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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("LaserDQM")
0004 #    service = MonitorDaemon
0005 #    {
0006 #   # if true, will automatically start DQM thread in background
0007 #   untracked bool AutoInstantiate=false    
0008 #   # if >=0, upon a connection problem, the source will automatically 
0009 #   # attempt to reconnect with a time delay (secs) specified here 
0010 #   # (default: 5)
0011 #   untracked int32 reconnect_delay = 5
0012 #   # collector hostname; examples: localhost(default),, etc
0013 #   untracked string DestinationAddress = "localhost"
0014 #   # port for communicating with collector (default: 9090)
0015 #   untracked int32 SendPort = 9090
0016 #   # monitoring period in ms (i.e. how often monitoring elements 
0017 #   # are shipped to the collector; default: 1000)
0018 #   untracked int32 UpdateDelay = 1000
0019 #   # name of DQM source (default: DQMSource)
0020 #   untracked string NameAsSource = "FU0"   
0021 #    }
0022 # Ideal geometry producer
0023 process.load("Geometry.TrackerRecoData.trackerRecoGeometryXML_cfi")
0025 # Interface to ideal geometry producer
0026 process.load("Geometry.TrackerNumberingBuilder.trackerNumberingGeometry_cfi")
0028 # Tracker Geometry
0029 process.load("Geometry.TrackerGeometryBuilder.trackerGeometry_cfi")
0031 process.load("Alignment.LaserDQM.LaserDQM_cfi")
0033 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0034     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring('simevent.root')
0035 )
0037 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0038     input = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0039 )
0040 process.DaqMonitorROOTBackEnd = cms.Service("DaqMonitorROOTBackEnd")
0042 process.p1 = cms.Path(process.mon)