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Definitions for CaloCluster

Type Member of File Line
extern or forward variable declaration /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 28
class /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 31
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 57
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 61
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 64
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 77
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 85
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 96
function definition reco::CaloCluster /DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 116
class /DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloCluster.h 9
function definition l1t::CaloCluster /DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloCluster.h 30
function prototype or declaration l1t::CaloCluster /DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloCluster.h 31
function definition l1t::CaloCluster /DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/src/ 4
function prototype or declaration /L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 83
extern or forward variable declaration /RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterBase.h 17
function prototype or declaration /RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/plugins/ 429

16 declarations in 6 files.

References to CaloCluster

File Line
/Calibration/EcalAlCaRecoProducers/plugins/ 129 152 169
/DPGAnalysis/L1TNanoAOD/plugins/ 7
/DQM/EcalMonitorTasks/interface/ClusterTask.h 37 76
/DQM/EcalMonitorTasks/interface/RecoSummaryTask.h 27 56
/DQM/EcalMonitorTasks/plugins/ 161 162
/DQM/EcalMonitorTasks/src/ 217 242
/DQM/EcalMonitorTasks/src/ 126 134
/DQMOffline/Ecal/interface/EcalPileUpDepMonitor.h 96 97 98
/DQMOffline/Ecal/plugins/ 35 38 40 243 253 262 270
/DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloCluster.h 28 29 31 57 61 64 77 85 96 116 157 160 163 166 169 216
/DataFormats/CaloRecHit/interface/CaloClusterFwd.h 19 21 22 23
/DataFormats/CaloRecHit/src/ 9 15 24
/DataFormats/CaloRecHit/test/ 31 31 31 32 36 36 36 37 41 41 41 42 46 49 51 54 56 59
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/BasicClusterFwd.h 13
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/ElectronSeed.h 68
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/PreshowerCluster.h 17 22
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/interface/SuperCluster.h 20 26
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/src/ 13 22
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/src/ 7 24 56
/DataFormats/EgammaReco/test/ 38 41 47 50 55 58 63 66 76 77 78
/DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloCluster.h 9 30 31 55 56 57 58 78
/DataFormats/L1TCalorimeter/src/ 4 4 9 11 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 51
/DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/interface/PFCluster.h 42 50 50
/DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco/src/ 11 11 25
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Electron.h 86 88 90 92 295 297 299 301 311
/DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Photon.h 71 73 339 341 345
/EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/interface/SuperClusterHelper.h 99 100 101 129 129
/EgammaAnalysis/ElectronTools/src/ 64 82
/Fireworks/Calo/interface/FWECALCaloDataDetailViewBuilder.h 75 75
/Fireworks/Calo/interface/FWECALDetailViewBuilder.h 80 80
/Fireworks/Calo/plugins/ 11 34 79 117 117 118 267
/Fireworks/Calo/plugins/ 28 122 153
/Fireworks/Calo/plugins/ 33 129 139
/HLTrigger/Egamma/plugins/ 165
/HLTrigger/Egamma/plugins/ 312
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/CaloTools.h 65 65 149
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithm.h 23
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2ClusterAlgorithmFirmware.h 28 31 32 33
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithm.h 27
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2EGammaAlgorithmFirmware.h 26 32 32 35 39 42 45
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithm.h 27
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2Layer2TauAlgorithmFirmware.h 27 32 38 59 62 65
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2MainProcessor.h 30
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/interface/Stage2MainProcessorFirmware.h 44
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/plugins/ 365
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/plugins/ 168
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/ 6 70 70
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 35 61 83 84 166 168 169 172 174 176 178 179 182 184 186 188 195 226 235 247 346 348 350 353 355 357 360 362 363 364 365 367 368 369 373 375 377 379 381 383 385 387 389 391 394 396 398 400 402 404 406 408 410 412 415 417 419 421 423 425 427 429 431 433 447 449 451 453 456 458 460 462
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 27 83 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 119 121 147 214 216 218 220 223 225 227 229 308 312 314 316 316 318 318 320 320 322 322 324 324 326 326 328 330 367 378 454 458 460 462 462 464 464 466 466 468 468 470 470 472 472 474 476 525 525 528 531 533 535 535 537 537 539 539 541 541 543 543 545 545 547 549 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 564 565 566 585 589 591 593 593 595 595 597 597 599 599 601 601 603 603 605 607
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 25 35 91 100 122 123 124 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 235 289 291 293 295 297 299 301 303 305 307 324 382 384 386 388 391 393 395 397 567 570 579 590 649 651 652 655 657 659 661 662 665 667 669 671 674 676 678 680 682 684 686 688 690 692 695 697 699 701 703 705 707 709 711 713 716 718 720 722 724 726 728 730 732 734 760
/L1Trigger/L1TCalorimeter/src/firmware/ 47 57 58
/PhysicsTools/UtilAlgos/src/ 71
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/interface/EgammaSCEnergyCorrectionAlgo.h 28 47
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 17
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 272
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 17 76 76 84 110 116 140 146 156
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 426 430 436
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 289
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 16
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 259
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/src/ 20 204 249 250 322
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/src/ 80 99 102 105 108 114
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/src/ 247 259 270
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/src/ 170 193
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/src/ 338 342 375
/RecoEcal/EgammaClusterProducers/test/ 57 59 60 232 235 286 288
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/ClusterEtLess.h 7 7
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/EcalClusterFunctionBaseClass.h 34
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/EcalClusterSeverityLevelAlgo.h 18 20 25 31
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/EcalClustersGraph.h 69 79 90 90 91 94 95
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/interface/Mustache.h 33 36 40
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/plugins/ 38 64
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/src/ 10 36 74 112
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/src/ 59 166 204 205 253 298
/RecoEcal/EgammaCoreTools/src/ 99 143 178
/RecoEgamma/EgammaElectronAlgos/interface/EgAmbiguityTools.h 12 13
/RecoEgamma/EgammaElectronAlgos/src/ 140 141
/RecoEgamma/EgammaElectronAlgos/src/ 283 322 785 879
/RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/plugins/ 374 397
/RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/plugins/ 302
/RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/plugins/ 106
/RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/plugins/ 258
/RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers/plugins/ 147
/RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/interface/EgammaHadTower.h 25
/RecoEgamma/EgammaIsolationAlgos/src/ 10
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/interface/ConversionSeedFinder.h 59 111
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/interface/ConversionTrackEcalImpactPoint.h 44
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/interface/InOutConversionSeedFinder.h 44 57 80 81
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/interface/OutInConversionSeedFinder.h 39
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/src/ 57
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/src/ 36 264 272 301 303
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonAlgos/src/ 54 78
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/src/ 84 85 86 87 247 249 251 252 359 366 372 373
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/src/ 69 70 71 72 112 113 125 126 132 133 369 370 376 377 388
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/src/ 56 57 62 88 89 90 91 217 274 281 331 332 354 555
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/src/ 870
/RecoEgamma/EgammaPhotonProducers/src/ 229 232
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/interface/EcalClusterLocal.h 16 24
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/interface/EgammaPCAHelper.h 41 90
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/interface/HGCalClusterTools.h 13 23 34
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/plugins/ 62
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/plugins/ 107 289
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/plugins/ 94 292
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/plugins/ 55 209 274 338
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 13 87
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 63
/RecoEgamma/EgammaTools/src/ 9
/RecoEgamma/PhotonIdentification/src/ 410
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/PatternRecognitionAlgoBase.h 38 45
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TICLInterpretationAlgoBase.h 41 50
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TracksterInferenceAlgoBase.h 29
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TracksterInferenceByANN.h 10
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TracksterInferenceByCNNv4.h 12
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TracksterInferenceByDNN.h 12
/RecoHGCal/TICL/interface/TracksterLinkingAlgoBase.h 54 60
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterBase.h 17 26
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterByAlgo.h 21
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterByAlgoAndSize.h 25
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterByAlgoAndSizeAndLayerRange.h 26
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ClusterFilterBySize.h 21
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 90 95
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 32 44 67 67 67 76
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/HGCDoublet.h 21 97
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 16 245
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/HGCGraph.h 20 43
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 243
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/PatternRecognitionbyCA.h 28 39
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 258
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/PatternRecognitionbyCLUE3D.h 26
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/PatternRecognitionbyFastJet.h 32
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 84
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 83 117
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 256 574 841 1060 1151
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 26 27 42 45 64
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 12
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 32 76
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 39 83
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 141
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/TracksterLinkingbySkeletons.h 40
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 71 92
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 22 25 33 50 67
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 75 85 142 424 496
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 15 36 240
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/TrackstersPCA.h 22 32 40 48
/RecoHGCal/TICL/plugins/ 52 67
/RecoHGCal/TICL/test/ 61 74 97
/RecoHI/HiEgammaAlgos/interface/HiEgammaSCEnergyCorrectionAlgo.h 32 39 40 41 42
/RecoHI/HiEgammaAlgos/plugins/ 46 49 52 55 61
/RecoHI/HiEgammaAlgos/plugins/HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker.h 64
/RecoHI/HiEgammaAlgos/src/ 18
/RecoHI/HiEgammaAlgos/src/ 31 152 156 158 177 180 182 198 203 206 229 234 248
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecAlgos/interface/ClusterTools.h 39 48
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecAlgos/src/ 42 108
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/interface/HGCalClusteringAlgoBase.h 52 72 96
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/interface/HGCalImagingAlgo.h 36
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/HGCalCLUEAlgo.h 40
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/ 70 116 267 306 308 310 312
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/ 41 43 45 173
/RecoLocalCalo/HGCalRecProducers/plugins/ 41 42 43 58 59 60 61 128 129 130 180 181 182 183
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/ 139
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/ 41 41
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterTools/interface/ClusterClusterMapping.h 18 19
/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterTools/src/ 4 5
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/plugins/ 171 246 247 252 263 279 284 292
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/plugins/ 429
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/src/ 1220
/RecoParticleFlow/PFProducer/src/ 550
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 26 32 53
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 24 31 44 54 63 74
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 30
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 27 31 36 42 53 67 91 101 119
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 17 33
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/HitToLayerClusterAssociatorProducer.h 33
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 19 36
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/HitToTracksterAssociatorProducer.h 31
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/ 18 22 35 43 54
/SimCalorimetry/HGCalAssociatorProducers/plugins/LCToTSAssociatorProducer.h 28
/Validation/HGCalValidation/interface/HGVHistoProducerAlgo.h 350 381
/Validation/HGCalValidation/plugins/ 71 85 97
/Validation/HGCalValidation/src/ 1744 2933

829 references in 180 files.