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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:23

0001 #!/bin/tcsh
0003 ## $1 is the final iteration number
0004 ## $2 is output directory
0005 ## $3 is a list of data files
0006 ## $4 is the IOV file
0007 ## $5 is the common config. file name
0008 ## $6 is the align config file name
0009 ## $7 is the track selection config
0010 ## $8 is the surface deformations flag
0011 ## $9 is the proxy redirection flag
0012 ## $10 Dry run option (0 by default) (note: more than 9 parameters need curly brackets)
0014 # setup environment: have call script from Package/Subpackage dir
0015 cd ../..
0016 # cmsenv
0017 eval `scramv1 runtime -csh`
0018 cd Alignment/HIPAlignmentAlgorithm
0020 mkdir -p $2
0021 set odir = `cd $2; pwd` # get full output path
0022 set errfile = "$odir/ERROR"
0024 # configure all of the scripts
0025 $odir $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
0027 if ( -f $errfile ) then
0028    echo "$errfile exists! Please fix the errors and re-run."
0029 else
0030   cp scripts/runControl.csh $odir/main/
0032   # submit parallel jobs
0033   if (  ${10} == 0 ) then
0034     submitJobs_py $1 $2 $4
0035     # create DB objects
0036     cp $odir/main/IOAlignedPositions*.root $odir/main/IOIteration*.root $odir/
0037   else
0038     echo "Dry run setup complete"
0039   endif
0040 endif