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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # parameters for HIPAlignmentAlgorithm
0004 HIPAlignmentAlgorithm = cms.PSet(
0005     algoName = cms.string('HIPAlignmentAlgorithm'),
0006     debug = cms.bool(False),
0007     verbosity = cms.bool(False),
0008     checkDbAlignmentValidity=cms.bool(False),
0010     isCollision = cms.bool(True),
0011     UsePreSelection = cms.bool(False),
0013     multiIOV=cms.bool(False),
0014     IOVrange=cms.vuint32(1,99999999),
0016     minRelParameterError = cms.double(0),
0017     maxRelParameterError = cms.double(-1), # -1 for no cut
0018     minimumNumberOfHits = cms.int32(1),
0019     maxAllowedHitPull = cms.double(-1), # -1 for no cut
0021     applyCutsPerComponent = cms.bool(False), # Overrides settings above for the specified detectors
0022     cutsPerComponent = cms.VPSet(
0023         cms.PSet(
0024             Selector = cms.PSet(
0025                 alignParams = cms.vstring(
0026                     "AllAlignables,000000" # Obligatory second string
0027                 ) # can use "selected" for the already-specified alignables
0028             ),
0029             # Parameter cuts
0030             minRelParError = cms.double(0),
0031             maxRelParError = cms.double(-1), # -1 for no cut
0032             # Hit cuts
0033             minNHits = cms.int32(0),
0034             maxHitPull = cms.double(-1), # -1 for no cut
0035             applyPixelProbCut = cms.bool(False),
0036             usePixelProbXYOrProbQ = cms.bool(False), # Uses or instead of and when applying the min-max cuts
0037             minPixelProbXY = cms.double(0),
0038             maxPixelProbXY = cms.double(1),
0039             minPixelProbQ = cms.double(0),
0040             maxPixelProbQ = cms.double(1),
0041         )
0042     ),
0044     # APE settings
0045     applyAPE = cms.bool(False),
0046     apeParam = cms.VPSet(
0047         cms.PSet(
0048             Selector = cms.PSet(
0049                 alignParams = cms.vstring(
0050                     "AllAlignables,000000"
0051                 ) # can use "selected" for the already-specified alignables
0052             ),
0053             function = cms.string('linear'), ## linear, step or exponential
0054             apeRPar = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0), # cm
0055             apeSPar = cms.vdouble(0, 0, 0), # mrad
0056         )
0057     ),
0059     # Re-weighting
0060     DataGroup=cms.int32(-2),
0061     UseReweighting = cms.bool(False),
0062     Weight = cms.double(1),
0063     UniformEta = cms.bool(False),
0064     UniformEtaFormula = cms.string("1"),
0065     ReweightPerAlignable = cms.bool(False),
0067     # Impact angle cut
0068     CLAngleCut = cms.double(1.571), # upper bound on collision track impact angle, default -no cut
0069     CSAngleCut = cms.double(0),  # lower bound on cosmics track impact angle, default -no cut
0071     # Chisquare scan
0072     setScanDet = cms.vdouble(0,0,0), # detector ID (1=all det), start,step
0074     # File paths and names
0075     outpath = cms.string('./'),
0076     collectorActive = cms.bool(False),
0077     collectorNJobs = cms.int32(0),
0078     collectorPath = cms.string(''),
0079     uvarFile = cms.string('IOUserVariables.root'),
0080     alignedFile = cms.string('IOAlignedPositions.root'),
0081     misalignedFile = cms.string('IOMisalignedPositions.root'),
0082     trueFile = cms.string('IOTruePositions.root'),
0083     parameterFile = cms.string('IOAlignmentParameters.root'),
0084     iterationFile = cms.string('IOIteration.root'),
0085     outfile2 = cms.string('HIPAlignmentAlignables.root'),
0087     monitorConfig = cms.PSet(
0088         outfile = cms.string('HIPAlignmentEvents.root'),
0089         maxEventsPerJob = cms.int32(-1),
0090         fillTrackMonitoring = cms.bool(False),
0091         maxTracks = cms.int32(100),
0092         fillTrackHitMonitoring = cms.bool(False),
0093         maxHits = cms.int32(10000), # Not per track, just total
0094     ),
0096     surveyResiduals = cms.untracked.vstring(), ## no survey constraint
0097     surveyFile = cms.string('HIPSurveyResiduals.root'),
0098 )