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Last indexation completed on 2025-02-18 03:02:29 UTC

Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for prec

Type Member of File Line
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 632
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 671
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 442
local variable /Fireworks/Core/src/ 487
common block /GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/HDecay.f 561
common block /GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/HDecay.f 582
function prototype or declaration /GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/plugins/PowhegHooksBB4L.h 201
local variable /L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/src/ 574
local variable /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/interface/SimpleFlatTableProducer.h 62
local variable /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/interface/SimpleFlatTableProducer.h 109
local variable /PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/interface/SimpleFlatTableProducer.h 196
local variable /SimG4Core/Notification/src/ 118
local variable /SimG4Core/Notification/src/ 138
local variable /SimG4Core/Notification/src/ 159

14 declarations in 7 files.

References to prec

File Line
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/interface/SiPixelTemplateHelper.h 300 301
/CondTools/BTau/test/testBTagCalibrationReader.cpp 10 13
/DQM/DTMonitorModule/test/macros.C 40
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 632 638 641 671 677 680
/Fireworks/Core/src/ 442 454 454 487 488
/GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/src/HDecay.f 561 582
/GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/plugins/PowhegHooksBB4L.h 201 206
/GeneratorInterface/ReggeGribovPartonMCInterface/src/epos-omg.f 1334 1461 1463 1491 1616 1618 1646 1763 1765 1906 2081 2083 2109
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/test/ 64 66 70 72
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/test/ 45 47 51 53
/L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/plugins/ 932 946 948 955 969 971 1047 1076 1077 1080 1081
/L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/plugins/TriggerMenuParser.h 346 352 372
/L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/src/ 574 589 595 601 607 613 619 625 632
/MagneticField/ParametrizedEngine/src/ 127 131 132 214 221
/MagneticField/ParametrizedEngine/src/poly2d_base.h 79 121
/MagneticField/ParametrizedEngine/src/ 125 130 131
/MagneticField/ParametrizedEngine/src/rz_harm_poly.h 109 111 114
/PhysicsTools/NanoAOD/interface/SimpleFlatTableProducer.h 62 63 64 109 110 111 196 197 198
/RecoLocalMuon/DTSegment/test/macros.C 16
/RecoMTD/DetLayers/test/ 59 61 65 67 71 73
/RecoMTD/DetLayers/test/ 36 38 42 44
/RecoMTD/DetLayers/test/ 33 35 39 41
/SimG4Core/Notification/src/ 118 131 138 151 159 175 271 329 334 335 354 364 381
/SimTransport/TotemRPProtonTransportParametrization/interface/LHCOpticsApproximator.h 51
/SimTransport/TotemRPProtonTransportParametrization/src/ 294 383 384
/Utilities/ReleaseScripts/scripts/ 1389 1391 1394
/Validation/DTRecHits/test/macros.C 34
/Validation/Tools/python/ 1246 1247 1259 1264

126 references in 28 files.