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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Matches are case-sensitive. Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
As a convenience, extra 999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for value_

Type Member of File Line
class, struct, or union member Entry /Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Entry.h 104
class, struct, or union member dtCalibration::DTTTrigConstantShift /CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/DTTTrigConstantShift.h 40
class, struct, or union member pf2pat::ElectronIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition /CommonTools/ParticleFlow/interface/ElectronIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition.h 124
class, struct, or union member JetDeltaRValueMapProducer /CommonTools/RecoAlgos/plugins/ 160
class, struct, or union member DoubleProducer /CommonTools/UtilAlgos/plugins/ 17
class, struct, or union member reco::parser::ExpressionNumber /CommonTools/Utils/interface/parser/ExpressionNumber.h 22
class, struct, or union member __anon1::Decrementer /CommonTools/Utils/test/ 31
class, struct, or union member HcalConstFunctor /CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalConstFunctor.h 31
local variable /CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalConstFunctor.h 38
class, struct, or union member HcalLUTCorrsGPU /CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalLUTCorrsGPU.h 30
class, struct, or union member HcalTimeCorrsGPU /CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalTimeCorrsGPU.h 30
class, struct, or union member OpticalAlignParam /CondFormats/OptAlignObjects/interface/OpticalAlignInfo.h 45
local variable /CondFormats/SerializationHelper/test/ 53
class, struct, or union member __anon1::TestInheritance /CondFormats/SerializationHelper/test/ 55
class, struct, or union member test_with_dictionaries::IntValue /DataFormats/Common/interface/IntValues.h 28
class, struct, or union member BTLSample /DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/BTLSample.h 83
class, struct, or union member ETLSample /DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/ETLSample.h 97
class, struct, or union member FTLSample /DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/FTLSample.h 64
class, struct, or union member HGCSample /DataFormats/HGCDigi/interface/HGCSample.h 124
class, struct, or union member HGCROCChannelDataFrame /DataFormats/HGCalDigi/interface/HGCROCChannelDataFrame.h 156
class, struct, or union member HGCalElectronicsId /DataFormats/HGCalDigi/interface/HGCalElectronicsId.h 74
class, struct, or union member reco::Centrality /DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/interface/Centrality.h 63
class, struct, or union member MonitorElementData::Kind /DataFormats/Histograms/interface/MonitorElementCollection.h 274
class, struct, or union member l1t::P2GTCandidate::Optional /DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/P2GTCandidate.h 65
class, struct, or union member pat::LookupTableRecord /DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/LookupTableRecord.h 35
class, struct, or union member Phase2TrackerCommissioningDigi /DataFormats/Phase2TrackerDigi/interface/Phase2TrackerCommissioningDigi.h 16
class, struct, or union member edm::FileFormatVersion /DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileFormatVersion.h 36
class, struct, or union member reco::DeDxData /DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/DeDxData.h 19
class, struct, or union member DDSpecificsMatchesValueFilter /DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilter.h 77
class, struct, or union member DDValue::AtomicUInt /DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDValue.h 106
class, struct, or union member jsoncollector::Json::Value /EventFilter/Utilities/interface/value.h 401
class, struct, or union member edm::ProductRegistryHelper::BranchAliasSetter /FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductRegistryHelper.h 68
class, struct, or union member edm::ProductRegistryHelper::BranchAliasSetterT /FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductRegistryHelper.h 84
class, struct, or union member edm::ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit /FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit.h 43
class, struct, or union member edm::eventsetup::test::DummyData /FWCore/Framework/test/DummyData.h 16
class, struct, or union member edm::DummyEventSetupData /FWCore/Framework/test/DummyEventSetupData.h 17
class, struct, or union member callbacktest::Data /FWCore/Framework/test/ 28
class, struct, or union member callbacktest::Double /FWCore/Framework/test/ 35
class, struct, or union member callbacktest::UniquePtrProd /FWCore/Framework/test/ 81
class, struct, or union member callbacktest::OptionalProd /FWCore/Framework/test/ 108
class, struct, or union member testGlobalFilter::TransformAsyncProd::IntHolder /FWCore/Framework/test/ 377
class, struct, or union member testGlobalProducer::TransformAsyncProd::IntHolder /FWCore/Framework/test/ 344
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 482
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 487
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 790
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 795
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 870
class, struct, or union member edmtest::global::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 875
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 444
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 449
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 824
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 829
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 908
class, struct, or union member edmtest::limited::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 913
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 321
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 326
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 557
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 562
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 581
class, struct, or union member edmtest::one::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 586
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 519
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 524
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 880
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 885
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 924
class, struct, or union member edmtest::stream::TestInputProcessBlockCache1 /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 929
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntTestAnalyzer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 86
class, struct, or union member edmtest::BuiltinIntTestAnalyzer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 157
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ConsumingStreamAnalyzer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 293
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ConsumingOneSharedResourceAnalyzer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 318
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ToyDoubleProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 41
function definition edmtest::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 124
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 135
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntOneSharedProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 170
function prototype or declaration edmtest::BusyWaitIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 187
class, struct, or union member edmtest::BusyWaitIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 198
function prototype or declaration edmtest::BusyWaitIntLimitedProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 233
class, struct, or union member edmtest::BusyWaitIntLimitedProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 241
class, struct, or union member edmtest::BusyWaitIntOneSharedProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 289
function definition edmtest::ConsumingIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 311
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ConsumingIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 321
function definition edmtest::TransientIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 352
class, struct, or union member edmtest::TransientIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 357
function definition edmtest::TransientIntParentProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 394
class, struct, or union member edmtest::TransientIntParentProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 399
function definition edmtest::Int16_tProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 434
class, struct, or union member edmtest::Int16_tProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 439
function prototype or declaration edmtest::NonEventIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 674
class, struct, or union member edmtest::NonEventIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 765
function definition edmtest::IntProducerBeginProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 863
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntProducerBeginProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 869
function definition edmtest::IntProducerEndProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 887
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntProducerEndProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 896
function definition edmtest::TransientIntProducerEndProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 914
class, struct, or union member edmtest::TransientIntProducerEndProcessBlock /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 920
function prototype or declaration edmtest::MustRunIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 935
class, struct, or union member edmtest::MustRunIntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 970
function definition edm::test::other::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 983
class, struct, or union member edm::test::other::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 997
function definition edm::test::other::IntTransformer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 1003
class, struct, or union member edm::test::other::IntTransformer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 1020
function definition edm::test::cpu::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 1026
class, struct, or union member edm::test::cpu::IntProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 1040
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntVectorProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 51
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntListProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 101
class, struct, or union member edmtest::IntDequeProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 123
class, struct, or union member edmtest::UniqPtrIntVectorProducer /FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 191
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataA /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 13
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataB /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 23
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataC /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 33
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataD /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 43
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataE /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 53
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataF /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 63
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataG /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 73
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataH /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 83
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataI /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 93
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataJ /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 103
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataK /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 113
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestDataZ /FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 123
class, struct, or union member edmtest::AcquireIntESProducer::TestValue /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 67
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerA /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 27
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerB /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 45
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerC /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 102
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerD /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 120
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerE /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 138
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerF /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 156
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerG /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 174
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerH /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 192
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerI /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 210
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerJ /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 228
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ESTestProducerK /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 246
class, struct, or union member edm::test::other::ESTestProducerA /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 360
class, struct, or union member edm::test::cpu::ESTestProducerA /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 375
class, struct, or union member edmtest::ValueMaker /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 46
class, struct, or union member edmtest::AnotherValueMaker /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 55
class, struct, or union member edmtest::AnotherMakerWithRecursivePlugin /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 76
class, struct, or union member edmtest::TransformAsyncIntProducer::WorkCache /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 14
class, struct, or union member edmtest::TransformAsyncIntStreamProducer::WorkCache /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 14
class, struct, or union member ValueExample /FWCore/Integration/plugins/ValueExample.h 45
class, struct, or union member edmtest::test_acquire::Token /FWCore/Integration/plugins/WaitingService.h 27
class, struct, or union member edm::JobReport::AtomicLongLong /FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/JobReport.h 176
class, struct, or union member __anon1::AtomicUnsignedInt /FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 75
class, struct, or union member edm::BooleanProducer /FWCore/Modules/src/ 19
class, struct, or union member timestudy::SleepingProducer /FWCore/Modules/src/ 92
class, struct, or union member timestudy::OneSleepingProducer /FWCore/Modules/src/ 124
class, struct, or union member timestudy::ExternalWorkSleepingProducer /FWCore/Modules/src/ 317
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterDescription.h 190
variable definition /FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterDescription.h 192
class, struct, or union member edm::ParameterDescription /FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterDescription.h 196
class, struct, or union member edmtest::PythonTestProducer /FWCore/PythonFramework/test/ 23
class, struct, or union member edmtest::reflection::IntObject /FWCore/Reflection/test/stubs/TestObjects.h 19
class, struct, or union member __anon1::DummyService /FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/serviceregistry_t.cppunit.cpp 69
class, struct, or union member testserviceregistry::DependsOnDummyService /FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/DependsOnDummyService.h 39
class, struct, or union member testserviceregistry::DummyService /FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/DummyService.h 56
class, struct, or union member edm::debugvalue /FWCore/Utilities/interface/DebugMacros.h 13
class, struct, or union member edm::LuminosityBlockIndex /FWCore/Utilities/interface/LuminosityBlockIndex.h 58
class, struct, or union member edm::ProcessBlockIndex /FWCore/Utilities/interface/ProcessBlockIndex.h 40
class, struct, or union member edm::RunIndex /FWCore/Utilities/interface/RunIndex.h 55
class, struct, or union member edm::StreamID /FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h 54
class, struct, or union member lhef::LHERunInfo::XSec /GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/interface/LHERunInfo.h 74
function prototype or declaration AlphaT /HLTrigger/JetMET/interface/AlphaT.h 26
class, struct, or union member HLTJetSortedVBFFilter /HLTrigger/JetMET/interface/HLTJetSortedVBFFilter.h 62
function definition AlphaT /HLTrigger/JetMET/src/ 5
class, struct, or union member cms::alpakatest::ESTestDataA /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/ESTestData.h 11
class, struct, or union member cms::alpakatest::ESTestDataB /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/ESTestData.h 20
class, struct, or union member cms::alpakatest::ESTestDataC /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/ESTestData.h 29
class, struct, or union member alpakatest::HostOnlyType /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/HostOnlyType.h 16
class, struct, or union member cms::alpakatest::TestESProducerT /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/plugins/ 26
local variable /HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/src/ 7
local variable /OnlineDB/CSCCondDB/test/xTalkMacro.C 421
local variable /OnlineDB/CSCCondDB/test/xTalkMacro.C 1237
class, struct, or union member tnp::ProbeVariable /PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/interface/BaseTreeFiller.h 78
class, struct, or union member tnp::ProbeFlag /PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/interface/BaseTreeFiller.h 123
class, struct, or union member StringLeaveHelper /PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/StringBasedNTupler.h 117
function prototype or declaration /PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/StringBasedNTupler.h 167
function prototype or declaration /PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/StringBasedNTupler.h 181
class, struct, or union member StringBranchHelper /PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/StringBasedNTupler.h 195
class, struct, or union member funct::Master /PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/FunctClone.h 43
class, struct, or union member funct::Parameter /PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Parameter.h 27
class, struct, or union member tau::TauWPThreshold /RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/TauWPThreshold.h 62
class, struct, or union member GenLumiInfoProduct::XSec /SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenLumiInfoProduct.h 51
class, struct, or union member GenRunInfoProduct::XSec /SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenRunInfoProduct.h 49
class, struct, or union member Phi /Utilities/General/test/test_precomputed_value_sort.cpp 21

183 declarations in 93 files.

References to value_

File Line
/Alignment/CocoaApplication/src/ 103 106 109 112 115 118 187 198 209 261 270 279 298 298 299 300 301 301 333 385 541 553 555 558
/Alignment/CocoaFit/src/ 170 179 188 200 209 218 230 233
/Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Entry.h 53 78 104
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 135 141 166 172 178 184 208 232
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 110 111 187 192 196 199 202 206 237 238 326
/Alignment/CocoaModel/src/ 128
/CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/ 25 28 58
/CalibMuon/DTCalibration/plugins/DTTTrigConstantShift.h 40
/CommonTools/ParticleFlow/interface/ElectronIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition.h 60 108 124
/CommonTools/RecoAlgos/plugins/ 41 50 51 53 53 118 119 122 133 160
/CommonTools/UtilAlgos/plugins/ 17 26 31
/CommonTools/Utils/interface/parser/ExpressionNumber.h 18 19 22
/CommonTools/Utils/test/ 18 21 26 31
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalConstFunctor.h 27 27 31 38
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalLUTCorrsGPU.h 30
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalTimeCorrsGPU.h 30
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/src/ 3 5 7
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/src/ 8 14 21 29 32
/CondFormats/HcalObjects/src/ 8 14 21 29 32
/CondFormats/OptAlignObjects/interface/OpticalAlignInfo.h 39 45 52
/CondFormats/OptAlignObjects/src/ 48
/CondFormats/SerializationHelper/test/ 49 53 55
/DQMServices/Components/test/ 26 42
/DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h 96 97
/DQMServices/Core/src/ 138
/DQMServices/Core/src/ 49 51 760 760
/DQMServices/FwkIO/plugins/ 209 253 294 296
/DataFormats/Common/interface/IntValues.h 28 29
/DataFormats/Common/test/ 343 345 346 347 354 356 375 377 378 379
/DataFormats/Common/test/ 184 186
/DataFormats/Common/test/ 201 202 228 230 231 234 236 244 245 246 259 259 261 261
/DataFormats/Common/test/ 257 259
/DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/BTLSample.h 24 26 27 27 41 55 59 60 61 71 73 83
/DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/ETLSample.h 37 38 39 40 40 54 68 69 70 71 72 73 75 76 84 86 97
/DataFormats/FTLDigi/interface/FTLSample.h 21 22 23 23 33 44 45 46 47 48 49 58 60 64
/DataFormats/HGCDigi/interface/HGCSample.h 35 36 37 37 66 73 114 117 120 124
/DataFormats/HGCalDigi/interface/HGCROCChannelDataFrame.h 36 37 38 39 40 40 101 102 139 142 149 156
/DataFormats/HGCalDigi/interface/HGCalElectronicsId.h 43 46 52 53 53 54 54 55 74
/DataFormats/HGCalDigi/src/ 6 12 15 24 27 30 33
/DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/interface/Centrality.h 18 63
/DataFormats/HeavyIonEvent/src/ 11
/DataFormats/Histograms/interface/MonitorElementCollection.h 274
/DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/P2GTCandidate.h 55 56 58 65
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/LookupTableRecord.h 21 22 23 25 28 35
/DataFormats/Phase2TrackerDigi/interface/Phase2TrackerCommissioningDigi.h 8 9 12 16
/DataFormats/Provenance/interface/FileFormatVersion.h 9 10 33 36
/DataFormats/Provenance/src/ 5 7 9 11 13 15 15 17 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45
/DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/DeDxData.h 19
/DataFormats/TrackReco/src/ 5 7 11
/DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilter.h 72 77
/DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDValue.h 98 100 100 102 102 106
/DetectorDescription/Core/src/ 120 126 128
/DetectorDescription/Core/src/ 22 25 27
/EventFilter/Utilities/interface/value.h 401
/EventFilter/Utilities/src/json_value.cpp 219 222 225 230 234 237 241 256 267 278 290 302 314 326 339 351 368 368 371 372 372 375 380 380 384 384 387 387 413 418 422 425 446 446 490 490 492 492 494 494 496 496 498 498 499 499 499 499 503 503 506 506 510 510 512 512 538 538 540 540 542 542 544 544 546 546 547 547 547 547 551 551 551 551 554 554 556 556 568 576 576 578 600 602 603 605 605 606 608 624 625 627 629 629 630 632 648 650 652 654 671 673 675 677 677 680 692 693 696 696 699 700 700 701 701 704 707 707 709 711 730 731 737 740 742 766 770 773 793 797 807 808 812 815 825 826 830 843 844 848 852 869 870 874 906 907 910 913 916 948 950 951 957 958 1039 1041 1046 1048 1055 1056 1069 1071 1076 1078 1085 1086 1099 1101 1106 1108 1115 1116 1129 1131 1136 1138 1145 1146
/FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductRegistryHelper.h 57 60 64 65 68 76 78 78 81 84
/FWCore/Framework/interface/ProductResolverIndexAndSkipBit.h 31 33 34 34 36 38 38 43
/FWCore/Framework/test/DummyData.h 16 17
/FWCore/Framework/test/DummyESProductResolverProvider.h 49
/FWCore/Framework/test/DummyEventSetupData.h 16 17
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 25 26 28 32 33 35 72 74 76 81 88 99 101 103 108 118 119 204 206 206 210 211 211 219 221 221 224 225 229 230 235 236 241 242 249 263 268 269 289 294 301 315 335 336 336 341 342 342 349 350 350 364 386 391 397 420 425 434 437 438 442 443 448 449 454 455 476 480 487 490 491 495 496 501 502 507 508 516 529 534 541 560 566 574 584 585 600 605 611
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 857 857 868 868 880 880 893 893 906 906 919 919 922 922 1004 1004 1017 1017 1032 1032 1047 1047 1062 1062 1077 1077 1082 1082 1167 1167 1180 1180 1195 1195 1210 1210 1225 1225 1240 1240 1245 1245
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 136 148 158 189 206 229 236 239 239 293 321 350 407 463 521 525 529 553 590 603 604 605 635 665 680
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 484 484 792 792 812 812 824 824 858 858 870 870 892 892 904 904 928 928 987 987 1001 1001 1015 1015 1087 1087 1101 1101 1115 1115 1171 1171 1205 1205 1249 1249 1285 1285 1322 1322 1460 1476
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 375 376 377 384
/FWCore/Framework/test/ 342 343 344 351
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 48
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 75 77 127 129
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 83 84
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 482 487 534 535 544 545 572 574 578 581 672 673 682 683 710 713 724 727 788 789 798 801
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 790 795 842 843 852 853 880 882 886 889
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 870 875 922 923 932 933 960 962 966 969
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 444 449 499 500 509 510 537 539 543 546
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 824 829 879 880 889 890 917 919 923 926
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 908 913 963 964 973 974 1001 1003 1007 1010
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 321 326 418 419 432 433 493 495 499 502
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 557 562 609 610 619 620 647 649 653 656
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 581 586 633 634 643 644 671 673 677 680
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 519 524 551 552 565 568 659 660 669 670 708 710 714 717
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 880 885 912 913 926 929 1021 1022 1031 1032 1070 1072 1076 1079
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 924 929 956 957 970 973 1064 1065 1074 1075 1113 1115 1119 1122
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 52 76 81 86 123 147 152 157 278 286 288 293 302 311 313 318
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 34 37 41 46
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 124 135 140 149 155 170 175 187 198 211 233 241 260 268 289 301 311 321 324 352 357 362 394 399 404 434 439 444 674 765 795 804 821 830 839 848 863 869 873 887 896 900 901 902 903 914 920 924 935 957 970 983 984 997 1003 1007 1020 1026 1027 1040
/FWCore/Framework/test/stubs/ 35 51 58 61 95 101 107 117 123 129 164 174 191
/FWCore/Integration/interface/ESTestData.h 8 9 10 13 18 19 20 23 28 29 30 33 38 39 40 43 48 49 50 53 58 59 60 63 68 69 70 73 78 79 80 83 88 89 90 93 98 99 100 103 108 109 110 113 118 119 120 123
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 66 67
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 27 30 33 34 45 48 51 52 102 105 108 109 120 123 126 127 138 141 144 145 156 159 162 163 174 177 180 181 192 195 198 199 210 213 216 217 228 231 234 235 246 249 252 253 351 355 356 360 366 370 371 375
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 41 42 46
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 51 52 55 60 65 76
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 14 33 38
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 14 32 37
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ 18
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/ValueExample.h 32 45
/FWCore/Integration/plugins/WaitingService.h 23 24 27
/FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/JobReport.h 170 171 171 172 173 176
/FWCore/MessageLogger/src/ 69 70 70 71 72 75
/FWCore/Modules/src/ 12 14 19
/FWCore/Modules/src/ 86 92 101 116 124 133 279 317 334
/FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterDescription.h 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 122 134 146 158 164 172 177 181 190 192 196
/FWCore/ParameterSet/src/ 544 547 612 616 618 619 620 622 623 628 638 645 646 649 650 653 654 657 658 661 662 665 666 669 670 675 677 680 681 684 685 688 689 692 693 696 697 700 701 704 705 708 709 714 716 719 720 725 727 730 731 734 735 738 739 742 743 746 747 750 751 754 755
/FWCore/PythonFramework/test/ 23 33 47
/FWCore/Reflection/test/stubs/TestObjects.h 8 12 16 19
/FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/serviceregistry_t.cppunit.cpp 69 78 86 90 114 124 132
/FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/ 21
/FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/DependsOnDummyService.h 31 39
/FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/ 41
/FWCore/ServiceRegistry/test/stubs/DummyService.h 39 56
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/DebugMacros.h 10 13
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/LuminosityBlockIndex.h 41 47 55 58
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/ProcessBlockIndex.h 29 31 38 40
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/RunIndex.h 41 45 52 55
/FWCore/Utilities/interface/StreamID.h 37 37 39 43 51 54
/FWCore/Utilities/src/ 8
/GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/interface/LHERunInfo.h 68 69 70 74
/GeneratorInterface/PartonShowerVeto/src/ 67 68
/GeneratorInterface/PartonShowerVeto/src/ 91 92
/HLTrigger/JetMET/interface/AlphaT.h 26 40 43
/HLTrigger/JetMET/interface/HLTJetSortedVBFFilter.h 62
/HLTrigger/JetMET/src/ 5
/HLTrigger/JetMET/src/ 40 122 124 126 143 196 253
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/ESTestData.h 7 8 11 16 17 20 25 26 29
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/interface/HostOnlyType.h 9 10 11 12 16
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/plugins/ 13 17 26
/HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaTest/src/ 7
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/interface/FPGAWord.h 24 32
/L1Trigger/TrackFindingTracklet/src/ 15 64 76 81 81 83 83 87 87
/OnlineDB/CSCCondDB/test/xTalkMacro.C 421 434 1237 1238
/PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/interface/BaseTreeFiller.h 60 72 78 108 123
/PhysicsTools/TagAndProbe/src/ 27 29
/PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/interface/StringBasedNTupler.h 90 100 105 107 111 117 124 138 143 144 167 171 181 185 195
/PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/FunctClone.h 22 28 36 40 43
/PhysicsTools/Utilities/interface/Parameter.h 11 13 14 16 17 18 19 21 27
/RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/TauWPThreshold.h 19 21 44 62
/RecoTracker/LSTCore/standalone/code/rooutil/cxxopts.h 677 677
/SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenLumiInfoProduct.h 35 36 38 41 44 47 47 51
/SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenRunInfoProduct.h 33 34 36 39 42 45 45 49
/Utilities/General/test/test_precomputed_value_sort.cpp 17 18 21

1349 references in 138 files.