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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:22

0001 #include "TStyle.h"
0003 //// tdrGrid: Turns the grid lines on (true) or off (false)
0004 //void tdrGrid(bool gridOn)
0005 //{
0006 //  tdrStyle->SetPadGridX(gridOn);
0007 //  tdrStyle->SetPadGridY(gridOn);
0008 //}
0009 //
0010 //// fixOverlay: Redraws the axis
0011 //void fixOverlay()
0012 //{
0013 //  gPad->RedrawAxis();
0014 //}
0016 void setTDRStyle()
0017 {
0018   TStyle *tdrStyle = new TStyle("tdrStyle", "Style for P-TDR");
0020   // For the Canvas:
0021   tdrStyle->SetCanvasBorderMode(0);
0022   tdrStyle->SetCanvasColor(kWhite);
0023   tdrStyle->SetCanvasDefH(550); //Height of canvas
0024   tdrStyle->SetCanvasDefW(550); //Width of canvas
0025   tdrStyle->SetCanvasDefX(0);   //POsition on screen
0026   tdrStyle->SetCanvasDefY(0);
0028   // For the Pad:
0029   tdrStyle->SetPadBorderMode(0);
0030   //    tdrStyle->SetPadBorderSize(Width_t size = 1);
0031   tdrStyle->SetPadColor(kWhite);
0032   tdrStyle->SetPadGridX(false);
0033   tdrStyle->SetPadGridY(false);
0034   tdrStyle->SetGridColor(0);
0035   tdrStyle->SetGridStyle(3);
0036   tdrStyle->SetGridWidth(1);
0038   // For the frame:
0039   tdrStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0040   tdrStyle->SetFrameBorderSize(1);
0041   tdrStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0);
0042   tdrStyle->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
0043   tdrStyle->SetFrameLineColor(1);
0044   tdrStyle->SetFrameLineStyle(1);
0045   tdrStyle->SetFrameLineWidth(1);
0047   // For the histo:
0048   tdrStyle->SetHistFillColor(0);
0049   tdrStyle->SetHistFillStyle(0);
0050   tdrStyle->SetHistLineColor(1);
0051   tdrStyle->SetHistLineStyle(0);
0052   tdrStyle->SetHistLineWidth(1);
0053   //    tdrStyle->SetLegoInnerR(Float_t rad = 0.5);
0054   //    tdrStyle->SetNumberContours(Int_t number = 20);
0056   tdrStyle->SetEndErrorSize(2);
0057   //    tdrStyle->SetErrorMarker(20);
0058   tdrStyle->SetErrorX(0.);
0060   tdrStyle->SetMarkerStyle(20);
0062   //For the fit/function:
0063   tdrStyle->SetOptFit(1);
0064   tdrStyle->SetFitFormat("5.4g");
0065   tdrStyle->SetFuncColor(2);
0066   tdrStyle->SetFuncStyle(1);
0067   tdrStyle->SetFuncWidth(1);
0069   //For the date:
0070   tdrStyle->SetOptDate(0);
0071   // tdrStyle->SetDateX(Float_t x = 0.01);
0072   // tdrStyle->SetDateY(Float_t y = 0.01);
0074   // For the statistics box:
0075   tdrStyle->SetOptFile(0);
0076   tdrStyle->SetOptStat(0); // To display the mean and RMS:   SetOptStat("mr");
0077   tdrStyle->SetStatColor(kWhite);
0078   tdrStyle->SetStatFont(42);
0079   tdrStyle->SetStatFontSize(0.025);
0080   tdrStyle->SetStatTextColor(1);
0081   tdrStyle->SetStatFormat("6.4g");
0082   tdrStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1);
0083   tdrStyle->SetStatH(0.1);
0084   tdrStyle->SetStatW(0.15);
0085   // tdrStyle->SetStatStyle(Style_t style = 1001);
0086   // tdrStyle->SetStatX(Float_t x = 0);
0087   // tdrStyle->SetStatY(Float_t y = 0);
0089   // Margins:
0090   tdrStyle->SetPadTopMargin(0.07);
0091   tdrStyle->SetPadBottomMargin(0.17);
0092   tdrStyle->SetPadLeftMargin(0.15);
0093   tdrStyle->SetPadRightMargin(0.05);
0095   // For the Global title:
0096   tdrStyle->SetOptTitle(0);
0097   tdrStyle->SetTitleFont(42);
0098   tdrStyle->SetTitleColor(1);
0099   tdrStyle->SetTitleTextColor(1);
0100   tdrStyle->SetTitleFillColor(10);
0101   tdrStyle->SetTitleFontSize(0.05);
0102   // tdrStyle->SetTitleH(0); // Set the height of the title box
0103   // tdrStyle->SetTitleW(0); // Set the width of the title box
0104   // tdrStyle->SetTitleX(0); // Set the position of the title box
0105   // tdrStyle->SetTitleY(0.985); // Set the position of the title box
0106   // tdrStyle->SetTitleStyle(Style_t style = 1001);
0107   tdrStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0);
0109   // For the axis titles:
0110   tdrStyle->SetTitleColor(1, "XYZ");
0111   tdrStyle->SetTitleFont(42, "XYZ");
0112   tdrStyle->SetTitleSize(0.06, "XYZ");
0113   // tdrStyle->SetTitleXSize(Float_t size = 0.02); // Another way to set the size?
0114   // tdrStyle->SetTitleYSize(Float_t size = 0.02);
0115   tdrStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1);
0116   tdrStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.1);
0117   // tdrStyle->SetTitleOffset(1.1, "Y"); // Another way to set the Offset
0119   // For the axis labels:
0120   tdrStyle->SetLabelColor(1, "XYZ");
0121   tdrStyle->SetLabelFont(42, "XYZ");
0122   tdrStyle->SetLabelOffset(0.007, "XYZ");
0123   tdrStyle->SetLabelSize(0.05, "XYZ");
0125   // For the axis:
0126   tdrStyle->SetAxisColor(1, "XYZ");
0127   tdrStyle->SetStripDecimals(kTRUE);
0128   tdrStyle->SetTickLength(0.03, "XYZ");
0129   tdrStyle->SetNdivisions(510, "XYZ");
0130   tdrStyle->SetPadTickX(1);  // To get tick marks on the opposite side of the frame
0131   tdrStyle->SetPadTickY(1);
0133   // Change for log plots:
0134   tdrStyle->SetOptLogx(0);
0135   tdrStyle->SetOptLogy(0);
0136   tdrStyle->SetOptLogz(0);
0138   // Postscript options:
0139   tdrStyle->SetPaperSize(20., 20.);
0140   // tdrStyle->SetLineScalePS(Float_t scale = 3);
0141   // tdrStyle->SetLineStyleString(Int_t i, const char* text);
0142   // tdrStyle->SetHeaderPS(const char* header);
0143   // tdrStyle->SetTitlePS(const char* pstitle);
0145   // tdrStyle->SetBarOffset(Float_t baroff = 0.5);
0146   // tdrStyle->SetBarWidth(Float_t barwidth = 0.5);
0147   // tdrStyle->SetPaintTextFormat(const char* format = "g");
0148   // tdrStyle->SetPalette(Int_t ncolors = 0, Int_t* colors = 0);
0149   // tdrStyle->SetTimeOffset(Double_t toffset);
0150   // tdrStyle->SetHistMinimumZero(kTRUE);
0152   tdrStyle->cd();
0153 }