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0001 # last update: $Date: 2010/03/16 17:08:51 $ by $Author: mussgill $
0003 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0005 # AlCaReco for track based alignment using Cosmic muon events
0006 OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0THLT_noDrop = cms.PSet(
0007     SelectEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0008         SelectEvents = cms.vstring('pathALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0THLT', 
0009             'pathALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCosmicTF0THLT', 
0010             'pathALCARECOTkAlCosmicsRegional0THLT')
0011     ),
0012     outputCommands = cms.untracked.vstring()
0013 )
0014 # We have the same producers as in the non-HLT path, just HLT sel. in front,
0015 # ==> identical keep statements:
0016 import Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.ALCARECOTkAlCosmics0T_Output_cff
0017 OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0THLT_noDrop.outputCommands = Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.ALCARECOTkAlCosmics0T_Output_cff.OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0T_noDrop.outputCommands
0019 import copy
0020 OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0THLT = copy.deepcopy(OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0THLT_noDrop)
0021 OutALCARECOTkAlCosmics0THLT.outputCommands.insert(0, "drop *")