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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHLTHGMinBias = cms.EDAnalyzer("MillePedeFileExtractor",
0004     fileBlobInputTag = cms.InputTag("SiPixelAliMillePedeFileConverterHLTHG",''),
0005     fileDir = cms.string('HLTHGCombinedAlignment/'),
0006     # File names the Extractor will use to write the fileblobs in the root
0007     # file as real binary files to disk, so that the pede step can read them.
0008     # This includes the formatting directive "%04d" which will be expanded to
0009     # 0000, 0001, 0002,...
0010     outputBinaryFile = cms.string('pedeBinaryHLTHGMinBias%04d.dat'))
0012 SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHLTHGZMuMu = cms.EDAnalyzer("MillePedeFileExtractor",
0013     fileBlobInputTag = cms.InputTag("SiPixelAliMillePedeFileConverterHLTHGDimuon",''),
0014     fileDir = cms.string('HLTHGCombinedAlignment/'),
0015     # File names the Extractor will use to write the fileblobs in the root
0016     # file as real binary files to disk, so that the pede step can read them.
0017     # This includes the formatting directive "%04d" which will be expanded to
0018     # 0000, 0001, 0002,...
0019     outputBinaryFile = cms.string('pedeBinaryHLTHGDiMuon%04d.dat'))
0021 from Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm_cfi import *
0022 from Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentProducerAsAnalyzer_cff import AlignmentProducer
0023 from Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.MillePedeDQMModule_cff import *
0025 SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHLTHGCombined = AlignmentProducer.clone(
0026     ParameterBuilder = dict(
0027         Selector = cms.PSet(
0028             alignParams = cms.vstring(
0029                 "TrackerP1PXBLadder,111111",
0030                 "TrackerP1PXECPanel,111111",
0031             )
0032         )
0033     ),
0034     doMisalignmentScenario = False,
0035     checkDbAlignmentValidity = False,
0036     applyDbAlignment = True,
0037     tjTkAssociationMapTag = 'TrackRefitter2',
0038     saveToDB = True,
0039     trackerAlignmentRcdName = "TrackerAlignmentHLTHGCombinedRcd"
0040 )
0042 SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHLTHGCombined.algoConfig = MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.clone(
0043     mode = 'pede',
0044     runAtPCL = True,
0045     #mergeBinaryFiles = [SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHGMinBias.outputBinaryFile.value()],
0046     #mergeBinaryFiles = [SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHGZMuMu.outputBinaryFile.value()],
0047     mergeBinaryFiles = ['pedeBinaryHLTHGMinBias%04d.dat','pedeBinaryHLTHGDiMuon%04d.dat -- 10.0'],
0048     binaryFile = '',
0049     TrajectoryFactory = cms.PSet(BrokenLinesTrajectoryFactory),
0050     minNumHits = 10,
0051     fileDir = 'HLTHGCombinedAlignment/',
0052     pedeSteerer = dict(
0053         pedeCommand = 'pede',
0054         method = 'inversion  5  0.8',
0055         options = [
0056             #'regularisation 1.0 0.05', # non-stated pre-sigma 50 mrad or 500 mum
0057             'entries 500',
0058             'chisqcut  30.0  4.5',
0059             'threads 1 1',
0060             'closeandreopen',
0061             'skipemptycons' 
0062             #'outlierdownweighting 3','dwfractioncut 0.1'
0063             #'outlierdownweighting 5','dwfractioncut 0.2'
0064         ],
0065         fileDir = 'HLTHGCombinedAlignment/',
0066         runDir = 'HLTHGCombinedAlignment/',
0067         steerFile = 'pedeSteerHGCombined',
0068         pedeDump = 'pedeHGCombined.dump'
0069     ),
0070     pedeReader = dict(
0071         fileDir = 'HLTHGCombinedAlignment/'
0072     ),
0073     MillePedeFileReader = dict(
0074         fileDir = "HLTHGCombinedAlignment/",
0075         isHG = True
0076     )
0077 )
0079 SiPixelAliDQMModuleHLTHGCombined = SiPixelAliDQMModule.clone()
0080 SiPixelAliDQMModuleHLTHGCombined.outputFolder = "AlCaReco/SiPixelAliHLTHGCombined"
0081 SiPixelAliDQMModuleHLTHGCombined.MillePedeFileReader.fileDir = "HLTHGCombinedAlignment/"
0082 SiPixelAliDQMModuleHLTHGCombined.MillePedeFileReader.isHG = True
0084 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDHarvester import DQMEDHarvester
0085 dqmEnvSiPixelAliHLTHGCombined = DQMEDHarvester('DQMHarvestingMetadata',
0086                                     subSystemFolder = cms.untracked.string('AlCaReco'))
0088 ALCAHARVESTSiPixelAliHLTHGCombined = cms.Sequence(
0089     SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHLTHGMinBias*
0090     SiPixelAliMilleFileExtractorHLTHGZMuMu*
0091     SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHLTHGCombined*
0092     SiPixelAliDQMModuleHLTHGCombined*
0093     dqmEnvSiPixelAliHLTHGCombined)