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0001 #include "catch.hpp"
0002 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
0003 #include <cstdlib>
0004 #include <iomanip>
0005 #include <iostream>
0006 #include <memory>
0007 #include <string>
0009 namespace {
0010   struct Thing {
0011     Thing() : x() {}
0012     explicit Thing(int xx) : x(xx) {}
0013     int x;
0014   };
0016   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Thing& t) {
0017     os << "Thing(" << t.x << ")";
0018     return os;
0019   }
0021   constexpr char expected[] =
0022       "An exception of category 'InfiniteLoop' occurred.\n"
0023       "Exception Message:\n"
0024       "In func1\n"
0025       "This is just a test: \n"
0026       "double: 1.11111\n"
0027       "float:  2.22222\n"
0028       "uint:   75\n"
0029       "string: a string\n"
0030       "char*:  a nonconst pointer\n"
0031       "char[]: a c-style array\n"
0032       "Thing:  Thing(4)\n"
0033       "\n"
0034       "double: 1.111110e+00\n"
0035       "float:  2.22e+00\n"
0036       "char*:  ..a nonconst pointer\n"
0037       "\n"
0038       "Gave up\n";
0040   void func3() {
0041     double d = 1.11111;
0042     float f = 2.22222;
0043     unsigned int i = 75U;
0044     std::string s("a string");
0045     char* c1 = const_cast<char*>("a nonconst pointer");
0046     char c2[] = "a c-style array";
0047     Thing thing(4);
0049     //  throw cms::Exception("DataCorrupt")
0050     cms::Exception e("DataCorrupt");
0051     e << "This is just a test: \n"
0052       << "double: " << d << "\n"
0053       << "float:  " << f << "\n"
0054       << "uint:   " << i << "\n"
0055       << "string: " << s << "\n"
0056       << "char*:  " << c1 << "\n"
0057       << "char[]: " << c2 << "\n"
0058       << "Thing:  " << thing << "\n"
0059       << std::endl
0060       << "double: " << std::scientific << d << "\n"
0061       << "float:  " << std::setprecision(2) << f << "\n"
0062       << "char*:  " << std::setfill('.') << std::setw(20) << c1 << std::setfill(' ') << "\n"
0063       << std::endl;
0065     throw e;
0066   }
0068   void func2() { func3(); }
0070   void func1() {
0071     try {
0072       func2();
0073     } catch (cms::Exception& e) {
0074       cms::Exception toThrow("InfiniteLoop", "In func1", e);
0075       toThrow << "Gave up";
0076       throw toThrow;
0077     }
0078   }
0080 }  // namespace
0082 TEST_CASE("Test cms::Exception", "[cms::Exception]") {
0083   SECTION("throw") { REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(func1(), expected); }
0084   SECTION("returnCode") {
0085     cms::Exception e1("ABC");
0086     REQUIRE(e1.returnCode() == 8001);
0087   }
0088   SECTION("alreadyPrinted") {
0089     cms::Exception e1("ABC");
0090     REQUIRE(not e1.alreadyPrinted());
0091     e1.setAlreadyPrinted();
0092     REQUIRE(e1.alreadyPrinted());
0093     SECTION("copy constructor") {
0094       cms::Exception e("ABC");
0095       cms::Exception e2(e);
0096       REQUIRE(not e2.alreadyPrinted());
0098       e.setAlreadyPrinted();
0099       cms::Exception e3(e);
0100       REQUIRE(e3.alreadyPrinted());
0101     }
0102   }
0103   SECTION("message banner") {
0104     cms::Exception e1("ABC");
0105     const std::string expected("An exception of category 'ABC' occurred.\n");
0106     REQUIRE(e1.explainSelf() == expected);
0107   }
0108   SECTION("consistent message") {
0109     cms::Exception e1("ABC");
0110     cms::Exception e1s("ABC");
0111     REQUIRE(e1.explainSelf() == e1s.explainSelf());
0112   }
0114   SECTION("extend message") {
0115     cms::Exception e2("ABC", "foo");
0116     cms::Exception e2cs("ABC", std::string("foo"));
0117     cms::Exception e2sc(std::string("ABC"), "foo");
0118     cms::Exception e2ss(std::string("ABC"), std::string("foo"));
0119     e2 << "bar";
0120     e2cs << "bar";
0121     e2sc << "bar";
0122     e2ss << "bar";
0123     {
0124       const std::string expected(
0125           "An exception of category 'ABC' occurred.\n"
0126           "Exception Message:\n"
0127           "foo bar\n");
0128       REQUIRE(e2.explainSelf() == expected);
0129     }
0130     REQUIRE(e2.explainSelf() == e2cs.explainSelf());
0131     REQUIRE(e2.explainSelf() == e2sc.explainSelf());
0132     REQUIRE(e2.explainSelf() == e2ss.explainSelf());
0134     SECTION("partial message ends with space") {
0135       cms::Exception e3("ABC", "foo ");
0136       e3 << "bar\n";
0137       const std::string expected(
0138           "An exception of category 'ABC' occurred.\n"
0139           "Exception Message:\n"
0140           "foo bar\n");
0141       REQUIRE(e3.explainSelf() == expected);
0142     }
0143     SECTION("partial message ends with new line") {
0144       cms::Exception e4("ABC", "foo\n");
0145       e4 << "bar";
0146       const std::string expected(
0147           "An exception of category 'ABC' occurred.\n"
0148           "Exception Message:\n"
0149           "foo\nbar\n");
0150       REQUIRE(e4.explainSelf() == expected);
0151     }
0152   }
0153   SECTION("addContext") {
0154     cms::Exception e2("ABC", "foo bar");
0156     e2.addContext("context1");
0157     e2.addContext(std::string("context2"));
0158     e2.addAdditionalInfo("info1");
0159     e2.addAdditionalInfo(std::string("info2"));
0161     const std::string expected(
0162         "An exception of category 'ABC' occurred while\n"
0163         "   [0] context2\n"
0164         "   [1] context1\n"
0165         "Exception Message:\n"
0166         "foo bar \n"
0167         "   Additional Info:\n"
0168         "      [a] info2\n"
0169         "      [b] info1\n");
0170     REQUIRE(e2.explainSelf() == expected);
0171     SECTION("constructor message from other exception") {
0172       cms::Exception e6("DEF", "start", e2);
0173       e6 << "finish";
0174       std::string expected5(
0175           "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0176           "   [0] context2\n"
0177           "   [1] context1\n"
0178           "Exception Message:\n"
0179           "start\n"
0180           "foo bar "
0181           "finish\n"
0182           "   Additional Info:\n"
0183           "      [a] info2\n"
0184           "      [b] info1\n");
0185       REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected5);
0186       SECTION("copy constructor") {
0187         cms::Exception e7(e6);
0188         REQUIRE(e7.explainSelf() == expected5);
0189         REQUIRE(e7.category() == std::string("DEF"));
0190         REQUIRE(e7.message() == std::string("start\n"
0191                                             "foo bar "
0192                                             "finish"));
0193       }
0194       SECTION("clearContext") {
0195         e6.clearContext();
0196         std::string expected7_1(
0197             "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred.\n"
0198             "Exception Message:\n"
0199             "start\n"
0200             "foo bar "
0201             "finish\n"
0202             "   Additional Info:\n"
0203             "      [a] info2\n"
0204             "      [b] info1\n");
0205         REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected7_1);
0206       }
0207       SECTION("setContext") {
0208         std::list<std::string> newContext;
0209         newContext.push_back("new1");
0210         newContext.push_back("new2");
0211         newContext.push_back("new3");
0212         e6.setContext(newContext);
0213         REQUIRE(e6.context() == newContext);
0214       }
0215       SECTION("clearAdditionalInfo") {
0216         e6.clearAdditionalInfo();
0217         std::string expected7_2(
0218             "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0219             "   [0] context2\n"
0220             "   [1] context1\n"
0221             "Exception Message:\n"
0222             "start\n"
0223             "foo bar "
0224             "finish\n");
0225         REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected7_2);
0226       }
0227       SECTION("setAdditionalInfo") {
0228         std::list<std::string> newAdditionalInfo;
0229         newAdditionalInfo.push_back("newInfo1");
0230         newAdditionalInfo.push_back("newInfo2");
0231         newAdditionalInfo.push_back("newInfo3");
0232         e6.setAdditionalInfo(newAdditionalInfo);
0233         REQUIRE(e6.additionalInfo() == newAdditionalInfo);
0234         std::string expected7_3(
0235             "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0236             "   [0] context2\n"
0237             "   [1] context1\n"
0238             "Exception Message:\n"
0239             "start\n"
0240             "foo bar "
0241             "finish\n"
0242             "   Additional Info:\n"
0243             "      [a] newInfo3\n"
0244             "      [b] newInfo2\n"
0245             "      [c] newInfo1\n");
0246         REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected7_3);
0247       }
0248     }
0249   }
0251   cms::Exception e6("DEF", "start\nfoo barfinish");
0252   e6.setContext({{"new1", "new2", "new3"}});
0253   e6.setAdditionalInfo({"newInfo1", "newInfo2", "newInfo3"});
0254   SECTION("append") {
0255     e6.append(std::string(" X"));
0256     e6.append("Y");
0257     cms::Exception e8("ZZZ", "Z");
0258     e6.append(e8);
0259     std::string expected7_4(
0260         "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0261         "   [0] new3\n"
0262         "   [1] new2\n"
0263         "   [2] new1\n"
0264         "Exception Message:\n"
0265         "start\n"
0266         "foo bar"
0267         "finish  XYZ \n"
0268         "   Additional Info:\n"
0269         "      [a] newInfo3\n"
0270         "      [b] newInfo2\n"
0271         "      [c] newInfo1\n");
0272     REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected7_4);
0273   }
0274   SECTION("clearMessage") {
0275     e6.clearMessage();
0276     std::string expected7_5(
0277         "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0278         "   [0] new3\n"
0279         "   [1] new2\n"
0280         "   [2] new1\n"
0281         "   Additional Info:\n"
0282         "      [a] newInfo3\n"
0283         "      [b] newInfo2\n"
0284         "      [c] newInfo1\n");
0285     REQUIRE(e6.explainSelf() == expected7_5);
0286   }
0287   SECTION("raise") {
0288     std::unique_ptr<cms::Exception> ptr(e6.clone());
0289     std::string expected7_6(
0290         "An exception of category 'DEF' occurred while\n"
0291         "   [0] new3\n"
0292         "   [1] new2\n"
0293         "   [2] new1\n"
0294         "Exception Message:\n"
0295         "start\n"
0296         "foo bar"
0297         "finish \n"
0298         "   Additional Info:\n"
0299         "      [a] newInfo3\n"
0300         "      [b] newInfo2\n"
0301         "      [c] newInfo1\n");
0302     REQUIRE_THROWS_WITH(ptr->raise(), expected7_6);
0303   }
0304 }