                                  // MATCHED reference candidate
0146       } else {
0147         candBench_.fillOne(matchedCand);  // fill pt, eta phi and charge histos
0148                                           // for MATCHED candidate
0149         // matchCandBench_.fillOne(matchedCand, cand);  // fill delta_x_VS_y
0150         // histos for matched couple
0151         matchCandBench_.fillOne(cand, matchedCand,
0152                                 parameterSet);  // fill delta_x_VS_y histos for matched couple
0153         if (createReferenceHistos_)
0154           fillOne(cand);  // fill pt_ref, eta_ref and phi_ref histos for MATCHED
0155                           // reference candidate
0156       }
0157     }
0158   }
0159 }
0161 template <class T, class C, class M>
0162 /*void PFCandidateMonitor::fill(const T& candCollection,
0163   const C& matchedCandCollection, float& minVal, float& maxVal) {*/
0164 void PFCandidateMonitor::fill(const T &candCollection,
0165                               const C &matchedCandCollection,
0166                               float &minVal,
0167                               float &maxVal,
0168                               const edm::ParameterSet &parameterSet,
0169                               const M &muonMatchedCandCollection) {
0170   matching_done_ = false;
0171   if (createEfficiencyHistos_) {
0172     for (unsigned i = 0; i < candCollection.size(); ++i) {
0173       if (!isInRange(candCollection[i].pt(), candCollection[i].eta(), candCollection[i].phi()))
0174         continue;
0175       fillOne(candCollection[i]);  // fill pt_gen, eta_gen and phi_gen histos for
0176                                    // UNMATCHED generated candidate
0178       for (unsigned j = 0; j < matchedCandCollection.size(); ++j)  // for DeltaR spectrum
0179         if (deltaR_)
0180           deltaR_->Fill(reco::deltaR(candCollection[i], matchedCandCollection[j]));
0181     }
0182   }
0184   std::vector<int> matchIndices;
0185   // PFB::match( candCollection, matchedCandCollection, matchIndices,
0186   // matchCharge_, dRMax_ ); PFB::match( candCollection, matchedCandCollection,
0187   // matchIndices, parameterSet, matchCharge_, dRMax_ );
0188   PFB::match(candCollection,
0189              matchedCandCollection,
0190              matchIndices,
0191              parameterSet,
0192              muonMatchedCandCollection,
0193              matchCharge_,
0194              dRMax_);
0195   // now matchIndices[i] stores the j-th closest matched jet
0196   matching_done_ = true;
0198   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (candCollection).size(); i++) {
0199     const reco::Candidate &cand = candCollection[i];
0201     if (!isInRange(, cand.eta(), cand.phi()))
0202       continue;
0204     int iMatch = matchIndices[i];
0205     assert(iMatch < static_cast<int>(matchedCandCollection.size()));
0207     if (iMatch != -1) {
0208       const reco::Candidate &matchedCand = matchedCandCollection[iMatch];
0209       if (!isInRange(, matchedCand.eta(), matchedCand.phi()))
0210         continue;
0211       // std::cout <<"PFJet pT " << <<" eta " <<cand.eta() <<" phi "
0212       // <<cand.phi() ; std::cout <<"\nmatched genJet pT " <<
0213       // <<" eta " <<matchedCand.eta() <<" phi " <<matchedCand.phi() <<"\n"
0214       // <<std::endl ;
0215       float ptRes = ( - /;
0217       if (ptRes > maxVal)
0218         maxVal = ptRes;
0219       if (ptRes < minVal)
0220         minVal = ptRes;
0222       if (!createEfficiencyHistos_) {
0223         candBench_.fillOne(cand);  // fill pt, eta phi and charge histos for MATCHED candidate
0224         matchCandBench_.fillOne(cand, matchedCand,
0225                                 parameterSet);  // fill delta_x_VS_y histos for matched couple
0226         if (createReferenceHistos_)
0227           fillOne(matchedCand);  // fill pt_ref, eta_ref and phi_ref histos for
0228                                  // MATCHED reference candidate
0229       } else {
0230         candBench_.fillOne(matchedCand);  // fill pt, eta phi and charge histos
0231                                           // for MATCHED candidate
0232         matchCandBench_.fillOne(cand, matchedCand,
0233                                 parameterSet);  // fill delta_x_VS_y histos for matched couple
0234         if (createReferenceHistos_)
0235           fillOne(cand);  // fill pt_ref, eta_ref and phi_ref histos for MATCHED
0236                           // reference candidate
0237       }
0238     }
0239   }
0240 }
0241 #endif