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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ##
0004 ## Do not filter out the first 20 LS when
0005 ## running the PCL alignment in the RelVal case
0006 ##
0008 def doNotFilterLS(process):
0009     if hasattr(process,'LSNumberFilter'):
0010         process.LSNumberFilter.minLS = 1
0011     return process
0013 ##
0014 ## Required 10 instead of 500 hits per structure
0015 ## when running the HG PCL alignment in the RelVal case
0016 ##
0018 def lowerHitsPerStructure(process):
0019     if hasattr(process,'SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHG'):
0020         process.SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHG.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.options = cms.vstring(
0021             'entries 10',
0022             'chisqcut  30.0  4.5',
0023             'threads 1 1',
0024             'closeandreopen'
0025         )
0026     if hasattr(process,'SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHGCombined'):
0027         process.SiPixelAliPedeAlignmentProducerHGCombined.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.options = cms.vstring(
0028             'entries 10',
0029             'chisqcut  30.0  4.5',
0030             'threads 1 1',
0031             'closeandreopen',
0032             'skipemptycons'
0033         )
0034     return process