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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:22

0001 #include <Riostream.h>
0002 #include "TROOT.h"
0003 #include "TSystem.h"
0004 #include "HIPplots.h"
0006 using namespace std;
0008 // det: 0=all,1=PXB, 2=PXF, 3=TIB, 4=TID, 5=TOB, 6=TEC
0009 // plotType: cov, shift, chi2, param, hitmap
0010 // only_plotting: turn on/off generating root file with histograms 
0012 void plotter(const char* base_path, const char* dir, int iov=262922, TString plotType = "cov", int param_iter=20, int det=0, bool only_plotting=false){
0014   char path[512], tag[256], outpath[512];
0016   TString detname[6]={ "PXB", "PXF", "TIB", "TID", "TOB", "TEC" };
0017   if (det>=1&&det<=6)
0018     sprintf(tag, "%s_%s", dir, detname[det-1].Data());
0019   else if (det==0)
0020     sprintf(tag, "%s_ALL", dir);
0021   else{
0022     cout << "sub-detector id undefined! Please choose between 1 to 6!" << endl;
0023     return;
0024   }
0026   sprintf(path, "%s/%s/main", base_path, dir);
0027   sprintf(outpath, "./%s/HIP_%s_%s_IOV%i_Iter%i.root", dir, plotType.Data(), tag, iov, param_iter);
0028   cout << "Path is " << path << endl;
0029   gSystem->Exec("mkdir -p " + TString(dir));
0031   HIPplots* c=new HIPplots(iov, path, outpath);
0032   int ierr=0;
0033   c->CheckFiles(ierr);
0034   if (ierr>0){
0035     cout << " ERROR !!!! Missing " << ierr << " files. Aborting." << endl;
0036     return;
0037   }
0038   else if (ierr<0){
0039     if (!only_plotting){
0040       cout << "ERROR !!!! Output file exists already. I don't want to overwrite." << endl;
0041       cout << "Please, change name of output file or delete the old one: " << outpath << endl;
0042       //cout << "Aborting." << endl;
0043       //return;
0044     }
0045   }
0048   cout << "\n\nSTARTING TO Generate Root Files " << endl << endl;
0050   if (!only_plotting && plotType =="cov"){
0051     //========= Produce histograms ============
0052     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
0053       if (det==0) c->extractAlignParams(i, 20);
0054       else c->extractAlignParams(i, 20, det);
0055     }
0056   }
0058   if (!only_plotting && (plotType =="shift"||plotType =="param")){
0059     for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){
0060       if (det==0) c->extractAlignShifts(i, 20);
0061       else c->extractAlignShifts(i, 20, det);
0062     }
0063   }
0065   if (!only_plotting && plotType =="chi2"){
0066     if (det==0) c->extractAlignableChiSquare(20);
0067     else c->extractAlignableChiSquare(20, det);
0068   }
0070   cout << "\n\nSTARTING TO PLOT " << endl << endl;
0073   gROOT->ProcessLine(" .L tdrstyle.C");
0074   gROOT->ProcessLine("setTDRStyle()");
0076   if (plotType == "hitmap"){
0077     sprintf(outpath, "./%s/HitMaps_%s_IOV%i/", dir, tag, iov);
0078     gSystem->Exec("mkdir -p " + TString(outpath));
0079     for (int i=1; i<=6; ++i){//loop over subdets
0080       c->plotHitMap(outpath, i, 0);
0081     }
0082   }
0083   else if (plotType == "cov"){
0084     sprintf(outpath, "./%s/parsViters_%s_IOV%i.png", dir, tag, iov);
0085     c->plotAlignParams("PARAMS", outpath);
0086   }
0087   else if (plotType == "shift"){
0088     sprintf(outpath, "./%s/shiftsViters_%s_IOV%i.png", dir, tag, iov);
0089     c->plotAlignParams("SHIFTS", outpath);
0090   }
0091   else if (plotType == "param"){
0092     sprintf(outpath, "./%s/shiftsAtIter%d_%s_IOV%i.png", dir, param_iter, tag, iov);
0093     c->plotAlignParamsAtIter(param_iter, "SHIFTS", outpath);
0094   }
0095   else if (plotType == "chi2"){
0096     sprintf(outpath, "./%s/AlignableChi2n_%s_IOV%i", dir, tag, iov);//do not put the file extension here!!!!
0097     c->plotAlignableChiSquare(outpath, 0.1);
0098   }
0099   else
0100     cout << "Plotting type \"" << plotType << "\" is not defined!" << endl;
0102   cout << "Deleting... " << flush;
0103   // delete c;
0104   cout << "cleaned up HIPplots object ! We are done  and good luck !" << endl;
0106 }