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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # original selection:
0004 # 'isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches > 1 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits > 0
0005 #  & abs(eta) < 2.5 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2 < 20.'
0007 from Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.alignmentGoodIdMuonSelector_cfi import alignmentGoodIdMuonSelector
0008 TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector = alignmentGoodIdMuonSelector.clone(src = 'muons',
0009                                                            requireGlobal = True,
0010                                                            requireTracker = True,
0011                                                            minMatches = 1,
0012                                                            minMuonHits = 0,
0013                                                            maxEta = 2.5,
0014                                                            maxChi2 = 20,
0015                                                            filter = True)
0016 # original selection:
0017 # '(isolationR03().sumPt + isolationR03().emEt + isolationR03().hadEt)/pt  < 0.15'
0019 from Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.alignmentRelCombIsoMuonSelector_cfi import alignmentRelCombIsoMuonSelector
0020 TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector = alignmentRelCombIsoMuonSelector.clone(src = cms.InputTag('TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector'),
0021                                                                    filter = True,
0022                                                                    relCombIsoCut = 0.15,
0023                                                                    useTrackerOnlyIsolation = False)
0025 # Define a common sequence to be imported in ALCARECOs
0026 seqALCARECOTkAlRelCombIsoMuons = cms.Sequence(TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector+TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector)
0028 ## FIXME: these are needed for ALCARECO production in CMSSW_14_0_X
0029 ## to avoid loosing in efficiency. To be reviewed after muon reco is fixed
0031 # original selection:
0032 # '(isGlobalMuon & isTrackerMuon & numberOfMatches > 1 & globalTrack.hitPattern.numberOfValidMuonHits > 0
0033 #  & abs(eta) < 2.5 & globalTrack.normalizedChi2 < 20.) || (abs(eta) > 2.3 & abs(eta) < 3.0 & numberOfMatches >= 0 & isTrackerMuon)'
0035 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_common_cff import phase2_common
0036 phase2_common.toModify(TkAlGoodIdMuonSelector,
0037                        useSecondarySelection = True, # to recover tracks passing through GE0
0038                        secondaryEtaLow = 2.3,
0039                        secondaryEtaHigh = 3,
0040                        secondaryMinMatches = 0,
0041                        secondaryRequireTracker = True)
0043 # original selection:
0044 # '(isolationR03().sumPt)/pt < 0.1'
0046 phase2_common.toModify(TkAlRelCombIsoMuonSelector,
0047                        relCombIsoCut = 0.10,
0048                        useTrackerOnlyIsolation = True)  # only tracker isolation