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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for m_token

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member edmtest::LumiTestWriteReadAnalyzer /CondCore/ESSources/test/stubs/ 36
class, struct, or union member JetResolutionDBReader /CondTools/JetMET/plugins/ 40
class, struct, or union member JetResolutionScaleFactorDBReader /CondTools/JetMET/plugins/ 55
class, struct, or union member nano_mu::EDTokenHandle /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/interface/MuNtupleUtils.h 62
class, struct, or union member nano_mu::ESTokenHandle /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/interface/MuNtupleUtils.h 82
class, struct, or union member MuDTSegmentExtTableProducer /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 55
class, struct, or union member MuDTTPGPhiFlatTableProducer /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 45
class, struct, or union member MuDTTPGThetaFlatTableProducer /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 41
class, struct, or union member MuGEMMuonExtTableProducer /DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 47
class, struct, or union member DDSpecParRegistryESProducer /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/ 48
class, struct, or union member DDVectorRegistryESProducer /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/ 55
class, struct, or union member DDTestCompactView /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 26
class, struct, or union member DDTestDumpFile /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 35
class, struct, or union member DDTestDumpGeometry /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 32
class, struct, or union member DDTestFilteredView /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 27
class, struct, or union member DDTestSpecPars /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 26
class, struct, or union member DDTestSpecParsFilter /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 30
class, struct, or union member DDTestVectors /DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 26
class, struct, or union member __anon3::DummyDataConsumer /FWCore/Framework/test/ 777
class, struct, or union member __anon1::DummyDataConsumer /FWCore/Framework/test/ 76
class, struct, or union member __anon3::DummyDataConsumer /FWCore/Framework/test/ 438
class, struct, or union member __anon2::DummyDataConsumer /FWCore/Framework/test/ 202
class, struct, or union member __anon2::DummyDataConsumerGeneric /FWCore/Framework/test/ 220
class, struct, or union member __anon1::DummyDataConsumer /FWCore/Framework/test/ 69
class, struct, or union member edmtest::DeleteEarlyRefProdProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 57
class, struct, or union member TestModuleChangeLooper /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 66
class, struct, or union member edmtest::AcquireIntStreamFilter /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 32
class, struct, or union member edmtest::AcquireIntStreamProducer /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 32
class, struct, or union member DTGeometryTest /Geometry/DTGeometryBuilder/plugins/dd4hep/ 28
class, struct, or union member MuonNumberingESProducer /Geometry/MuonNumbering/plugins/ 43
class, struct, or union member ProductInfo /IOPool/Input/test/ProductInfo.h 27
class, struct, or union member testReadMVAComputerCondDB /PhysicsTools/MVAComputer/test/ 33
class, struct, or union member EventStringOutputBranches /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/EventStringOutputBranches.h 26
class, struct, or union member LumiOutputBranches /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/LumiOutputBranches.h 33
class, struct, or union member SummaryTableOutputBranches /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/SummaryTableOutputBranches.h 23
class, struct, or union member TableOutputBranches /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/TableOutputBranches.h 28
class, struct, or union member TriggerOutputBranches /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/TriggerOutputBranches.h 31
class, struct, or union member TableOutputFields /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/TableOutputFields.h 78
class, struct, or union member TableOutputVectorFields /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/TableOutputFields.h 93
class, struct, or union member TriggerOutputFields /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/TriggerOutputFields.h 42
class, struct, or union member CSCSegmentProducer /RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/src/CSCSegmentProducer.h 39
class, struct, or union member ME0RecHitProducer /RecoLocalMuon/GEMRecHit/plugins/ME0RecHitProducer.h 58
class, struct, or union member edm::storage::StorageAccountProxy /Utilities/StorageFactory/interface/StorageAccountProxy.h 47

43 declarations in 39 files.

References to m_token

File Line
/CondCore/ESSources/test/stubs/ 36 40 50
/CondTools/JetMET/plugins/ 40 55 64 74 94 102
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/interface/MuLocalRecoBaseProducer.h 38 56 205
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/interface/MuNtupleUtils.h 42 52 52 62 70 73 82
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 55 75 193
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 45 57 96
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 41 48 73
/DPGAnalysis/MuonTools/plugins/ 47 64 156
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/ 48 52 64
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/ 55 59 70
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 18 26 31
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 35 42 46
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 32 36 40
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 19 27 32
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 18 26 30
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 20 30 37
/DetectorDescription/DDCMS/plugins/test/ 18 26 30
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 760 777 856 867 879 892 905 934 946 1003 1016 1031 1046 1061 1096 1097 1109 1110 1166 1179 1194 1209 1224 1259 1273
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 75 76 291 319 348 377 378 405 434 435 461 489 490 586 633 663 678
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 421 438 482 791 811 823 835 846 857 869 881 891 903 927 986 1000 1014 1028 1029 1086 1100 1114 1128 1170 1204 1248 1284 1321 1459 1475
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 189 202 207 220 285 286 300 320 337 350 351 365 378 379 395 404 423 436 448 461 473 504 516 533 679 694
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 52 69 116 119
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 47 52 57
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 40 49 66 82
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 32 36 49 58 63
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 32 36 49 58 63
/Geometry/DTGeometryBuilder/plugins/dd4hep/ 28 33 37
/Geometry/MuonNumbering/plugins/ 43 49 60
/IOPool/Input/test/ProductInfo.h 19 27 34
/PhysicsTools/MVAComputer/test/ 33 36 39
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 33
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/EventStringOutputBranches.h 16 26
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 69
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/LumiOutputBranches.h 15 33
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 90
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/SummaryTableOutputBranches.h 15 23
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 88
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/TableOutputBranches.h 15 28
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/ 89
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/TriggerOutputBranches.h 16 31
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/ 52 89 95 118
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/TableOutputFields.h 71 78 88 93
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/ 74 142
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/rntuple/TriggerOutputFields.h 32 42
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/src/ 17 48
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCSegment/src/CSCSegmentProducer.h 39
/RecoLocalMuon/GEMRecHit/plugins/ 16 29
/RecoLocalMuon/GEMRecHit/plugins/ME0RecHitProducer.h 58
/Utilities/StorageFactory/interface/StorageAccountProxy.h 47
/Utilities/StorageFactory/src/ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 87 93 99

235 references in 50 files.