File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:23:42
0001 #include "PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/plugins/LumiOutputBranches.h"
0003 #include <iostream>
0005 namespace {
0006 std::string makeBranchName(const std::string &baseName, const std::string &leafName) {
0007 return baseName.empty() ? leafName : (leafName.empty() ? baseName : baseName + "_" + leafName);
0008 }
0009 }
0011 void LumiOutputBranches::defineBranchesFromFirstEvent(const nanoaod::FlatTable &tab) {
0012 m_baseName =;
0013 for (size_t i = 0; i < tab.nColumns(); i++) {
0014 const std::string &var = tab.columnName(i);
0015 switch (tab.columnType(i)) {
0016 case nanoaod::FlatTable::ColumnType::Float:
0017 m_floatBranches.emplace_back(var, tab.columnDoc(i), "F");
0018 break;
0019 case nanoaod::FlatTable::ColumnType::Int32:
0020 m_intBranches.emplace_back(var, tab.columnDoc(i), "I");
0021 break;
0022 case nanoaod::FlatTable::ColumnType::UInt8:
0023 m_uint8Branches.emplace_back(var, tab.columnDoc(i), "b");
0024 break;
0025 case nanoaod::FlatTable::ColumnType::Bool:
0026 m_uint8Branches.emplace_back(var, tab.columnDoc(i), "O");
0027 break;
0028 default:
0029 throw cms::Exception("LogicError", "Unsupported type");
0030 }
0031 }
0032 }
0034 void LumiOutputBranches::branch(TTree &tree) {
0035 if (!m_singleton) {
0036 if (m_extension == IsExtension) {
0037 m_counterBranch = tree.FindBranch(("n" + m_baseName).c_str());
0038 if (!m_counterBranch) {
0039 throw cms::Exception("LogicError",
0040 "Trying to save an extension table for " + m_baseName +
0041 " before having saved the corresponding main table\n");
0042 }
0043 } else {
0044 if (tree.FindBranch(("n" + m_baseName).c_str()) != nullptr) {
0045 throw cms::Exception("LogicError", "Trying to save multiple main tables for " + m_baseName + "\n");
0046 }
0047 m_counterBranch = tree.Branch(("n" + m_baseName).c_str(), &m_counter, ("n" + m_baseName + "/I").c_str());
0048 m_counterBranch->SetTitle(m_doc.c_str());
0049 }
0050 }
0051 std::string varsize = m_singleton ? "" : "[n" + m_baseName + "]";
0052 for (std::vector<NamedBranchPtr> *branches : {&m_floatBranches, &m_intBranches, &m_uint8Branches}) {
0053 for (auto &pair : *branches) {
0054 std::string branchName = makeBranchName(m_baseName,;
0055 pair.branch =
0056 tree.Branch(branchName.c_str(), (void *)nullptr, (branchName + varsize + "/" + pair.rootTypeCode).c_str());
0057 pair.branch->SetTitle(pair.title.c_str());
0058 }
0059 }
0060 }
0062 void LumiOutputBranches::fill(const edm::LuminosityBlockForOutput &iLumi, TTree &tree, bool extensions) {
0063 if (m_extension != DontKnowYetIfMainOrExtension) {
0064 if (extensions != m_extension)
0065 return;
0066 }
0068 edm::Handle<nanoaod::FlatTable> handle;
0069 iLumi.getByToken(m_token, handle);
0070 const nanoaod::FlatTable &tab = *handle;
0071 auto size = tab.size();
0074 if (size > std::numeric_limits<CounterType>::max()) {
0075 throw cms::Exception("Table " + + " size is " + std::to_string(size) +
0076 ", is too large for ROOT native array branch");
0077 }
0078 m_counter = size;
0079 m_singleton = tab.singleton();
0080 if (!m_branchesBooked) {
0081 m_extension = tab.extension() ? IsExtension : IsMain;
0082 if (extensions != m_extension)
0083 return;
0084 defineBranchesFromFirstEvent(tab);
0085 m_doc = tab.doc();
0086 m_branchesBooked = true;
0087 branch(tree);
0088 }
0089 if (!m_singleton && m_extension == IsExtension) {
0090 if (m_counter != *reinterpret_cast<CounterType *>(m_counterBranch->GetAddress())) {
0091 throw cms::Exception("LogicError",
0092 "Mismatch in number of entries between extension and main table for " +;
0093 }
0094 }
0095 for (auto &pair : m_floatBranches)
0096 fillColumn<float>(pair, tab);
0097 for (auto &pair : m_intBranches)
0098 fillColumn<int>(pair, tab);
0099 for (auto &pair : m_uint8Branches)
0100 fillColumn<uint8_t>(pair, tab);
0101 }