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Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for hh

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/RecJet.C 351
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/RecJet.C 697
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/RecJetHF.C 286
local variable /Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 277
local variable /DataFormats/HcalDigi/test/ 82
enumerator L1MuBMTrackSegPhi::TSQuality /DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/L1MuBMTrackSegPhi.h 44
local variable /DataFormats/Math/test/ProjectMatrix_t.cpp 46
local variable /FastSimulation/Utilities/src/ 58
local variable /FastSimulation/Utilities/src/ 116
local variable /FastSimulation/Utilities/src/ 128
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 718
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 141
common block /GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/art1f.f 202
common block /GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/art1f.f 1567
common block /GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/art1f.f 21310
class, struct, or union member EmbeddingHepMCFilter::TauDecayMode /GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/EmbeddingHepMCFilter.h 56
local and common block variable /GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-int.f 4758
function prototype or declaration /Geometry/EcalTestBeam/test/ee/CaloGeometryLoaderTest.icc 283
local variable /Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/src/ 129
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 360
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 445
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 511
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 588
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 657
local variable /HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 724
local variable /IORawData/CaloPatterns/src/ 97
enumerator L1MuDTTrackSegPhi::TSQuality /L1Trigger/DTTrackFinder/interface/L1MuDTTrackSegPhi.h 39
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TCommon/plugins/ 333
local variable /OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/src/ 175
local variable /RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterTools/src/ 199
class, struct, or union member /RecoTracker/MkFitCore/src/Matrix.h 46
variable definition /SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/macros/TB06Plots.C 98
enumerator final::Charge /TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h 60

33 declarations in 23 files.

References to hh

File Line
/Alignment/Geners/test/port_geners_to_cmssw.tcl 192 194 195 267 268 269
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/test/MusEcal/Makefile 98
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/test/MusEcal/ 13
/CalibCalorimetry/EcalLaserAnalyzer/test/MusEcal/ 22
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/RecJet.C 351 352 697 698
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/macros/RecJetHF.C 286 287
/Calibration/HcalCalibAlgos/plugins/ 277 278
/CondCore/HcalPlugins/interface/HcalObjRepresent.h 983 991 995 998 998 1004 1004 1005 1005 1006 1006 1016 1025 1026 1038 1039 1045 1045 1046 1046 1047 1047
/DataFormats/HcalDigi/test/ 82 231 233 233
/DataFormats/L1TMuon/interface/L1MuBMTrackSegPhi.h 44
/DataFormats/L1TMuon/src/ 170
/DataFormats/Math/test/ProjectMatrix_t.cpp 46 47 48 50
/FastSimulation/Utilities/src/ 58 60 60 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 69 71 73 75 116 117 128 130 135 138 141
/Fireworks/Core/interface/FWTEveViewer.h 45 46
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 718 741 743 744 744
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 141 144 147 152 158 169 185 226 248 250 251 270 283 297 299 300 305
/GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/art1f.f 202 1567 21310
/GeneratorInterface/AMPTInterface/src/hipyset1.35.f 2813 2815
/GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/EmbeddingHepMCFilter.h 56
/GeneratorInterface/Core/src/ 14 15 42
/GeneratorInterface/HijingInterface/src/hipyset1.35.f 3079 3081
/Geometry/EcalTestBeam/test/ee/CaloGeometryLoaderTest.icc 283 288 288
/Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/src/ 129 130 131 132 133 135 136 143
/HLTriggerOffline/Tau/test/root/HLTValidationPlots.cxx 360 387 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 401 402 402 404 412 413 418 424 445 450 455 455 468 469 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 490 493 511 538 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 552 553 553 555 562 563 569 572 588 593 610 657 666 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 695 696 701 704 709 724 733 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 762 763 770 776
/IORawData/CaloPatterns/src/ 97
/JetMETCorrections/InterpolationTables/test/port_npstat_to_cmssw.tcl 42 44 49
/L1Trigger/DTTrackFinder/interface/L1MuDTTrackSegPhi.h 39
/L1Trigger/DTTrackFinder/src/ 192
/L1Trigger/L1TCommon/plugins/ 333
/L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/scripts/ 16 83
/OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/src/ 175 240 259 279 279 299
/RecoMuon/TrackingTools/src/ 299 300 305 306 618 619 624 625
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterTools/src/ 199 291
/RecoTracker/FinalTrackSelectors/plugins/ 828 828 828 829
/RecoTracker/MkFitCore/src/Matrix.h 46 52 52 53 54 64 65 68 69
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/BrokenLineFitOnGPU.h 31 97 97 98 98 99 99 115 115 116 133 134 136 136 136 136 146 148 149 150 155 155 155
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/ 17 28 72 80 88 102 111 114 126 139 144 149 176 223
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernels.h 236 238 240 313 314 315 340 341 342
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernelsImpl.h 303 331 332 334 335 336 341 342 352 354 366 403 546 553 557 705 717 855 883 884 885 886 887 888 889
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/CAHitNtupletGeneratorOnGPU.h 71 73 75
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/GPUCACell.h 51 62 63 118 118 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 124 124 125 127 127 129 129 130 130 132 133 135 136 149 160 161 163 164 166 167 168 177 179 196 200 201 203 204 206 207 233 236 242 243 244 245 246 248 254 257 263 264 265 266 267 269 272 272 273 273 281 316 323 324 363 370
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/RiemannFitOnGPU.h 29 71 71 71 71 73 73 73
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/ 32 99 99 100 100 101 101 117 118 135 136 138 138 138 148 150 151 152 157 157 157
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CACell.h 53 64 65 131 131 132 132 133 133 134 134 135 136 136 137 138 138 140 140 141 141 143 144 146 147 160 171 172 174 175 177 178 179 182 184 201 205 206 208 209 211 212 239 242 248 249 250 251 252 254 260 263 269 270 271 272 273 275 278 278 279 279 287 316 322 323 363 371
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAFishbone.h 40 69 70 71 81 82 83 84 107 107 117 117
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAHitNtupletGenerator.h 76 78 80
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/ 101 111 141 160 173 206 262 276 286 311 354 366 371 441 527 538
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernels.h 242 244 246
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAHitNtupletGeneratorKernelsImpl.h 326 349 350 351 352 353 359 360 371 373 389 426 604 611 612 783 795 943 970 971 972 973 974 975 976
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAPixelDoublets.h 63 69
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/CAPixelDoubletsAlgos.h 78 81 85 90 91 93 93 94 94 109 111 119 142 159 160 211 220 225 228 229 235 240 241 275 284 290 301
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/alpaka/ 34 77 77 77 79 79 79
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/gpuFishbone.h 33 61 62 63 73 74 75 76 97 97 107 107
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/gpuPixelDoublets.h 46 53
/RecoTracker/PixelSeeding/plugins/gpuPixelDoubletsAlgos.h 71 72 76 81 82 84 84 85 85 98 99 107 128 146 147 196 205 210 213 214 219 224 225 256 263 268 279
/RecoTracker/TkSeedGenerator/plugins/ 305 307 307 312 313 317 318 321 322
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimAlgos/test/ 246 247 251
/SimG4CMS/HcalTestBeam/macros/TB06Plots.C 98 152 153 154 310 311 312 360 361 362 399 400 401 449 450 451 489 490 491 540 541 542 580 581 582 631 632 633 670 671 672
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TwoTrackMinimumDistance.h 60
/TrackingTools/PatternTools/src/ 24 43 62 130

671 references in 60 files.