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0001 #ifndef Alignment_APEEstimation_TrackerSectorStruct_h
0002 #define Alignment_APEEstimation_TrackerSectorStruct_h
0004 #include <vector>
0005 #include <map>
0006 #include "TH1F.h"
0007 #include "TH2F.h"
0008 #include "TProfile.h"
0009 #include "TString.h"
0010 #include "CommonTools/Utils/interface/TFileDirectory.h"
0012 #include "Alignment/APEEstimation/interface/EventVariables.h"
0014 #include "TH1.h"
0015 #include "TH2.h"
0016 #include "TTree.h"
0017 //class TH1;
0018 //class TH2;
0019 //class TH1F;
0020 //class TH2F;
0021 //class TProfile;
0022 //class TString;
0023 //class TFileDirectory;
0025 class TrackerSectorStruct {
0026 public:
0027   inline TrackerSectorStruct();
0029   inline ~TrackerSectorStruct();
0031   struct CorrelationHists {
0032     CorrelationHists()
0033         : Variable(nullptr),
0034           NorResXVsVar(nullptr),
0035           ProbXVsVar(nullptr),
0036           SigmaXHitVsVar(nullptr),
0037           SigmaXTrkVsVar(nullptr),
0038           SigmaXVsVar(nullptr),
0039           PNorResXVsVar(nullptr),
0040           PProbXVsVar(nullptr),
0041           PSigmaXHitVsVar(nullptr),
0042           PSigmaXTrkVsVar(nullptr),
0043           PSigmaXVsVar(nullptr) {}
0045     inline void fillCorrHists(const TString,
0046                               const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct,
0047                               double variable);
0048     inline void fillCorrHistsX(const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct, double variable);
0049     inline void fillCorrHistsY(const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct, double variable);
0051     TH1F *Variable;
0052     TH2F *NorResXVsVar, *ProbXVsVar, *SigmaXHitVsVar, *SigmaXTrkVsVar, *SigmaXVsVar;
0053     TProfile *PNorResXVsVar, *PProbXVsVar, *PSigmaXHitVsVar, *PSigmaXTrkVsVar, *PSigmaXVsVar;
0054   };
0056   inline void setCorrHistParams(TFileDirectory *, double, double, double);
0057   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHists(
0058       TString, TString, TString, TString, TString, int, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0059   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHistsX(
0060       TString, TString, TString, TString, int, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0061   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHistsY(
0062       TString, TString, TString, TString, int, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0063   /// same, but without booking 1D histo
0064   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHists(TString, TString, TString, TString, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0065   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHistsX(TString, TString, TString, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0066   inline CorrelationHists bookCorrHistsY(TString, TString, TString, int, double, double, std::string = "nphtr");
0068   TFileDirectory *directory_;
0069   double norResXMax_, sigmaXHitMax_, sigmaXMax_;  // Used for x and y
0070   std::map<std::string, CorrelationHists> m_correlationHistsX;
0071   std::map<std::string, CorrelationHists> m_correlationHistsY;
0073   // Name of sector as string and as title of a histogram
0074   std::string name;
0075   TH1 *Name;
0077   // Module IDs of modules in sector
0078   std::vector<unsigned int> v_rawId;
0080   TH1 *ResX, *NorResX, *XHit, *XTrk, *SigmaX2, *ProbX;
0081   TH2 *WidthVsPhiSensX, *WidthVsWidthProjected, *WidthDiffVsMaxStrip, *WidthDiffVsSigmaXHit, *PhiSensXVsBarycentreX;
0082   TProfile *PWidthVsPhiSensX, *PWidthVsWidthProjected, *PWidthDiffVsMaxStrip, *PWidthDiffVsSigmaXHit,
0083       *PPhiSensXVsBarycentreX;
0084   std::map<std::string, std::vector<TH1 *> > m_sigmaX;
0086   TH1 *ResY, *NorResY, *YHit, *YTrk, *SigmaY2, *ProbY;
0087   TH2 *PhiSensYVsBarycentreY;
0088   TProfile *PPhiSensYVsBarycentreY;
0089   std::map<std::string, std::vector<TH1 *> > m_sigmaY;
0091   //for every bin in sigmaX or sigmaY the needful histos to calculate the APE
0092   std::map<unsigned int, std::map<std::string, TH1 *> > m_binnedHists;
0094   //for presenting results
0095   TTree *RawId;
0096   TH1 *EntriesX;
0097   TH1 *WeightX, *MeanX, *RmsX, *FitMeanX1, *ResidualWidthX1, *CorrectionX1, *FitMeanX2, *ResidualWidthX2, *CorrectionX2;
0098   TH1 *EntriesY;
0099   TH1 *WeightY, *MeanY, *RmsY, *FitMeanY1, *ResidualWidthY1, *CorrectionY1, *FitMeanY2, *ResidualWidthY2, *CorrectionY2;
0101   // To book pixel-specific or strip-specific histos only
0102   bool isPixel;
0103 };
0105 TrackerSectorStruct::TrackerSectorStruct()
0106     : directory_(nullptr),
0107       norResXMax_(999.),
0108       sigmaXHitMax_(999.),
0109       sigmaXMax_(999.),
0110       name("default"),
0111       Name(nullptr),
0112       ResX(nullptr),
0113       NorResX(nullptr),
0114       XHit(nullptr),
0115       XTrk(nullptr),
0116       SigmaX2(nullptr),
0117       ProbX(nullptr),
0118       WidthVsPhiSensX(nullptr),
0119       WidthVsWidthProjected(nullptr),
0120       WidthDiffVsMaxStrip(nullptr),
0121       WidthDiffVsSigmaXHit(nullptr),
0122       PhiSensXVsBarycentreX(nullptr),
0123       PWidthVsPhiSensX(nullptr),
0124       PWidthVsWidthProjected(nullptr),
0125       PWidthDiffVsMaxStrip(nullptr),
0126       PWidthDiffVsSigmaXHit(nullptr),
0127       PPhiSensXVsBarycentreX(nullptr),
0128       ResY(nullptr),
0129       NorResY(nullptr),
0130       YHit(nullptr),
0131       YTrk(nullptr),
0132       SigmaY2(nullptr),
0133       ProbY(nullptr),
0134       PhiSensYVsBarycentreY(nullptr),
0135       PPhiSensYVsBarycentreY(nullptr),
0136       RawId(nullptr),
0137       EntriesX(nullptr),
0138       MeanX(nullptr),
0139       RmsX(nullptr),
0140       FitMeanX1(nullptr),
0141       ResidualWidthX1(nullptr),
0142       CorrectionX1(nullptr),
0143       FitMeanX2(nullptr),
0144       ResidualWidthX2(nullptr),
0145       CorrectionX2(nullptr),
0146       EntriesY(nullptr),
0147       MeanY(nullptr),
0148       RmsY(nullptr),
0149       FitMeanY1(nullptr),
0150       ResidualWidthY1(nullptr),
0151       CorrectionY1(nullptr),
0152       FitMeanY2(nullptr),
0153       ResidualWidthY2(nullptr),
0154       CorrectionY2(nullptr),
0155       isPixel(false) {}
0157 TrackerSectorStruct::~TrackerSectorStruct() {}
0159 void TrackerSectorStruct::setCorrHistParams(TFileDirectory *directory,
0160                                             double norResXMax,
0161                                             double sigmaXHitMax,
0162                                             double sigmaXMax) {
0163   directory_ = directory;
0164   norResXMax_ = norResXMax;
0165   sigmaXHitMax_ = sigmaXHitMax;
0166   sigmaXMax_ = sigmaXMax;
0167 }
0169 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHistsX(TString varName,
0170                                                                           TString varTitle,
0171                                                                           TString labelX,
0172                                                                           TString unitX,
0173                                                                           int nBinX1D,
0174                                                                           int nBinX2D,
0175                                                                           double minBinX,
0176                                                                           double maxBinX,
0177                                                                           std::string options) {
0178   return bookCorrHists("X", varName, varTitle, labelX, unitX, nBinX1D, nBinX2D, minBinX, maxBinX, options);
0179 }
0180 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHistsY(TString varName,
0181                                                                           TString varTitle,
0182                                                                           TString labelX,
0183                                                                           TString unitX,
0184                                                                           int nBinX1D,
0185                                                                           int nBinX2D,
0186                                                                           double minBinX,
0187                                                                           double maxBinX,
0188                                                                           std::string options) {
0189   return bookCorrHists("Y", varName, varTitle, labelX, unitX, nBinX1D, nBinX2D, minBinX, maxBinX, options);
0190 }
0191 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHists(TString xY,
0192                                                                          TString varName,
0193                                                                          TString varTitle,
0194                                                                          TString labelX,
0195                                                                          TString unitX,
0196                                                                          int nBinX1D,
0197                                                                          int nBinX2D,
0198                                                                          double minBinX,
0199                                                                          double maxBinX,
0200                                                                          std::string options) {
0201   TString xy;
0202   TString suffix;
0203   if (xY == "X") {
0204     xy = "x";
0205     suffix = "";
0206   }
0207   if (xY == "Y") {
0208     xy = "y";
0209     suffix = "_y";
0210   }
0212   const std::string &o(options);
0213   CorrelationHists correlationHists;
0215   if (!(o.find('n') != std::string::npos || o.find('p') != std::string::npos || o.find('h') != std::string::npos ||
0216         o.find('t') != std::string::npos || o.find('r') != std::string::npos))
0217     return correlationHists;
0219   TFileDirectory *directory(directory_);
0220   double norResXMax(norResXMax_), sigmaXHitMax(sigmaXHitMax_), sigmaXMax(sigmaXMax_);
0222   if (!directory)
0223     return correlationHists;
0225   correlationHists.Variable = directory->make<TH1F>("h_" + varName + suffix,
0226                                                     varTitle + " " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";# hits",
0227                                                     nBinX1D,
0228                                                     minBinX,
0229                                                     maxBinX);
0231   if (options.find('n') != std::string::npos)
0232     correlationHists.NorResXVsVar =
0233         directory->make<TH2F>("h2_norRes" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0234                               "r_{" + xy + "}/#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX +
0235                                   ";(" + xy + "_{trk}-" + xy + "_{hit})/#sigma_{r," + xy + "}",
0236                               nBinX2D,
0237                               minBinX,
0238                               maxBinX,
0239                               25,
0240                               -norResXMax,
0241                               norResXMax);
0242   if (options.find('p') != std::string::npos)
0243     correlationHists.ProbXVsVar =
0244         directory->make<TH2F>("h2_prob" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0245                               "prob_{" + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";prob_{" + xy + "}",
0246                               nBinX2D,
0247                               minBinX,
0248                               maxBinX,
0249                               60,
0250                               -0.1,
0251                               1.1);
0252   if (options.find('h') != std::string::npos)
0253     correlationHists.SigmaXHitVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0254         "h2_sigma" + xY + "HitVs" + varName,
0255         "#sigma_{hit," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{hit," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0256         nBinX2D,
0257         minBinX,
0258         maxBinX,
0259         50,
0260         0 * 10000.,
0261         sigmaXHitMax * 10000.);
0262   if (options.find('t') != std::string::npos)
0263     correlationHists.SigmaXTrkVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0264         "h2_sigma" + xY + "TrkVs" + varName,
0265         "#sigma_{trk," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{trk," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0266         nBinX2D,
0267         minBinX,
0268         maxBinX,
0269         50,
0270         0 * 10000.,
0271         sigmaXMax * 10000.);
0272   if (options.find('r') != std::string::npos)
0273     correlationHists.SigmaXVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0274         "h2_sigma" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0275         "#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{r," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0276         nBinX2D,
0277         minBinX,
0278         maxBinX,
0279         50,
0280         0 * 10000.,
0281         sigmaXMax * 10000.);
0283   if (options.find('n') != std::string::npos)
0284     correlationHists.PNorResXVsVar =
0285         directory->make<TProfile>("p_norRes" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0286                                   "r_{" + xy + "}/#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX +
0287                                       ";(" + xy + "_{trk}-" + xy + "_{hit})/#sigma_{r," + xy + "}",
0288                                   nBinX2D,
0289                                   minBinX,
0290                                   maxBinX,
0291                                   "s");
0292   if (options.find('p') != std::string::npos)
0293     correlationHists.PProbXVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0294         "p_prob" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0295         "prob_{" + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";prob_{" + xy + "}",
0296         nBinX2D,
0297         minBinX,
0298         maxBinX,
0299         "s");
0300   if (options.find('h') != std::string::npos)
0301     correlationHists.PSigmaXHitVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0302         "p_sigma" + xY + "HitVs" + varName,
0303         "#sigma_{hit," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{hit," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0304         nBinX2D,
0305         minBinX,
0306         maxBinX);
0307   if (options.find('t') != std::string::npos)
0308     correlationHists.PSigmaXTrkVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0309         "p_sigma" + xY + "TrkVs" + varName,
0310         "#sigma_{trk," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{trk," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0311         nBinX2D,
0312         minBinX,
0313         maxBinX);
0314   if (options.find('r') != std::string::npos)
0315     correlationHists.PSigmaXVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0316         "p_sigma" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0317         "#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{r," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0318         nBinX2D,
0319         minBinX,
0320         maxBinX);
0322   return correlationHists;
0323 }
0325 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHistsX(
0326     TString varName, TString labelX, TString unitX, int nBinX, double minBinX, double maxBinX, std::string options) {
0327   return bookCorrHists("X", varName, labelX, unitX, nBinX, minBinX, maxBinX, options);
0328 }
0329 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHistsY(
0330     TString varName, TString labelX, TString unitX, int nBinX, double minBinX, double maxBinX, std::string options) {
0331   return bookCorrHists("Y", varName, labelX, unitX, nBinX, minBinX, maxBinX, options);
0332 }
0333 TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists TrackerSectorStruct::bookCorrHists(TString xY,
0334                                                                          TString varName,
0335                                                                          TString labelX,
0336                                                                          TString unitX,
0337                                                                          int nBinX,
0338                                                                          double minBinX,
0339                                                                          double maxBinX,
0340                                                                          std::string options) {
0341   TString xy;
0342   if (xY == "X") {
0343     xy = "x";
0344   }
0345   if (xY == "Y") {
0346     xy = "y";
0347   }
0349   const std::string &o(options);
0350   CorrelationHists correlationHists;
0352   if (!(o.find('n') != std::string::npos || o.find('p') != std::string::npos || o.find('h') != std::string::npos ||
0353         o.find('t') != std::string::npos || o.find('r') != std::string::npos))
0354     return correlationHists;
0356   TFileDirectory *directory(directory_);
0357   double norResXMax(norResXMax_), sigmaXHitMax(sigmaXHitMax_), sigmaXMax(sigmaXMax_);
0359   if (!directory)
0360     return correlationHists;
0362   if (options.find('n') != std::string::npos)
0363     correlationHists.NorResXVsVar =
0364         directory->make<TH2F>("h2_norRes" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0365                               "r_{" + xy + "}/#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX +
0366                                   ";(" + xy + "_{trk}-" + xy + "_{hit})/#sigma_{r," + xy + "}",
0367                               nBinX,
0368                               minBinX,
0369                               maxBinX,
0370                               25,
0371                               -norResXMax,
0372                               norResXMax);
0373   if (options.find('p') != std::string::npos)
0374     correlationHists.ProbXVsVar =
0375         directory->make<TH2F>("h2_prob" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0376                               "prob_{" + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";prob_{" + xy + "}",
0377                               nBinX,
0378                               minBinX,
0379                               maxBinX,
0380                               60,
0381                               -0.1,
0382                               1.1);
0383   if (options.find('h') != std::string::npos)
0384     correlationHists.SigmaXHitVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0385         "h2_sigma" + xY + "HitVs" + varName,
0386         "#sigma_{hit," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{hit," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0387         nBinX,
0388         minBinX,
0389         maxBinX,
0390         50,
0391         0 * 10000.,
0392         sigmaXHitMax * 10000.);
0393   if (options.find('t') != std::string::npos)
0394     correlationHists.SigmaXTrkVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0395         "h2_sigma" + xY + "TrkVs" + varName,
0396         "#sigma_{trk," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{trk," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0397         nBinX,
0398         minBinX,
0399         maxBinX,
0400         50,
0401         0 * 10000.,
0402         sigmaXMax * 10000.);
0403   if (options.find('r') != std::string::npos)
0404     correlationHists.SigmaXVsVar = directory->make<TH2F>(
0405         "h2_sigma" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0406         "#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{r," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0407         nBinX,
0408         minBinX,
0409         maxBinX,
0410         50,
0411         0 * 10000.,
0412         sigmaXMax * 10000.);
0414   if (options.find('n') != std::string::npos)
0415     correlationHists.PNorResXVsVar =
0416         directory->make<TProfile>("p_norRes" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0417                                   "r_{" + xy + "}/#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX +
0418                                       ";(" + xy + "_{trk}-" + xy + "_{hit})/#sigma_{r," + xy + "}",
0419                                   nBinX,
0420                                   minBinX,
0421                                   maxBinX,
0422                                   "s");
0423   if (options.find('p') != std::string::npos)
0424     correlationHists.PProbXVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0425         "p_prob" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0426         "prob_{" + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";prob_{" + xy + "}",
0427         nBinX,
0428         minBinX,
0429         maxBinX,
0430         "s");
0431   if (options.find('h') != std::string::npos)
0432     correlationHists.PSigmaXHitVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0433         "p_sigma" + xY + "HitVs" + varName,
0434         "#sigma_{hit," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{hit," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0435         nBinX,
0436         minBinX,
0437         maxBinX);
0438   if (options.find('t') != std::string::npos)
0439     correlationHists.PSigmaXTrkVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0440         "p_sigma" + xY + "TrkVs" + varName,
0441         "#sigma_{trk," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{trk," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0442         nBinX,
0443         minBinX,
0444         maxBinX);
0445   if (options.find('r') != std::string::npos)
0446     correlationHists.PSigmaXVsVar = directory->make<TProfile>(
0447         "p_sigma" + xY + "Vs" + varName,
0448         "#sigma_{r," + xy + "} vs. " + labelX + ";" + labelX + "  " + unitX + ";#sigma_{r," + xy + "}  [#mum]",
0449         nBinX,
0450         minBinX,
0451         maxBinX);
0453   return correlationHists;
0454 }
0456 void TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists::fillCorrHistsX(const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct,
0457                                                            double variable) {
0458   return fillCorrHists("X", hitParameterStruct, variable);
0459 }
0460 void TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists::fillCorrHistsY(const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct,
0461                                                            double variable) {
0462   return fillCorrHists("Y", hitParameterStruct, variable);
0463 }
0464 void TrackerSectorStruct::CorrelationHists::fillCorrHists(const TString xY,
0465                                                           const TrackStruct::HitParameterStruct &hitParameterStruct,
0466                                                           double variable) {
0467   float norRes(999.);
0468   float prob(999.);
0469   float errHit(999.);
0470   float errTrk(999.);
0471   float err(999.);
0472   if (xY == "X") {
0473     norRes = hitParameterStruct.norResX;
0474     prob = hitParameterStruct.probX;
0475     errHit = hitParameterStruct.errXHit;
0476     errTrk = hitParameterStruct.errXTrk;
0477     err = hitParameterStruct.errX;
0478   }
0479   if (xY == "Y") {
0480     norRes = hitParameterStruct.norResY;
0481     prob = hitParameterStruct.probY;
0482     errHit = hitParameterStruct.errYHit;
0483     errTrk = hitParameterStruct.errYTrk;
0484     err = hitParameterStruct.errY;
0485   }
0487   if (Variable) {
0488     Variable->Fill(variable);
0489   }
0491   if (NorResXVsVar) {
0492     NorResXVsVar->Fill(variable, norRes);
0493     PNorResXVsVar->Fill(variable, norRes);
0494   }
0495   if (ProbXVsVar) {
0496     ProbXVsVar->Fill(variable, prob);
0497     PProbXVsVar->Fill(variable, prob);
0498   }
0499   if (SigmaXHitVsVar) {
0500     SigmaXHitVsVar->Fill(variable, errHit * 10000.);
0501     PSigmaXHitVsVar->Fill(variable, errHit * 10000.);
0502   }
0503   if (SigmaXTrkVsVar) {
0504     SigmaXTrkVsVar->Fill(variable, errTrk * 10000.);
0505     PSigmaXTrkVsVar->Fill(variable, errTrk * 10000.);
0506   }
0507   if (SigmaXVsVar) {
0508     SigmaXVsVar->Fill(variable, err * 10000.);
0509     PSigmaXVsVar->Fill(variable, err * 10000.);
0510   }
0511 }
0513 #endif