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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for theMap

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member AlignableNavigator /Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/AlignableNavigator.h 66
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 72
local variable /Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/src/ 91
local variable /Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 1368
class, struct, or union member Tracker_OldtoNewConverter /Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 61
class, struct, or union member SurveyDataReader /Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/interface/SurveyDataReader.h 31
class, struct, or union member SurveyInputTextReader /Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/interface/SurveyInputTextReader.h 32
class, struct, or union member DTCalibrationMap /CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/DTCalibrationMap.h 112
class, struct, or union member CCApatternmaker /Calibration/HcalConnectivity/test/CCApatternmaker.C 281
variable definition /CondCore/L1TPlugins/plugins/ 50
variable definition /CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 792
variable definition /CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 885
class, struct, or union member SiPixelFedCablingMap /CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFedCablingMap.h 55
class, struct, or union member SiPixelFrameConverter /CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFrameConverter.h 48
class, struct, or union member CondFormats_SiPixelObjects::dictionary /CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/src/classes.h 29
local variable /CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 87
local variable /CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 155
local variable /CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 102
local variable /CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 164
local variable /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 256
local variable /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 266
local variable /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 279
local variable /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 291
class, struct, or union member CSCGeometry /Geometry/CSCGeometry/interface/CSCGeometry.h 158
class, struct, or union member DTGeometry /Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h 113
class, struct, or union member GEMGeometry /Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h 124
class, struct, or union member ME0Geometry /Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/ME0Geometry.h 78
local variable /Geometry/GeometryAligner/interface/GeometryAligner.h 76
local variable /Geometry/GeometryAligner/interface/GeometryAligner.h 126
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeometry.h 80
class, struct, or union member RPCGeometry /Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeometry.h 77
class, struct, or union member final /Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h 115
local variable /L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger/test/cratePatterns.cpp 70
local variable /L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger/test/testL1RCTORCAMapAux.cpp 8
local variable /OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/src/ 376
class, struct, or union member CSCValHists /RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/CSCValHists.h 253
class, struct, or union member HcalSignalGeneratorTest /SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/HcalSignalGeneratorTest.cpp 21
class, struct, or union member PSimHitMap /SimMuon/MCTruth/interface/PSimHitMap.h 24
class, struct, or union member GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer /Validation/GlobalRecHits/interface/GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer.h 281
class, struct, or union member GlobalRecHitsProducer /Validation/GlobalRecHits/interface/GlobalRecHitsProducer.h 324

40 declarations in 35 files.

References to theMap

File Line
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/interface/AlignableNavigator.h 55 66
/Alignment/CommonAlignment/src/ 19 25 33 39 51 59 65 73 81 92 93 121 124 127 183 185 185
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 72 100 107
/Alignment/CommonAlignmentMonitor/src/ 91 93 95 98 101 101 102 104
/Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm/src/ 1368 1369 1369 1370 1372
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/interface/MuonAlignment.h 40 42
/Alignment/MuonAlignment/src/ 108 112 114 121 123 125
/Alignment/OfflineValidation/plugins/ 61 144 146 189
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/interface/SurveyDataReader.h 27 31
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/interface/SurveyInputTextReader.h 29 32
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 84
/Alignment/SurveyAnalysis/src/ 47
/CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/ 90 91 155 165 171 171
/CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/DTCalibrationMap.h 67 86 88 112
/CalibTracker/SiStripChannelGain/src/ 187 197
/Calibration/HcalConnectivity/test/CCApatternmaker.C 281 334 570
/CondCore/L1TPlugins/plugins/ 50 51 73
/CondCore/PhysicsToolsPlugins/interface/DropBoxMetaDataPayloadInspectorHelper.h 78 78 183 184
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/interface/SiPixelPayloadInspectorHelper.h 832 837 837 839 839
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 473 488 508 511 514 585 614 617 620 628 631 647 661 703 706 709 712 734 792 804 820 885 912
/CondCore/SiPixelPlugins/plugins/ 202 223 225 245 248 251 340 370 373 376 384 387 425 436 438
/CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFedCablingMap.h 55
/CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelFrameConverter.h 48
/CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/src/ 18 23 30 33 97 105 105 116 116 127 128 135 135 143 143 152 152 162 163
/CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/src/ 16 21 27 37 40
/CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/src/classes.h 29
/CondTools/SiStrip/interface/SiStripMiscalibrateHelper.h 71
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 54 87 113 115 121 134 140
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 59 155 202 207 215 291 296
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 107 109 179 204 208 219 244 248
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 58 102 132 134 140 153 158
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 87 92 95 95 95
/CondTools/SiStrip/plugins/ 60 61 164 210 219 221 231 320 336 336 345 380 385
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/bin/ 81 83 85 88 89
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/bin/ 155 159 164 173 175 177
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/bin/ 80 81 84 88
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/bin/ 80 81 84 93 97
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/test/ 14 16 17 18 26 28 29 30 38 40 41 42 43 51 53 54 63 65 68 69 78 81 88 91 92 101 104 111 114 115 116 117 118
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/test/ 14 16 18 24 26 28 34 36 38 39 45 47 48 49 51 52 57 65 67 69 72 74 76 80 84 85 102 108 109 111 115 116 133 142 149 150 162
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/test/ 14 15 21 24
/DQM/TrackerRemapper/test/ 12 13 19 22 24 31 32 34
/DQMOffline/CalibMuon/src/ 131 131 131 132 134 134 137 145 146
/FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 256 257 258 259 266 267 268 269 279 280 281 282 291 292 293 294
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/interface/CSCGeometry.h 158
/Geometry/CSCGeometry/src/ 37 76 92 93
/Geometry/CaloEventSetup/plugins/ 90 105 114 137
/Geometry/CaloEventSetup/plugins/CaloTowerConstituentsMapBuilder.h 53 54
/Geometry/CaloEventSetup/plugins/ 44 64
/Geometry/CaloEventSetup/plugins/EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMapBuilder.h 45
/Geometry/DTGeometry/interface/DTGeometry.h 113
/Geometry/DTGeometry/src/ 29 45 51 58 80 81
/Geometry/EcalMapping/plugins/ 25 31
/Geometry/EcalMapping/plugins/EcalElectronicsMappingBuilder.h 28
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/GEMGeometry.h 124
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/interface/ME0Geometry.h 78
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/src/ 26 27 91 101 108
/Geometry/GEMGeometry/src/ 25 26 54 64 71
/Geometry/GeometryAligner/interface/GeometryAligner.h 60 61 65 76 77 77 77 77 79 79 116 126 127 127 131 143
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDGeometry.h 80
/Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/src/ 143 172 173
/Geometry/RPCGeometry/interface/RPCGeometry.h 77
/Geometry/RPCGeometry/src/ 33 34 60 67
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h 115
/Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/src/ 143 194 195
/IOPool/Input/src/ 2418 2440 2446
/L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger/test/cratePatterns.cpp 70 77
/L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger/test/testL1RCTORCAMapAux.cpp 8 9 10 11 26 36 37
/OnlineDB/EcalCondDB/src/ 376 422 424 431 440
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/ 16 16 79 85 86 87 90 96 97 98 101 116 117 118 122 140 141 142 145 173 174 175 179 193 194 195 198 222 223 224 228 246 247 248 251 279 280 281 285 303 304 305 308 336 337 338 342 359 360 361 376 381 382 383 398 417 418 419 422 452 453 454 458 472 473 474 478 506 507 508 512 540 541 542 546 565 566 567 571
/RecoLocalMuon/CSCValidation/src/CSCValHists.h 253
/RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/TransientVertex.h 246
/RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/src/ 224 225
/SimCalorimetry/HcalSimAlgos/test/HcalSignalGeneratorTest.cpp 21 41 63 64 65 66 67 68
/SimGeneral/NoiseGenerators/interface/GaussianTailNoiseGenerator.h 32
/SimGeneral/NoiseGenerators/src/ 24 50
/SimMuon/MCTruth/interface/PSimHitMap.h 13 24
/SimMuon/MCTruth/src/ 6 16 21 22 31 32 32
/Validation/Geometry/interface/MaterialBudgetCategorizer.h 31 32
/Validation/Geometry/src/ 43 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 79 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
/Validation/GlobalRecHits/interface/GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer.h 281
/Validation/GlobalRecHits/interface/GlobalRecHitsProducer.h 324
/Validation/GlobalRecHits/src/ 1117 1129 1156 1157
/Validation/GlobalRecHits/src/ 1628 1647 1673 1674

544 references in 83 files.