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0001 // A persistent tuple. Allows for type-safe access to its arguments.
0002 // Optimized for a single row access (one tuple at a time).
0007 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/CPP11_config.hh"
0008 #ifdef CPP11_STD_AVAILABLE
0010 #include <utility>
0012 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/AbsArchive.hh"
0013 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/ClassId.hh"
0014 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/CharBuffer.hh"
0015 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPHeaderRecord.hh"
0016 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPBufferRecord.hh"
0017 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPFooterRecord.hh"
0018 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPBufferReference.hh"
0019 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPReference.hh"
0021 namespace gs {
0022     template<typename Pack>
0023     class RowPacker
0024     {
0025         template<typename Pack2> friend class RowPacker;
0026         static const unsigned defaultBufferSize = 800000U;
0028     public:
0029         typedef Pack value_type;
0031         // Comment on choosing the buffer size: this size should
0032         // be appropriate for the compression library used with
0033         // the archive, as each buffer is compressed independently.
0034         // For example, the bzip2 compression is done in chunks
0035         // which are slightly less than 900 kB (because in that
0036         // library 1 kB == 1000 bytes and because a small part of
0037         // the buffer is used for housekeeping). At the same time,
0038         // guaranteeing exact limit on the buffer size would slow
0039         // the code down: as the serialized size of each object
0040         // is not known in advance, each row would have to be
0041         // serialized into a separate buffer first instead of using
0042         // the common buffer. The code below utilizes a different
0043         // approach: the buffer can grow slightly above the limit,
0044         // and the buffer is dumped into the archive as soon as
0045         // its size exceeds the limit. Thus the actual size of the
0046         // archived buffer can be the value of "bufferSize"
0047         // parameter plus size of one serialized table row.
0048         // In principle, row size can be arbitrary, and this is why
0049         // the choice is left to the user.
0050         //
0051         // Naturally, setting the buffer size to 0 will result in
0052         // every row serialized and dumped to the archive as
0053         // a separate entity. This setting can have its own good
0054         // use if the expected row access pattern is random.
0055         //
0056         RowPacker(const std::vector<std::string>& columnNames,
0057                   const char* title, AbsArchive& archive,
0058                   const char* name, const char* category,
0059                   unsigned bufferSize = defaultBufferSize);
0061         // The following constructor will work only if every
0062         // element of the "protoPack" has a function with the
0063         // signature "const std::string& name() const" (think
0064         // gs::IOProxy).
0065         //
0066         RowPacker(const char* title, AbsArchive& archive,
0067                   const char* name, const char* category,
0068                   const Pack& protoPack,
0069                   unsigned bufferSize = defaultBufferSize);
0071         // A minimalistic constructor which can be used if you
0072         // do not care about things like column names and table
0073         // title. Default values will be assigned instead: all
0074         // columns will be named "c0", "c1", ..., and the title
0075         // will be an empty string.
0076         RowPacker(AbsArchive& archive,
0077                   const char* name, const char* category,
0078                   unsigned bufferSize = defaultBufferSize);
0080         inline ~RowPacker() {write();}
0082         // Various simple inspectors
0083         inline AbsArchive& archive() const {return ar_;}
0084         inline const std::string& name() const {return name_;}
0085         inline const std::string& category() const {return category_;}
0086         inline unsigned bufferSize() const {return bufferSize_;}
0087         inline bool isReadable() const {return readable_;}
0088         inline bool isWritable() const {return writable_;}
0089         inline const std::string& title() const {return title_;}
0091         // Each object of this type created in one particular program
0092         // will have its own unique number. This number in not persistent.
0093         inline unsigned long objectNumber() const {return objectNumber_;}
0095         // Simple modifiers
0096         inline void setTitle(const char* newtitle)
0097             {title_ = newtitle ? newtitle : "";}
0098         inline void setBufferSize(const unsigned newsize)
0099             {bufferSize_ = newsize;}
0101         // Dealing with rows and columns
0102         inline unsigned long nRows() const {return fillCount_;}
0104         inline unsigned long nColumns() const 
0105             {return std::tuple_size<Pack>::value;}
0107         inline const std::string& columnName(const unsigned long i) const
0108             {return;}
0110         inline const std::vector<std::string>& columnNames() const
0111             {return colNames_;}
0113         unsigned long columnNumber(const char* columnName) const;
0115         // The code will refuse to set the column name (and false will be
0116         // returned in this case) if the provided name duplicates an existing
0117         // column name. False will also be returned if the column index
0118         // is out of range.
0119         bool setColumnName(unsigned long i, const char* newname);
0121         // Fill one tuple. This method will return "true" on success and
0122         // "false" on failure.
0123         bool fill(const Pack& tuple);
0125         // Read the row contents back. This method will throw
0126         // gs::IOOutOfRange in case the row number is out of range.
0127         void rowContents(unsigned long row, Pack* tuple) const;
0129         template<typename Pack2>
0130         bool operator==(const RowPacker<Pack2>& r) const;
0132         template<typename Pack2>
0133         inline bool operator!=(const RowPacker<Pack2>& r) const
0134             {return !(*this == r);}
0136         // Methods needed for I/O
0137         bool write();
0138         inline ClassId classId() const {return ClassId(*this);}
0140         static const char* classname();
0141         static inline unsigned version() {return 1;}
0143     private:
0144         friend class Private::RPHeaderRecord<RowPacker<Pack> >;
0145         friend class Private::RPBufferRecord<RowPacker<Pack> >;
0146         friend class Private::RPFooterRecord<RowPacker<Pack> >;
0147         friend class Private::RPBufferReference<RowPacker<Pack> >;
0148         friend class RPReference<RowPacker<Pack> >;
0150         RowPacker();
0151         RowPacker(const RowPacker&);
0152         RowPacker& operator=(const RowPacker&);
0154         // The following function is used by RPReference
0155         static RowPacker* read(AbsArchive& ar,
0156                                std::istream& is,
0157                                unsigned long long headId);
0159         static unsigned long nextObjectNumber();
0161         void prepareToUnpack() const;
0162         bool unpackTuple(std::istream& is, Pack* tuple) const;
0163         std::istream& getRowStream(unsigned long row,
0164                                    unsigned long* len = 0) const;
0166         bool loadRowData(unsigned long rowNumber) const;
0167         void saveHeader();
0168         void saveFillBuffer();
0170         mutable CharBuffer fillBuffer_;
0171         unsigned long firstFillBufferRow_;
0172         std::vector<std::streampos> fillBufferOffsets_;
0174         mutable CharBuffer readBuffer_;
0175         mutable unsigned long firstReadBufferRow_;
0176         mutable std::vector<std::streampos> readBufferOffsets_;
0177         ClassId bufferClass_;
0178         ClassId thisClass_;
0180         AbsArchive& ar_;
0181         std::vector<std::string> colNames_;
0183         // The first member of the pair is the first row in the
0184         // buffer, the second is the id of the buffer in the archive
0185         std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,unsigned long long> > idlist_;
0187         std::string name_;
0188         std::string category_;
0189         std::string title_;
0190         unsigned long long headerSaved_;
0191         unsigned long bufferSize_;
0192         unsigned long fillCount_;
0193         unsigned long objectNumber_;
0194         bool readable_;
0195         bool writable_;
0196         mutable bool firstUnpack_;
0197         bool unused_;
0198         mutable std::vector<std::vector<ClassId> > iostack_;
0200         static const std::vector<std::string>& defaultColumnNames();
0201     };
0202 }
0204 #include <memory>
0205 #include <cstring>
0206 #include <algorithm>
0208 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/tupleIO.hh"
0209 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/PackerIOCycle.hh"
0210 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/RPFooterReference.hh"
0211 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/collectTupleNames.hh"
0212 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/allUnique.hh"
0213 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/findName.hh"
0214 #include "Alignment/Geners/interface/IOException.hh"
0216 namespace gs {
0217     template <typename T>
0218     unsigned long RowPacker<T>::nextObjectNumber()
0219     {
0220         static unsigned long ocounter = 0;
0221         return ocounter++;
0222     }
0225     template <typename T>
0226     unsigned long RowPacker<T>::columnNumber(const char* columnName) const
0227     {
0228         return findName(colNames_, columnName);
0229     }
0232     template<typename T>
0233     inline RowPacker<T>::RowPacker(const std::vector<std::string>& colNames,
0234                                    const char* ititle, AbsArchive& iarchive,
0235                                    const char* iname, const char* icategory,
0236                                    const unsigned ibufferSize)
0237         : firstFillBufferRow_(0),
0238           firstReadBufferRow_(0),
0239           bufferClass_(fillBuffer_.classId()),
0240           thisClass_(ClassId::makeId<RowPacker<T> >()),
0241           ar_(iarchive),
0242           colNames_(colNames),
0243           name_(iname ? iname : ""),
0244           category_(icategory ? icategory : ""),
0245           title_(ititle ? ititle : ""),
0246           headerSaved_(0),
0247           bufferSize_(ibufferSize),
0248           fillCount_(0),
0249           objectNumber_(nextObjectNumber()),
0250           readable_(ar_.isReadable()),
0251           writable_(ar_.isWritable()),
0252           firstUnpack_(true)
0253     {
0254         if (!std::tuple_size<T>::value) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0255             "In RowPacker constructor: can not use empty tuple");
0256         if (std::tuple_size<T>::value != colNames.size())
0257             throw gs::IOInvalidArgument("In RowPacker constructor: "
0258                                         "wrong # of column names");
0259         if (!allUnique(colNames_)) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0260             "In RowPacker constructor: all column names must be unique");
0261     }
0264     template<typename T>
0265     inline RowPacker<T>::RowPacker(const char* ititle, AbsArchive& iarchive,
0266                                    const char* iname, const char* icategory,
0267                                    const T& protoPack,
0268                                    const unsigned ibufferSize)
0269         : firstFillBufferRow_(0),
0270           firstReadBufferRow_(0),
0271           bufferClass_(fillBuffer_.classId()),
0272           thisClass_(ClassId::makeId<RowPacker<T> >()),
0273           ar_(iarchive),
0274           colNames_(collectTupleNames(protoPack)),
0275           name_(iname ? iname : ""),
0276           category_(icategory ? icategory : ""),
0277           title_(ititle ? ititle : ""),
0278           headerSaved_(0),
0279           bufferSize_(ibufferSize),
0280           fillCount_(0),
0281           objectNumber_(nextObjectNumber()),
0282           readable_(ar_.isReadable()),
0283           writable_(ar_.isWritable()),
0284           firstUnpack_(true)
0285     {
0286         if (!std::tuple_size<T>::value) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0287             "In RowPacker constructor: can not use empty tuple");
0288         if (!allUnique(colNames_)) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0289             "In RowPacker constructor: all column names must be unique");
0290     }
0293     // The compiler that I have now still does not support
0294     // constructor delegation...
0295     template <typename T>
0296     inline RowPacker<T>::RowPacker(AbsArchive& iarchive,
0297                                    const char* iname, const char* icategory,
0298                                    const unsigned ibufferSize)
0299         : firstFillBufferRow_(0),
0300           firstReadBufferRow_(0),
0301           bufferClass_(fillBuffer_.classId()),
0302           thisClass_(ClassId::makeId<RowPacker<T> >()),
0303           ar_(iarchive),
0304           colNames_(defaultColumnNames()),
0305           name_(iname ? iname : ""),
0306           category_(icategory ? icategory : ""),
0307           title_(""),
0308           headerSaved_(0),
0309           bufferSize_(ibufferSize),
0310           fillCount_(0),
0311           objectNumber_(nextObjectNumber()),
0312           readable_(ar_.isReadable()),
0313           writable_(ar_.isWritable()),
0314           firstUnpack_(true)
0315     {
0316         if (!std::tuple_size<T>::value) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0317             "In RowPacker constructor: can not use empty tuple");
0318     }
0321     template <typename T>
0322     inline void RowPacker<T>::saveHeader()
0323     {
0324         if (!headerSaved_ && writable_)
0325         {
0326             Private::RPHeaderRecord<RowPacker<T> > record(*this);
0327             ar_ << record;
0328             headerSaved_ =;
0330             // record id must be positive (or operator << used above must
0331             // throw an exception)
0332             assert(headerSaved_);
0333         }
0334     }
0337     template <typename T>
0338     void RowPacker<T>::saveFillBuffer()
0339     {
0340         saveHeader();
0341         Private::RPBufferRecord<RowPacker<T> > record(*this);
0342         ar_ << record;
0343         idlist_.push_back(std::make_pair(firstFillBufferRow_,;
0344         fillBuffer_.seekp(0);
0345         firstFillBufferRow_ = fillCount_;
0346         fillBufferOffsets_.clear();
0347     }
0350     template <typename Pack>
0351     bool RowPacker<Pack>::fill(const Pack& tuple)
0352     {
0353         if (!writable_)
0354             return false;
0356         if (fillBuffer_.size() > bufferSize_)
0357             saveFillBuffer();
0359         fillBufferOffsets_.push_back(fillBuffer_.tellp());
0360         const bool wstatus = write_item(fillBuffer_, tuple, false);
0361         if (wstatus)
0362             ++fillCount_;
0363         return wstatus;
0364     }
0367     template <typename T>
0368     const char* RowPacker<T>::classname()
0369     {
0370         static const std::string myClass(
0371             template_class_name<T>("gs::RowPacker"));
0372         return myClass.c_str();
0373     }
0376     template <typename T>
0377     bool RowPacker<T>::write()
0378     {
0379         if (!writable_)
0380             return false;
0381         saveHeader();
0382         if (!fillBufferOffsets_.empty())
0383             saveFillBuffer();
0384         ar_ << Private::RPFooterRecord<RowPacker<T> >(*this);
0385         writable_ = false;
0386         return true;
0387     }
0389     // The following function returns "true" if the row
0390     // is inside fillBuffer_, and "false" if it is inside
0391     // "readBuffer_".
0392     template <typename T>
0393     bool RowPacker<T>::loadRowData(const unsigned long rowNumber) const
0394     {
0395         assert(readable_);
0396         if (rowNumber >= fillCount_)
0397             throw gs::IOOutOfRange("In RowPacker::loadRowData: "
0398                                     "row number is out of range");
0399         if (rowNumber >= firstFillBufferRow_ &&
0400             rowNumber < firstFillBufferRow_ + fillBufferOffsets_.size())
0401             return true;
0402         if (rowNumber >= firstReadBufferRow_ &&
0403             rowNumber < firstReadBufferRow_ + readBufferOffsets_.size())
0404             return false;
0406         // The row number is not in any buffer. We need to load
0407         // the row data from the archive.
0408         const unsigned long nSaved = idlist_.size();
0409         unsigned long bucket = std::lower_bound(
0410             idlist_.begin(), idlist_.end(), std::make_pair(rowNumber, 0ULL)) -
0411             idlist_.begin();
0412         if (bucket == nSaved)
0413             --bucket;
0414         else if (idlist_[bucket].first != rowNumber)
0415             --bucket;
0416         const Private::RPBufferReference<RowPacker<T> >& ref = 
0417             Private::RPBufferReference<RowPacker<T> >(
0418                 *this,;
0419         ref.restore(0);
0420         return false;
0421     }
0424     template <typename Pack>
0425     void RowPacker<Pack>::prepareToUnpack() const
0426     {
0427         // Prepare proper I/O stack
0428         std::vector<std::vector<ClassId> > dummy;
0429         thisClass_.templateParameters(&dummy);
0430         assert(dummy.size() == 1U);
0431         dummy[0].at(0).templateParameters(&iostack_);
0432         assert(iostack_.size() == std::tuple_size<Pack>::value);
0433     }
0436     template <typename Pack>
0437     inline bool RowPacker<Pack>::unpackTuple(
0438         std::istream& is, Pack* pack) const
0439     {
0440         if (firstUnpack_)
0441         {
0442             prepareToUnpack();
0443             firstUnpack_ = false;
0444         }
0445         return Private::PackerIOCycle<Pack,std::tuple_size<Pack>::value>::read(
0446             pack, is, iostack_);
0447     }
0450     template <typename T>
0451     std::istream& RowPacker<T>::getRowStream(
0452         const unsigned long row, unsigned long* len) const
0453     {
0454         if (loadRowData(row))
0455         {
0456             // Fill buffer
0457             const unsigned long idx = row - firstFillBufferRow_;
0458             fillBuffer_.clear();
0459             fillBuffer_.seekg(;
0460             assert(!;
0461             if (len)
0462             {
0463                 const unsigned long thispos = fillBufferOffsets_[idx];
0464                 if (idx + 1UL < fillBufferOffsets_.size())
0465                 {
0466                     const unsigned long nextpos = fillBufferOffsets_[idx+1UL];
0467                     *len = nextpos - thispos;
0468                 }
0469                 else
0470                     *len = fillBuffer_.size() - thispos;
0471             }
0472             return fillBuffer_;
0473         }
0474         else
0475         {
0476             // Read buffer
0477             const unsigned long idx = row - firstReadBufferRow_;
0478             readBuffer_.clear();
0479             readBuffer_.seekg(;
0480             assert(!;
0481             if (len)
0482             {
0483                 const unsigned long thispos = readBufferOffsets_[idx];
0484                 if (idx + 1UL < readBufferOffsets_.size())
0485                 {
0486                     const unsigned long nextpos = readBufferOffsets_[idx+1UL];
0487                     *len = nextpos - thispos;
0488                 }
0489                 else
0490                     *len = readBuffer_.size() - thispos;
0491             }
0492             return readBuffer_;
0493         }
0494     }
0497     template <typename T>
0498     void RowPacker<T>::rowContents(const unsigned long row, T* tuple) const
0499     {
0500         if (row < fillCount_)
0501         {
0502             assert(tuple);
0503             if (!unpackTuple(getRowStream(row), tuple))
0504                 throw IOInvalidData("In gs::RowPacker::rowContents: "
0505                                     "failed to unpack tuple data");
0506         }
0507         else
0508             throw gs::IOOutOfRange("In gs::RowPacker::rowContents: "
0509                                     "row number is out of range");
0510     }
0513     template <typename T>
0514     template <typename Pack2>
0515     bool RowPacker<T>::operator==(const RowPacker<Pack2>& r) const
0516     {
0517         if ((void *)this == (void *)(&r))
0518             return true;
0519         if (!readable_ || !r.readable_)
0520             return false;
0521         if (nColumns() != r.nColumns())
0522             return false;
0523         if (fillCount_ != r.fillCount_)
0524             return false;
0525         if ( !=
0526             return false;
0527         if (title_ != r.title_)
0528             return false;
0529         if (colNames_ != r.colNames_)
0530             return false;
0531         for (unsigned long row=0; row<fillCount_; ++row)
0532         {
0533             unsigned long len1=0, len2=0;
0534             std::istream& s1 = getRowStream(row, &len1);
0535             std::istream& s2 = r.getRowStream(row, &len2);
0536             if (len1 != len2)
0537                 return false;
0538             std::streambuf* buf1 = s1.rdbuf();
0539             std::streambuf* buf2 = s2.rdbuf();
0540             unsigned long i=0;
0541             for (; i<len1 && buf1->sbumpc() == buf2->sbumpc(); ++i) {;}
0542             if (i < len1) return false;
0543         }
0544         return true;
0545     }
0548     template <typename T>
0549     RowPacker<T>* RowPacker<T>::read(AbsArchive& ar,
0550                                      std::istream& is,
0551                                      const unsigned long long headerId)
0552     {
0553         static const ClassId current(ClassId::makeId<RowPacker<T> >());
0555         if (!ar.isReadable()) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0556             "In RowPacker::read: archive not readable");
0557         if (!headerId) throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0558             "In RowPacker::read: invalid header record id");
0559         std::shared_ptr<const CatalogEntry> headerRecord = 
0560             ar.catalogEntry(headerId);
0561         if (!headerRecord.get())  throw gs::IOInvalidArgument(
0562             "In RowPacker::read: header record not found");
0563         if (headerRecord->id() != headerId) throw IOInvalidData(
0564             "In RowPacker::read: recorded header id does not match catalog id");
0566         // Unpack in the pack order of RPHeaderRecord
0567         ClassId packerClass(is, 1);
0568         current.ensureSameName(packerClass);
0570         ClassId bufferClass(is, 1);
0571         std::vector<std::string> columnNames;
0572         read_pod_vector(is, &columnNames);
0573         std::string titl;
0574         read_pod(is, &titl);
0575         unsigned long bufSiz;
0576         read_pod(is, &bufSiz);
0577         if (
0578             throw IOReadFailure("In RowPacker::read: input stream failure");
0580         // Now we have all the info from the header record.
0581         // Find the corresponding footer.
0582         Private::RPFooterReference footerInfo(
0583             ar, packerClass, headerRecord->name().c_str(),
0584             headerRecord->category().c_str());
0585         const unsigned long nfooters = footerInfo.size();
0587         // We should be able to handle situations with
0588         // a missing footer. Code this when time permits.
0589         if (nfooters == 0)
0590             throw IOInvalidData("In RowPacker::read: footer record not found");
0592         unsigned long nrows = 0;
0593         unsigned long long writtenHeaderId = 0;
0594         std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,unsigned long long> > bufferIds;
0595         unsigned long long offset = 0;
0597         // Find the right footer if we have more than one of them
0598         for (unsigned long ifoot = 0; ifoot < nfooters; ++ifoot)
0599         {
0600             footerInfo.fillItems(
0601                 &nrows, &writtenHeaderId, &bufferIds, &offset, ifoot);
0602             if (writtenHeaderId + offset == headerId)
0603                 break;
0604         }
0605         if (writtenHeaderId + offset != headerId)
0606             throw IOInvalidData("In RowPacker::read: "
0607                                 "incompatible footer record");
0609         // Recalculate the buffer ids
0610         if (offset)
0611         {
0612             const unsigned long nbuf = bufferIds.size();
0613             for (unsigned long ibuf=0; ibuf<nbuf; ++ibuf)
0614                 bufferIds[ibuf].second += offset;
0615         }
0617         // Finally, build the packer
0618         std::unique_ptr<RowPacker<T> > nt(new RowPacker<T>(
0619             columnNames, titl.c_str(), ar, headerRecord->name().c_str(),
0620             headerRecord->category().c_str(), bufSiz));
0622         nt->bufferClass_ = bufferClass;
0623         nt->thisClass_ = packerClass;
0624         nt->headerSaved_ = writtenHeaderId;
0625         nt->fillCount_ = nrows;
0626         nt->writable_ = false;
0628         const bool buffersEmpty = bufferIds.empty();
0629         if (!(nrows ? !buffersEmpty : buffersEmpty))
0630             throw IOInvalidData("In RowPacker::read: "
0631                                 "corrupted footer record");
0632         if (nrows)
0633         {
0634             nt->idlist_ = bufferIds;
0635             nt->firstFillBufferRow_ = nrows;
0636         }
0638         return nt.release();
0639     }
0642     template<typename Pack>
0643     inline const std::vector<std::string>&
0644     RowPacker<Pack>::defaultColumnNames()
0645     {
0646         return default_tuple_columns<std::tuple_size<Pack>::value>();
0647     }
0650     template<typename Pack>
0651     bool RowPacker<Pack>::setColumnName(unsigned long i, const char* newname)
0652     {
0653         const unsigned long n = colNames_.size();
0654         if (i >= n)
0655             return false;
0656         if (columnNumber(newname) < n)
0657             return false;
0658         colNames_[i] = newname;
0659         return true;
0660     }
0661 }
0664 #endif // CPP11_STD_AVAILABLE
0665 #endif // GENERS_ROWPACKER_HH_