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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:09:05

0001 #include "catch.hpp"
0002 #include <iostream>
0003 #include <numeric>  // std::accumulate
0004 #include "TCanvas.h"
0005 #include "DQM/TrackerRemapper/interface/Phase1PixelROCMaps.h"
0006 #include "CalibTracker/SiPixelESProducers/interface/SiPixelDetInfoFileReader.h"
0008 static const std::string k_geo = "SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry/data/PhaseI/PixelSkimmedGeometry_phase1.txt";
0010 TEST_CASE("Phase1PixelROCMaps testing", "[Phase1PixelROCMaps]") {
0011   //_____________________________________________________________
0012   SECTION("Check barrel plotting") {
0013     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0014     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("");
0015     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1200);
0016     theMap.drawBarrelMaps(c, "testing barrel");
0017     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_barrel.png");
0018     REQUIRE(theMap.getLayerMaps().size() == 4);
0019   }
0021   //_____________________________________________________________
0022   SECTION("Check endcap plotting") {
0023     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0024     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("");
0025     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 600);
0026     theMap.drawForwardMaps(c, "testing endcaps");
0027     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_endcap.png");
0028     REQUIRE(theMap.getRingMaps().size() == 2);
0029   }
0031   //_____________________________________________________________
0032   SECTION("Check whole detector plotting") {
0033     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0034     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("");
0035     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1600);
0036     theMap.drawMaps(c, "testing everything");
0037     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_whole.png");
0038     REQUIRE(theMap.getLayerMaps().size() == 4);
0039     REQUIRE(theMap.getRingMaps().size() == 2);
0040   }
0042   //_____________________________________________________________
0043   SECTION("Check empty delta plotting") {
0044     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0045     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("#Delta", "#Delta");
0046     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1600);
0047     theMap.drawMaps(c, "testing empty #Delta");
0048     theMap.fillWholeModule(303042564, 1.);
0049     theMap.fillWholeModule(344912900, -1.);
0050     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_emptyDelta.png");
0051     REQUIRE(theMap.getLayerMaps().size() == 4);
0052     REQUIRE(theMap.getRingMaps().size() == 2);
0053   }
0055   //_____________________________________________________________
0056   SECTION("Check filling whole modules") {
0057     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("");
0058     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0059     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1600);
0060     SiPixelDetInfoFileReader reader_ = SiPixelDetInfoFileReader(edm::FileInPath(k_geo).fullPath());
0061     const auto& detIds = reader_.getAllDetIds();
0062     for (const auto& it : detIds) {
0063       int subid = DetId(it).subdetId();
0064       if (subid == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel) {
0065         int module = theMap.findDetCoordinates(it).m_s_module;
0066         if (module % 2 == 0) {
0067           theMap.fillWholeModule(it, 1.);
0068         } else {
0069           theMap.fillWholeModule(it, -1.);
0070         }
0071       } else if (subid == PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap) {
0072         int panel = theMap.findDetCoordinates(it).m_panel;
0073         if (panel % 2 == 0) {
0074           theMap.fillWholeModule(it, 1.);
0075         } else {
0076           theMap.fillWholeModule(it, -1.);
0077         }
0078       }
0079     }
0080     theMap.drawMaps(c, "testing whole modules");
0081     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_fullModules.png");
0083     int totalEntries = 0;
0084     const auto layerMaps = theMap.getLayerMaps();
0085     const auto ringMaps = theMap.getRingMaps();
0087     int nBarrel = std::accumulate(layerMaps.begin(), layerMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0088       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0089     });
0091     int nForward = std::accumulate(ringMaps.begin(), ringMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0092       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0093     });
0095     totalEntries = nBarrel + nForward;
0096     // this must equal the total number of modules (1856) time the ROC/module (16)
0097     REQUIRE(totalEntries == (1856 * 16));
0098   }
0100   //_____________________________________________________________
0101   SECTION("Check filling in delta mode") {
0102     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("", "#Delta: flipped vs unflipped");
0103     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0104     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1600);
0105     SiPixelDetInfoFileReader reader_ = SiPixelDetInfoFileReader(edm::FileInPath(k_geo).fullPath());
0106     const auto& detIds = reader_.getAllDetIds();
0107     for (const auto& it : detIds) {
0108       bool isFlipped = theMap.findDetCoordinates(it).isFlipped();
0109       theMap.fillWholeModule(it, isFlipped ? 1. : -1);
0110     }
0111     theMap.drawMaps(c, "testing #Delta mode");
0112     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_deltaMode.png");
0114     int totalEntries = 0;
0115     const auto layerMaps = theMap.getLayerMaps();
0116     const auto ringMaps = theMap.getRingMaps();
0118     int nBarrel = std::accumulate(layerMaps.begin(), layerMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0119       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0120     });
0122     int nForward = std::accumulate(ringMaps.begin(), ringMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0123       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0124     });
0126     totalEntries = nBarrel + nForward;
0127     // this must equal the total number of modules (1856) time the ROC/module (16)
0128     REQUIRE(totalEntries == (1856 * 16));
0129   }
0131   //_____________________________________________________________
0132   SECTION("Check filling selected ROCs") {
0133     Phase1PixelROCMaps theMap("");
0134     gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0135     TCanvas c = TCanvas("c", "c", 1200, 1600);
0136     SiPixelDetInfoFileReader reader_ = SiPixelDetInfoFileReader(edm::FileInPath(k_geo).fullPath());
0137     const auto& detIds = reader_.getAllDetIds();
0138     for (const auto& it : detIds) {
0139       for (unsigned i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
0140         std::bitset<16> bad_rocs;
0141         bad_rocs.set(i);
0142         theMap.fillSelectedRocs(it, bad_rocs, i);
0143       }
0144       //std::bitset<16> bad_rocs(it >> 2);
0145       //theMap.fillSelectedRocs(it, bad_rocs, 1.);
0146     }
0148     int totalEntries = 0;
0149     const auto layerMaps = theMap.getLayerMaps();
0150     const auto ringMaps = theMap.getRingMaps();
0152     int nBarrel = std::accumulate(layerMaps.begin(), layerMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0153       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0154     });
0156     int nForward = std::accumulate(ringMaps.begin(), ringMaps.end(), 0, [](int a, const std::shared_ptr<TH2> h) {
0157       return a += h.get()->GetEntries();
0158     });
0160     totalEntries = nBarrel + nForward;
0162     theMap.drawMaps(c, "testing selected ROCs");
0163     c.SaveAs("Phase1PixelROCMaps_fullROCs.png");
0164     // this must equal the total number of modules (1856) time the ROC/module (16)
0165     REQUIRE(totalEntries == (1856 * 16));
0166   }
0167 }