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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Package:     Core
0004 // Class  :     FWTableView
0005 //
0006 // Implementation:
0007 //     <Notes on implementation>
0008 //
0009 // Original Author:  Chris Jones
0010 //         Created:  Thu Feb 21 11:22:41 EST 2008
0011 //
0013 // system include files
0014 #include <cstdlib>
0015 #include <algorithm>
0016 #include <memory>
0017 #include <iostream>
0018 #include <sstream>
0019 #include <stdexcept>
0020 #include <cassert>
0022 #include "TMath.h"
0023 #include "TClass.h"
0024 #include "TSystem.h"
0025 #include "TGComboBox.h"
0026 #include "TGLabel.h"
0027 #include "TGTextEntry.h"
0028 #include "TEveWindow.h"
0029 #include "TVirtualX.h"
0031 // user include files
0032 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWColorManager.h"
0033 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWCustomIconsButton.h"
0034 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWModelChangeManager.h"
0035 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWSelectionManager.h"
0036 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWTableView.h"
0037 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWTableViewManager.h"
0038 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWEventItem.h"
0039 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWConfiguration.h"
0040 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/FWTableViewTableManager.h"
0041 #include "Fireworks/Core/interface/fwLog.h"
0042 #include "Fireworks/Core/src/FWGUIValidatingTextEntry.h"
0043 #include "Fireworks/Core/src/FWExpressionValidator.h"
0044 #include "Fireworks/TableWidget/interface/FWTableWidget.h"
0046 static const TString &coreIcondir() {
0047   static TString path = Form("%s/src/Fireworks/Core/icons/", gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_BASE"));
0048   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path.Data())) {  // cannot find directory
0049     assert(gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"));
0050     path = Form("%s/src/Fireworks/Core/icons/", gSystem->Getenv("CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"));
0051   }
0052   return path;
0053 }
0055 /*
0056 static 
0057 const TGPicture* filtered(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0058 {
0059    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0060       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"filtered-blackbg.png");
0061       return s;
0062    }
0063    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"filtered-whitebg.png");
0064    return s;
0066 }
0068 static 
0069 const TGPicture* filtered_over(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0070 {
0071    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0072       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"filtered-whitebg-over.png");
0073       return s;
0074    }
0075    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"filtered-whitebg-over.png");
0076    return s;
0077 }
0078 */
0079 /*
0080 static 
0081 const TGPicture* alert_over()
0082 {
0083    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"alert-blackbg-over.png");
0084    return s;
0085 }
0087 static 
0088 const TGPicture* alert()
0089 {
0090    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"alert-blackbg.png");
0091    return s;
0092 }
0093 */
0095 /*
0096 static 
0097 const TGPicture* unfiltered(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0098 {
0099    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0100       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"unfiltered-blackbg.png");
0101       return s;
0102    }
0103    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"unfiltered-whitebg.png");
0104    return s;
0105 }
0106 static 
0107 const TGPicture* unfiltered_over(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0108 {
0109    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0110       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"unfiltered-blackbg-over.png");
0111       return s;
0112    }
0113    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"unfiltered-whitebg-over.png");
0114    return s;   
0115 }
0117 static
0118 const TGPicture* info(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0119 {
0120    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0121       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-blackbg.png");
0122       return s;
0123    }
0124    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-whitebg.png");
0125    return s;   
0126 }
0128 static
0129 const TGPicture* info_over(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0130 {
0131    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0132       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-blackbg-over.png");
0133       return s;
0134    }
0135    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-whitebg-over.png");
0136    return s;
0137 }
0139 static
0140 const TGPicture* info_disabled(bool iBackgroundIsBlack)
0141 {
0142    if(iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0143       static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-blackbg-disabled.png");
0144       return s;
0145    }
0146    static const TGPicture* s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir()+"info2-whitebg-disabled.png");
0147    return s;
0148 }
0149 */
0150 static const TGPicture *arrow_right(bool iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0151   if (iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0152     static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-white-right-blackbg.png");
0153     return s;
0154   }
0155   static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-black-right-whitebg.png");
0156   return s;
0157 }
0159 static const TGPicture *arrow_right_disabled(bool iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0160   if (iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0161     static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-white-right-disabled-blackbg.png");
0162     return s;
0163   }
0164   static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-black-right-disabled-whitebg.png");
0165   return s;
0166 }
0168 static const TGPicture *arrow_down(bool iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0169   if (iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0170     static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-white-down-blackbg.png");
0171     return s;
0172   }
0173   static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-black-down-whitebg.png");
0174   return s;
0175 }
0177 static const TGPicture *arrow_down_disabled(bool iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0178   if (iBackgroundIsBlack) {
0179     static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-white-down-disabled-blackbg.png");
0180     return s;
0181   }
0182   static const TGPicture *s = gClient->GetPicture(coreIcondir() + "arrow-black-down-disabled-whitebg.png");
0183   return s;
0184 }
0186 //
0187 // constants, enums and typedefs
0188 //
0189 static const std::string kTableView = "TableView";
0190 static const std::string kCollection = "collection";
0191 //static const std::string kColumns = "columns";
0192 static const std::string kSortColumn = "sortColumn";
0193 static const std::string kDescendingSort = "descendingSort";
0195 //
0196 // constructors and destructor
0197 //
0198 FWTableView::FWTableView(TEveWindowSlot *iParent, FWTableViewManager *manager)
0199     : FWViewBase(FWViewType::kTable),
0200       m_iColl(-1),
0201       m_manager(manager),
0202       m_tableManager(new FWTableViewTableManager(this)),
0203       m_tableWidget(nullptr),
0204       m_showColumnUI(false),
0205       m_validator(new FWExpressionValidator),
0206       m_currentColumn(-1),
0207       m_useColumnsFromConfig(false)
0209 {
0210   m_eveWindow = iParent->MakeFrame(nullptr);
0211   TGCompositeFrame *frame = m_eveWindow->GetGUICompositeFrame();
0212   //      TGHorizontalFrame *buttons = new TGHorizontalFrame(frame);
0213   //      frame->AddFrame(buttons, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX));
0215   //      m_collection = new TGComboBox(buttons);
0216   m_vert = new TGVerticalFrame(frame);
0217   frame->AddFrame(m_vert, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
0218   TGHorizontalFrame *header = new TGHorizontalFrame(m_vert);
0219   m_vert->AddFrame(header, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsExpandX));
0220   const bool bgIsBlack = m_manager->colorManager().background() == kBlack;
0221   m_columnUIButton = new FWCustomIconsButton(
0222       header, arrow_right(bgIsBlack), arrow_right_disabled(bgIsBlack), arrow_right_disabled(bgIsBlack));
0223   m_columnUIButton->Connect("Clicked()", "FWTableView", this, "toggleShowHide()");
0224   header->AddFrame(m_columnUIButton, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterY | kLHintsLeft, 6, 10));
0226   TGCompositeFrame *labfr = new TGHorizontalFrame(header, 60, 25, kFixedSize);
0227   TGLabel *label = new TGLabel(labfr, "Collection");
0228   labfr->AddFrame(label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsCenterY, 1, 3, 0, 0));
0229   header->AddFrame(labfr, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft));
0231   m_collection = new TGComboBox(header);
0232   updateItems();
0233   header->AddFrame(m_collection, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
0234   m_collection->Connect("Selected(Int_t)", "FWTableView", this, "selectCollection(Int_t)");
0235   m_collection->Select(2, true);
0236   m_column_control = new TGVerticalFrame(m_vert);
0237   m_vert->AddFrame(m_column_control, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0238   TGLabel *column_control_label = new TGLabel(m_column_control, "Column editor");
0239   //      column_control_label->SetBackgroundColor(bgIsBlack ? kBlack : kWhite);
0240   //      column_control_label->SetForegroundColor(bgIsBlack ? kWhite : kBlack);
0241   //      column_control_label->SetTextColor(bgIsBlack ? kWhite : kBlack);
0242   m_column_control->AddFrame(column_control_label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0243   TGHorizontalFrame *column_control_fields = new TGHorizontalFrame(m_column_control);
0244   m_column_control->AddFrame(column_control_fields, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0245   m_column_name_field = new TGTextEntry(column_control_fields);
0246   m_column_name_field->SetMaxWidth(10);
0247   m_column_expr_field = new FWGUIValidatingTextEntry(column_control_fields);
0248   //      m_column_expr_field->SetEnabled(kFALSE);
0249   m_column_expr_field->setValidator(m_validator);
0250   m_column_prec_field = new TGTextEntry(column_control_fields);
0251   m_column_prec_field->SetMaxWidth(10);
0252   TGLabel *name_label = new TGLabel(column_control_fields, "Title");
0253   TGLabel *expr_label = new TGLabel(column_control_fields, "Expression");
0254   TGLabel *prec_label = new TGLabel(column_control_fields, "Precision");
0255   column_control_fields->AddFrame(name_label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom, 1, 1, 2, 2));
0256   column_control_fields->AddFrame(m_column_name_field, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0257   column_control_fields->AddFrame(expr_label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom, 1, 1, 2, 2));
0258   column_control_fields->AddFrame(m_column_expr_field, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0259   column_control_fields->AddFrame(prec_label, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom, 1, 1, 2, 2));
0260   column_control_fields->AddFrame(m_column_prec_field, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX));
0261   TGTextButton *add_button = new TGTextButton(column_control_fields, "Add");
0262   TGTextButton *del_button = new TGTextButton(column_control_fields, "Delete");
0263   TGTextButton *mod_button = new TGTextButton(column_control_fields, "Modify");
0264   add_button->Connect("Clicked()", "FWTableView", this, "addColumn()");
0265   del_button->Connect("Clicked()", "FWTableView", this, "deleteColumn()");
0266   mod_button->Connect("Clicked()", "FWTableView", this, "modifyColumn()");
0267   column_control_fields->AddFrame(add_button, new TGLayoutHints);
0268   column_control_fields->AddFrame(del_button, new TGLayoutHints);
0269   column_control_fields->AddFrame(mod_button, new TGLayoutHints);
0270   m_tableWidget = new FWTableWidget(m_tableManager, m_vert);
0271   m_tableWidget->disableGrowInWidth();
0272   resetColors(m_manager->colorManager());
0273   m_tableWidget->SetHeaderBackgroundColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(kWhite));
0274   m_tableWidget->Connect(
0275       "rowClicked(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)", "FWTableView", this, "modelSelected(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)");
0276   m_tableWidget->Connect("columnClicked(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)", "FWTableView", this, "columnSelected(Int_t,Int_t,Int_t)");
0277   m_vert->AddFrame(m_tableWidget, new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsExpandX | kLHintsExpandY));
0278   frame->MapSubwindows();
0279   m_vert->HideFrame(m_column_control);
0280   frame->Layout();
0281   frame->MapWindow();
0282 }
0284 FWTableView::~FWTableView() {
0285   // take out composite frame and delete it directly ( without the timeout)
0286   TGCompositeFrame *frame = m_eveWindow->GetGUICompositeFrame();
0287   frame->RemoveFrame(m_vert);
0288   delete m_vert;
0290   m_eveWindow->DestroyWindowAndSlot();
0291   delete m_tableManager;
0292   delete m_validator;
0293 }
0295 void FWTableView::setBackgroundColor(Color_t iColor) {
0296   m_tableWidget->SetBackgroundColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(iColor));
0297   //      m_tableWidget->SetBackgroundColor(TColor::Number2Pixel(iColor));
0298   //    m_viewer->GetGLViewer()->SetClearColor(iColor);
0299 }
0301 void FWTableView::resetColors(const FWColorManager &manager) {
0302   m_tableWidget->SetBackgroundColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(manager.background()));
0303   //      m_tableWidget->SetHeaderBackgroundColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(manager.background()));
0304   //      switch (manager.foreground()) {
0305   //      case FWColorManager::kBlackIndex:
0306   //      m_tableWidget->SetHeaderForegroundColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(kBlack));
0307   //      break;
0308   //      default:
0309   //      m_tableWidget->SetHeaderForegroundColor(0xffffff);
0310   //      break;
0311   //      }
0312   m_tableWidget->SetLineSeparatorColor(gVirtualX->GetPixel(manager.foreground()));
0313   //      m_tableWidget->dataChanged();
0314 }
0316 //
0317 // const member functions
0318 //
0320 void FWTableView::addTo(FWConfiguration &iTo) const {
0321   // are we the first FWTableView to go into the configuration?  If
0322   // we are, then we are responsible for writing out the list of
0323   // types (which we do by letting FWTableViewManager::addToImpl
0324   // write into our configuration)
0325   if (this == m_manager->m_views.front().get())
0326     m_manager->addToImpl(iTo);
0327   // then there is the stuff we have to do anyway: remember what
0328   // collection we display
0329   FWConfiguration main(1);
0330   std::string collectionName;
0331   if (m_manager->items()[m_iColl])
0332     collectionName = m_manager->items()[m_iColl]->name();
0333   else
0334     collectionName = "NULL";
0336   FWConfiguration collection(collectionName);
0337   main.addKeyValue(kCollection, collection);
0338   FWConfiguration sortColumn(m_tableWidget->sortedColumn());
0339   main.addKeyValue(kSortColumn, sortColumn);
0340   FWConfiguration descendingSort(m_tableWidget->descendingSort());
0341   main.addKeyValue(kDescendingSort, descendingSort);
0342   //      FWConfiguration columns(1);
0343   //      for (std::vector<FWTableViewManager::TableEntry>::const_iterator
0344   //           i = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->begin(),
0345   //           iEnd = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->end();
0346   //      i != iEnd; ++i) {
0347   //      columns.addValue(i->name);
0348   //      columns.addValue(i->expression);
0349   //      char prec[100];
0350   //      snprintf(prec, 100, "%d", i->precision);
0351   //      columns.addValue(prec);
0352   //      }
0353   //      main.addKeyValue(kColumns, columns);
0354   iTo.addKeyValue(kTableView, main);
0355   // take care of parameters
0356   FWConfigurableParameterizable::addTo(iTo);
0357 }
0359 void FWTableView::setFrom(const FWConfiguration &iFrom) {
0360   if (this == m_manager->m_views.front().get())
0361     m_manager->setFrom(iFrom);
0362   try {
0363     const FWConfiguration *main = iFrom.valueForKey(kTableView);
0364     assert(main != nullptr);
0365     // use the columns from the config, not the default columns for
0366     // the collection type
0367     //        m_useColumnsFromConfig = true;
0368     //    m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->clear();
0369     //    const FWConfiguration *columns = main->valueForKey(kColumns);
0370     //    for (FWConfiguration::StringValuesIt it = columns->stringValues()->begin(),
0371     //          itEnd = columns->stringValues()->end(); it != itEnd; ++it) {
0372     //         const std::string &name = *it++;
0373     //         const std::string &expr = *it++;
0374     //         int prec = atoi(it->c_str());
0375     //         FWTableViewManager::TableEntry e = { expr, name, prec };
0376     //         m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->push_back(e);
0377     //    }
0378     const FWConfiguration *collection = main->valueForKey(kCollection);
0379     const std::string &collectionName = collection->value();
0380     // find item
0381     for (std::vector<const FWEventItem *>::const_iterator it = m_manager->items().begin(),
0382                                                           itEnd = m_manager->items().end();
0383          it != itEnd;
0384          ++it) {
0385       if (*it && (*it)->name() == collectionName) {
0386         m_collection->Select(it - m_manager->items().begin(), true);
0387         break;
0388       }
0389     }
0390     const FWConfiguration *sortColumn = main->valueForKey(kSortColumn);
0391     const FWConfiguration *descendingSort = main->valueForKey(kDescendingSort);
0392     if (sortColumn != nullptr && descendingSort != nullptr) {
0393       unsigned int sort = sortColumn->version();
0394       bool descending = descendingSort->version();
0395       if (sort < ((unsigned int)m_tableManager->numberOfColumns()))
0396         m_tableWidget->sort(sort, descending);
0397     }
0398   } catch (...) {
0399     // configuration doesn't contain info for the table.  Be forgiving.
0400     std::cerr << "This configuration file contains tables, but no column information.  "
0401                  "(It is probably old.)  Using defaults."
0402               << std::endl;
0403   }
0405   //      main.addKeyValue(kCollection, collection);
0406   //      FWConfiguration columns(1);
0407   //      for (std::vector<FWTableViewManager::TableEntry>::const_iterator
0408   //           i = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->begin(),
0409   //           iEnd = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->end();
0410   //      i != iEnd; ++i) {
0411   //      columns.addValue(i->name);
0412   //      columns.addValue(i->expression);
0413   //      columns.addValue(Form("%d", i->precision));
0414   //      }
0415   //      main.addKeyValue(kColumns, columns);
0416   //      iTo.addKeyValue(kTableView, main);
0417   //      // take care of parameters
0418   //      FWConfigurableParameterizable::addTo(iTo);
0420   // take care of parameters
0421   FWConfigurableParameterizable::setFrom(iFrom);
0422 }
0424 void FWTableView::saveImageTo(const std::string & /*iName*/) const {
0425   TString format;
0426   TString data;
0427   FWTextTableCellRenderer *textRenderer;
0429   // calculate widths
0430   int ndheader = TMath::Ceil(TMath::Log10(m_tableManager->numberOfRows()));
0432   std::vector<size_t> widths(m_tableManager->numberOfColumns());
0434   for (int c = 0; c < m_tableManager->numberOfColumns(); ++c)
0435     widths[c] = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->at(c).name.size();
0437   for (int c = 0; c < m_tableManager->numberOfColumns(); ++c) {
0438     for (int r = 0; r < m_tableManager->numberOfRows(); r++) {
0439       textRenderer = (FWTextTableCellRenderer *)m_tableManager->cellRenderer(r, c);  // setup cell renderer
0440       size_t ss = textRenderer->data().size();
0441       if (widths[c] < ss)
0442         widths[c] = ss;
0443     }
0444   }
0446   int rlen = 0;
0447   for (size_t c = 0; c < (size_t)m_tableManager->numberOfColumns(); ++c)
0448     rlen += widths[c];
0449   rlen += (m_tableManager->numberOfColumns() - 1) * 3;
0450   rlen++;
0452   // header
0453   printf("\n");
0454   TString headerFormat;
0455   headerFormat.Form("%%%ds", ndheader + 3);
0456   data.Form(headerFormat, "  ");
0457   printf("%s", data.Data());
0459   int lastCol = m_tableManager->numberOfColumns() - 1;
0461   for (int c = 0; c < m_tableManager->numberOfColumns(); ++c) {
0462     format.Form("%%%ds", (int)widths[c]);
0463     data.Form(format, m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->at(c).name.c_str());
0465     if (c == lastCol)
0466       printf("%s", data.Data());
0467     else
0468       printf("%s | ", data.Data());
0469   }
0470   printf("\n");
0472   std::string splitter(rlen, '-');
0473   std::cout << splitter << std::endl;
0475   // body
0476   headerFormat.Form("[%%%dd] ", ndheader);
0477   for (int r = 0; r < m_tableManager->numberOfRows(); r++) {
0478     for (int c = 0; c < m_tableManager->numberOfColumns(); ++c) {
0479       if (!c) {
0480         data.Form(headerFormat, m_tableManager->unsortedRowNumber(r));
0481         printf("%s", data.Data());
0482       }
0483       format.Form("%%%ds", (int)widths[c]);
0484       textRenderer = (FWTextTableCellRenderer *)m_tableManager->cellRenderer(r, c);  // setup cell renderer
0485       data.Form(format, textRenderer->data().c_str());
0486       if (c == lastCol)
0487         printf("%s", data.Data());
0488       else
0489         printf("%s | ", data.Data());
0490     }
0491     printf("\n");
0492   }
0493 }
0495 void FWTableView::toggleShowHide() {
0496   m_showColumnUI = not m_showColumnUI;
0497   const TGPicture *picture = nullptr;
0498   const TGPicture *down = nullptr;
0499   const TGPicture *disabled = nullptr;
0500   const bool bgIsBlack = m_manager->colorManager().background() == kBlack;
0501   if (m_showColumnUI) {
0502     picture = arrow_down(bgIsBlack);
0503     down = arrow_down_disabled(bgIsBlack);
0504     disabled = arrow_down_disabled(bgIsBlack);
0505     m_vert->ShowFrame(m_column_control);
0506   } else {
0507     picture = arrow_right(bgIsBlack);
0508     down = arrow_right_disabled(bgIsBlack);
0509     disabled = arrow_right_disabled(bgIsBlack);
0510     m_vert->HideFrame(m_column_control);
0511   }
0512   m_vert->Layout();
0513   m_columnUIButton->swapIcons(picture, down, disabled);
0514 }
0516 /** Reconstructs the combo box using the information
0517     coming from FWEventItemsManager.
0518   */
0519 void FWTableView::updateItems(void) {
0520   int selected = m_collection->GetSelected();
0521   m_collection->RemoveAll();
0522   int index = 0;
0524   for (size_t i = 0, e = m_manager->items().size(); i != e; ++i) {
0525     const FWEventItem *item = m_manager->items()[i];
0526     if (item)
0527       m_collection->AddEntry(item->name().c_str(), i);
0529     if (m_iColl == index && nullptr == item) {
0530       //the collection we were showing is now gone
0531       m_iColl = -1;
0532       selected = -1;
0533     }
0534   }
0536   if (selected != -1 && selected < m_collection->GetNumberOfEntries())
0537     m_collection->Select(selected, false);
0539   TGListBox *lb = m_collection->GetListBox();
0540   lb->SetHeight(TMath::Min(lb->GetNumberOfEntries() * lb->GetItemVsize() + 2 * lb->GetBorderWidth(), 200u));
0541 }
0543 void FWTableView::updateEvaluators() { m_tableManager->updateEvaluators(); }
0545 const FWEventItem *FWTableView::item() const {
0546   if (m_iColl == -1)
0547     return nullptr;
0548   return m_manager->items()[m_iColl];
0549 }
0551 void FWTableView::dataChanged() {
0552   //      const FWEventItem *item = m_manager->items()[m_iColl];
0553   updateEvaluators();
0554   m_tableManager->dataChanged();
0555   //      std::vector<FWExpressionEvaluator> &ev = m_evaluators;
0556   //      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < item->size(); ++i) {
0557   //      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ev.size(); ++j) {
0558   //           printf("%s = %f\t", (*m_manager->tableFormats(item->modelType()->GetName())).second[j].name.c_str(),
0559   //              ev[j].evalExpression(item->modelData(i)));
0560   //      }
0561   //      printf("\n");
0562   //      }
0563   //      fflush(stdout);
0564 }
0566 /** Select the collection to be displayed by the table view and
0567     updates the evaluators required to retrieve the data from the
0568     event.
0569  */
0570 void FWTableView::selectCollection(Int_t i_coll) {
0571   //      printf("selected collection %d, ", i_coll);
0572   const FWEventItem *item = m_manager->items()[i_coll];
0573   assert(nullptr != item);
0574   //      printf("%s\n", item->modelType()->GetName());
0575   m_iColl = i_coll;
0576   //      m_validator = new FWExpressionValidator;
0577   //      m_column_expr_field->setValidator(m_validator);
0578   if (m_validator != nullptr) {
0579     //    std::cout << "setting validator to " << item->modelType()->GetName() << std::endl;
0580     m_validator->setType(edm::TypeWithDict(*(item->modelType()->GetTypeInfo())));
0581   } else {
0582     //    std::cout << "can't set null validator\n";
0583   }
0584   if (not m_useColumnsFromConfig) {
0585     if (m_manager->tableFormats(*item->modelType()) == m_manager->m_tableFormats.end()) {
0586       fwLog(fwlog::kInfo) << "No table format for objects of this type " << item->modelType()->GetName() << std::endl;
0587       m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->clear();
0588     } else {
0589       m_tableManager->m_tableFormats = &m_manager->tableFormats(*item->modelType())->second;
0590     }
0591   }
0592   //      columnSelected(-1, 1, 0);
0593   if (m_tableWidget)
0594     m_tableWidget->forceLayout();
0595   dataChanged();
0596 }
0598 void FWTableView::modelSelected(Int_t iRow, Int_t iButton, Int_t iKeyMod, Int_t iGlobalX, Int_t iGlobalY) {
0599   if (iKeyMod & kKeyControlMask) {
0600     item()->toggleSelect(iRow);
0601   } else {
0602     FWChangeSentry sentry(*(item()->changeManager()));
0603     item()->selectionManager()->clearSelection();
0604     item()->select(iRow);
0605   }
0606   if (iButton == kButton3) {
0607     openSelectedModelContextMenu_(iGlobalX, iGlobalY);
0608   }
0609 }
0611 void FWTableView::columnSelected(Int_t iCol, Int_t iButton, Int_t iKeyMod) {
0612   if (iButton == 1 || iButton == 3)
0613     m_currentColumn = iCol;
0614   // update contents of the column editor
0615   if (m_currentColumn >= 0 && m_currentColumn < (int)m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->size()) {
0616     const FWTableViewManager::TableEntry &entry = m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->at(m_currentColumn);
0617     m_column_name_field->SetText(;
0618     m_column_expr_field->SetText(entry.expression.c_str());
0619     m_column_prec_field->SetText(Form("%d", entry.precision));
0620   } else {
0621     m_column_name_field->SetText("");
0622     m_column_expr_field->SetText("");
0623     m_column_prec_field->SetText("");
0624   }
0625 }
0627 void FWTableView::addColumn() {
0628   std::string name = m_column_name_field->GetText();
0629   std::string expr = m_column_expr_field->GetText();
0630   // convert the precision to a long int
0631   char *endptr = nullptr;
0632   int prec = (int)strtol(m_column_prec_field->GetText(), &endptr, 0);
0633   if (name.empty() || expr.empty() || m_column_prec_field->GetText() == nullptr || *endptr != 0) {
0634     fwLog(fwlog::kInfo) << "bad input\n";
0635     fflush(stdout);
0636     return;
0637   }
0638   fwLog(fwlog::kInfo) << "adding column " << name << ": " << expr << ", precision " << prec << std::endl;
0639   fflush(stdout);
0640   //      m_manager->tableFormats(*item->modelType())
0641   FWTableViewManager::TableEntry e = {expr, name, prec};
0642   m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->push_back(e);
0643   m_currentColumn = (int)m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->size() + 1;
0644   // change needs to be propagated to all tables, because all
0645   // tables displaying objects of this type are affected
0646   // MT -- this is NOT true!!! FIX
0647   m_tableWidget->forceLayout();
0648   m_manager->dataChanged();
0649 }
0651 void FWTableView::deleteColumn() {
0652   if (m_currentColumn >= 0 && m_currentColumn < (int)m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->size()) {
0653     m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->erase(m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->begin() + m_currentColumn);
0654     m_column_name_field->SetText("");
0655     m_column_expr_field->SetText("");
0656     m_column_prec_field->SetText("");
0657     m_currentColumn = -1;
0658   }
0659   // change needs to be propagated to all tables, because all
0660   // tables displaying objects of this type are affected
0661   // MT -- this is NOT true!!! FIX
0662   m_tableWidget->forceLayout();
0663   m_manager->dataChanged();
0664 }
0666 void FWTableView::modifyColumn() {
0667   std::string name = m_column_name_field->GetText();
0668   std::string expr = m_column_expr_field->GetText();
0669   // convert the precision to a long int
0670   char *endptr = nullptr;
0671   int prec = (int)strtol(m_column_prec_field->GetText(), &endptr, 0);
0672   if (name.empty() || expr.empty() || m_column_prec_field->GetText() == nullptr || *endptr != 0) {
0673     fwLog(fwlog::kInfo) << "bad input\n";
0674     fflush(stdout);
0675     return;
0676   }
0677   fwLog(fwlog::kInfo) << "modify column " << name << ": " << expr << ", precision " << prec << std::endl;
0678   fflush(stdout);
0679   //      m_manager->tableFormats(*item->modelType())
0680   FWTableViewManager::TableEntry e = {expr, name, prec};
0681   m_tableManager->m_tableFormats->at(m_currentColumn) = e;
0682   // Change needs to be propagated to all tables, because all
0683   // tables displaying objects of this type are affected
0684   // MT -- this is NOT true!!! FIX
0685   m_tableWidget->forceLayout();
0686   m_manager->dataChanged();
0687 }