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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for expected

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/plugins/ 349
local variable /CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/ProductBase.h 69
local variable /CondFormats/DTObjects/src/ 57
local variable /CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 83
variable definition /DPGAnalysis/Skims/src/ 73
local variable /DQMOffline/Muon/src/ 1378
variable /DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33
variable /DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33
variable /DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33
variable /DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 39
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationVector.h 261
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/AtomicPtrCache.h 129
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h 121
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h 134
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h 327
local variable /DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h 395
local variable /DataFormats/Common/src/ 121
local variable /DataFormats/Common/src/ 124
local variable /DataFormats/Common/src/ 148
local variable /DataFormats/L1GlobalTrigger/test/ 47
local variable /DataFormats/L1Trigger/src/ 293
local variable /DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/src/ 670
local variable /DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/ 116
local variable /DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/ 145
local variable /DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/ 356
class, struct, or union member edm::std /DataFormats/Provenance/src/ 75
local variable /FWCore/Concurrency/interface/ThreadSafeAddOnlyContainer.h 73
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/interface/CallbackBase.h 169
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/interface/ESProductResolverTemplate.h 67
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/interface/maker/Worker.h 1089
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/interface/maker/Worker.h 1211
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/src/ 33
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 2470
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 68
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 90
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 35
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 49
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 64
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 79
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 135
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/src/ 278
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 39
local variable /FWCore/Framework/src/ 47
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 96
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 105
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 120
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 138
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 155
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 172
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 188
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 208
function prototype or declaration /FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 227
local variable /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 517
local variable /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 577
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 12
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/test/ 482
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/test/ 511
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/test/ 529
variable definition /FWCore/Framework/test/ 543
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 24
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
variable /FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 301
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 322
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 342
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 359
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 86
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 86
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 286
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 251
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 166
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 211
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 279
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 313
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 335
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 368
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 390
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 397
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 87
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 205
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 239
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 296
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 334
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 358
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 365
local variable /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 93
local variable /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 620
local variable /FWCore/MessageService/src/ 162
local variable /FWCore/ParameterSet/src/ 72
local variable /FWCore/ParameterSet/src/ 84
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/test/ 1369
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/test/ 1415
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/test/ 1503
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/test/ 1543
local variable /FWCore/Reflection/interface/SetClassParsing.h 20
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 204
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 92
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 460
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 469
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 478
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 487
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 496
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 741
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 777
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 794
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 422
local variable /FWCore/Services/plugins/ 705
local variable /FWCore/Utilities/interface/CallOnceNoWait.h 46
class, struct, or union member /FWCore/Utilities/test/ 21
variable definition /FWCore/Utilities/test/ 123
local variable /GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentGeneratorFilter.h 205
local variable /GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentGeneratorFilter.h 448
local variable /GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentHadronizerFilter.h 247
local variable /GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentHadronizerFilter.h 605
local variable /GeneratorInterface/Core/plugins/ 343
local variable /Geometry/CaloTopology/src/ 84
local variable /HLTrigger/HLTcore/test/ 28
local variable /HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/ 1756
local variable /HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/ 1767
local variable /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/src/alpaka/ 84
local variable /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/test/alpaka/ 77
local variable /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/test/alpaka/ 127
variable definition /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/plugins/ 32
local variable /HeterogeneousCore/CUDAServices/plugins/ 771
variable /HeterogeneousCore/SonicCore/test/ 15
local variable /IOMC/RandomEngine/plugins/ 469
variable definition /IOPool/Input/src/ 2513
local variable /IOPool/TFileAdaptor/src/ 96
local variable /RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/ 1238
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/plugins/alpaka/PixelClustering.h 76
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/plugins/gpuClustering.h 50
local variable /RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/test/ 90
local variable /RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 235
local variable /RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 247
local variable /RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 295
local variable /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 154
local variable /RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 236
local variable /RecoTracker/TkDetLayers/src/ 24
local variable /RecoTracker/TkDetLayers/src/ 85
function prototype or declaration /SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/HcalTimeSlewTest.cpp 49
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 134
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 148
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 176
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 199
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 213
local variable /TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 241
local variable /Utilities/XrdAdaptor/src/ 85
local variable /Validation/EcalDigis/plugins/ 1753

160 declarations in 100 files.

References to expected

File Line
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/plugins/ 349 350
/Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 491 492
/CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/ProductBase.h 69 70
/CondFormats/DTObjects/src/ 57 58
/CondFormats/RPCObjects/src/ 83 84
/CondTools/RunInfo/test/ 8
/DPGAnalysis/Skims/src/ 73 74 75
/DQM/SiPixelMonitorClient/test/js_files/scriptaculous/src/unittest.js 291 293 294 298 300 301 305 307 308 309 313 315 319 321 322 326 328 329 339 341 343 354 357 358 362 365 366 370 373 377 380
/DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/test/js_files/scriptaculous/src/unittest.js 291 293 294 298 300 301 305 307 308 309 313 315 319 321 322 326 328 329 339 341 343 354 357 358 362 365 366 370 373 377 380
/DQM/TrackerCommon/test/js_files/scriptaculous/src/unittest.js 291 293 294 298 300 301 305 307 308 309 313 315 319 321 322 326 328 329 339 341 343 354 357 358 362 365 366 370 373 377 380
/DQMOffline/Muon/src/ 1378 1379
/DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33 34 35
/DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33 34 35
/DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 33 34 35
/DQMServices/FwkIO/test/ 39 40 41 43 44
/DataFormats/Common/interface/AssociationVector.h 261 262
/DataFormats/Common/interface/AtomicPtrCache.h 129 130
/DataFormats/Common/interface/ConvertHandle.h 16
/DataFormats/Common/interface/DetSetVectorNew.h 121 122 134 135 327 328 329 395 396 397
/DataFormats/Common/interface/MultiAssociation.h 132
/DataFormats/Common/src/ 17 20
/DataFormats/Common/src/ 119 121
/DataFormats/Common/src/ 124 125 148 149
/DataFormats/L1GlobalTrigger/test/ 47 48 51 52 53 54 55
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/src/ 293 294
/DataFormats/ParticleFlowCandidate/src/ 670 671
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/src/ 116 117 145 146 356 357
/DataFormats/Provenance/src/ 75 76
/DataFormats/Provenance/test/ 1257 1258 1426 1427 1467 1468 1535 1536 1576 1577 1678 1679 1723 1724 1774 1775 1835 1836 1923 1924 2053 2258 2259 2388
/FWCore/Concurrency/interface/LimitedTaskQueue.h 119 120 132 133
/FWCore/Concurrency/interface/ThreadSafeAddOnlyContainer.h 73 74 75 77
/FWCore/Concurrency/src/ 19 20
/FWCore/Framework/interface/CallbackBase.h 169 170
/FWCore/Framework/interface/ESProductResolverTemplate.h 67 68
/FWCore/Framework/interface/maker/Worker.h 1089 1090 1211 1212
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 33 34
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 2470 2471
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 97 98
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 68 69 70 90 91 92
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 35 36 37 49 50 51 64 65
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 79 80 135 136 137
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 278 279 456 457 541 542 792 793 822 823 862 863 1002 1003 1012 1013
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 39 40
/FWCore/Framework/src/ 47 48 50
/FWCore/Framework/test/ProductSelector_t.cpp 29 37 96 99 105 114 120 131 138 149 155 166 172 181 188 201 208 221 227 240
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 517 518 520 521 530 531 533 534 549 550 552 553 577 578 580 581 590 591 593 594 609 610 612 613
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 12
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 172 173 341 342 354 355 407 408 419 420 430 431 441 442 451 452 460 461 466 467 475 476 482 483 491 492 500 501 511 512 517 523 524 529 530 533 534 543 544 550 551 556 557 559 561 562 570 571 574 575 582 583 587 588 612 613 616 617 627 628 632 633
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 24
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 28 35
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 50 57
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 13
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 14
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 301 304 322 325 342 345 359 362
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 86 87 89
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 86 87 89
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 286 288
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 251 253
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 166 168 171 211 213 216 279 280 282 284 286 313 314 316 318 320 335 336 338 340 342 368 369 371 373 375 390 391 393 397 398 400
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 87 88 90
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 205 207 209 239 241 243 296 297 299 301 303 334 335 337 339 341 358 359 361 365 366 368 370 373
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 93 94 96
/FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 620 621
/FWCore/MessageService/src/ 162 164
/FWCore/ParameterSet/python/ 2098 2099 2112 2113 2118 2119 2124 2125
/FWCore/ParameterSet/python/ 58
/FWCore/ParameterSet/src/ 72 73
/FWCore/ParameterSet/src/ 84 85
/FWCore/ParameterSet/test/ 1369 1405 1415 1451 1503 1537 1543 1577
/FWCore/PythonUtilities/scripts/ 454 458 468 477 481
/FWCore/Reflection/interface/SetClassParsing.h 20 21
/FWCore/Services/plugins/ 204 206 207 228 230 231
/FWCore/Services/plugins/ 92 93
/FWCore/Services/plugins/ 460 461 469 470 478 479 487 488 496 497 741 742 777 778 794 795
/FWCore/Services/plugins/ 422 423 423 705 706 707
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/CallOnceNoWait.h 46 47
/FWCore/Utilities/test/ 21 123 146 147 165 169 178 182 187 191 202 211
/GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentGeneratorFilter.h 205 206 448 449 452
/GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/ConcurrentHadronizerFilter.h 247 248 605 606 609
/GeneratorInterface/Core/plugins/ 343 344
/GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/plugins/ 276 277
/Geometry/CaloTopology/src/ 84 85
/HLTrigger/HLTcore/test/ 12 24 24 28
/HLTrigger/Timer/plugins/ 1756 1757 1767 1768
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaCore/src/alpaka/ 84 85
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/test/alpaka/ 77 78 127 129 142 144 157 159
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/plugins/ 32 33 34
/HeterogeneousCore/CUDAServices/plugins/ 771 772
/HeterogeneousCore/SonicCore/test/ 15
/IOMC/RandomEngine/plugins/ 469 470
/IOPool/Input/src/ 2293 2295 2513 2514
/IOPool/TFileAdaptor/src/ 96 97
/L1Trigger/L1TTrackMatch/plugins/ 94 98 249 255 256 257 289 290 304 313 324 335 337 338 365 366 373 385 395
/PhysicsTools/PythonAnalysis/test/ 141 143
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/ 1238 1239
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/plugins/alpaka/PixelClustering.h 76 78 86 87
/RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer/plugins/gpuClustering.h 50 52 60 61
/RecoLocalTracker/SiStripClusterizer/test/ 90 91 98
/RecoMET/METAlgorithms/src/ 235 236 247 248 295 296
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/plugins/ 154 155
/RecoTracker/MeasurementDet/src/TkMeasurementDetSet.h 236 237
/RecoTracker/TkDetLayers/src/ 24 25
/RecoTracker/TkDetLayers/src/ 85 86
/SimCalorimetry/EcalSelectiveReadoutProducers/plugins/ 511 513
/SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/HcalTimeSlewTest.cpp 49 61 67
/TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 134 135 148 149 176 177
/TrackingTools/TransientTrack/src/ 199 200 213 214 241 242
/Utilities/XrdAdaptor/src/ 213 225
/Utilities/XrdAdaptor/src/ 85 86
/Validation/EcalDigis/plugins/ 1753 1754
/Validation/Geometry/test/dddvsdb/ 458 469 505 506 507 508 545 546 566 578 590 602 614
/Validation/Geometry/test/dddvsdb/ 446 447 448 449 450 451 453 454 455 456 457 458 484 485 486 487 524 525 544 555 566 577 588
/cfipython/HeterogeneousCore/SonicCore/ 14

692 references in 125 files.