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0001 #ifndef __GFHISTMANAGER_H
0002 #define __GFHISTMANAGER_H
0004  // ROOT includes
0005 #include <TObject.h>
0006 #include <TArrayI.h>
0007 #include <TArrayC.h>
0008 #include <TH1.h> // for type Color_t etc.
0010 class TObjArray;
0011 class TCollection;
0012 // class TH1;
0013 class TCanvas;
0014 class TVirtualPad;
0015 class TFile; 
0016 class TLegend; 
0017 class TLegendEntry; 
0018 class GFHistArray;
0020 class GFHistManager : public TObject{
0021 public:
0022   GFHistManager();
0023   explicit GFHistManager(TH1* hist); 
0024   explicit GFHistManager(TCollection* hists); 
0025   virtual ~GFHistManager(); 
0027   virtual TLegendEntry* AddHist(TH1* hist, Int_t layer = 0, const char* legendTitle = NULL,
0028                 const char* legOpt = NULL);
0029   virtual void AddHists(TCollection* hists, Int_t layer = 0,
0030             const char* legendTitle = NULL, const char* legOpt = NULL);
0031   virtual TLegendEntry* AddHistSame(TH1* hist, Int_t layer, Int_t nPad, 
0032                     const char* legendTitle=NULL, const char* legOpt=NULL);
0033   virtual void AddHistsSame(GFHistArray* hists, Int_t layer,
0034                 const char* legendTitle = NULL, const char* legOpt = NULL);
0035   virtual void AddHistsSame(GFHistArray* hists, Int_t layer, Int_t nPad);
0036   virtual void AddLayers(GFHistManager* other);
0037   virtual void AddLayer(GFHistManager* other, Int_t layer);
0038   virtual void Overlay(GFHistManager* other, Int_t otherLayer, Int_t myLayer,
0039                const char* legendTitle);
0040   virtual TLegend* AddLegend(Int_t layer, Int_t nPad, const char* header = NULL, 
0041                  Bool_t referAll = kTRUE);
0042   virtual Bool_t RemoveLegend(Int_t layer, Int_t nPad);
0043   virtual void AddLegend(TLegend* leg, Int_t layer, Int_t nPad);
0044   virtual void AddObject(TObject* obj, Int_t layer, Int_t histoNum, Option_t* opt = NULL);
0046   virtual void Draw(Option_t * opt = "");
0047   virtual void Draw(Int_t layer);
0048   using TObject::Print;
0049   virtual void Print(const char* filename, Bool_t add = kFALSE);
0050 //   virtual void Print(const char* filename, Int_t layer);
0051   virtual void Clear(Bool_t deleteHists);
0052   void Clear(Option_t * = "") {this->Clear(kFALSE);}
0053   void Delete(Option_t * = "") {this->Clear(kTRUE);}
0054   virtual void SetLegendX1Y1X2Y2(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2);
0055   virtual void SetLegendX1(Double_t x1);// {fLegendX1 = x1;}
0056   virtual void SetLegendY1(Double_t y1);// {fLegendY1 = y1;}
0057   virtual void SetLegendX2(Double_t x2);// {fLegendX2 = x2;}
0058   virtual void SetLegendY2(Double_t y2);// {fLegendY2 = y2;}
0059   virtual void SetStatsX1Y1X2Y2(Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2);
0060   virtual void SetNumHistsX(UInt_t numX);
0061   virtual void SetNumHistsX(UInt_t numX, Int_t layer);
0062   virtual void SetNumHistsY(UInt_t numY);
0063   virtual void SetNumHistsY(UInt_t numY, Int_t layer);
0064   virtual void SetNumHistsXY(UInt_t numX, UInt_t numY);
0065   virtual void SetNumHistsXY(UInt_t numX, UInt_t numY, Int_t layer);
0066   virtual void SetLogY(Bool_t yesNo = kTRUE);
0067   virtual void SetLogY(Int_t layer, Bool_t yesNo = kTRUE);
0068   void SetCanvasName(const TString& name);
0069   virtual void SetCanvasWidth(Int_t w) {fCanvasWidth = w;}
0070   virtual void SetCanvasHeight(Int_t h) {fCanvasHeight = h;}
0071   virtual void SetHistsOption(Option_t* option);
0072   virtual void SetHistsOption(Option_t* option, Int_t layer);
0073   virtual void SetHistsMinMax(Double_t minMax, Bool_t min);
0074   virtual void SetHistsMinMax(Double_t minMax, Bool_t min, Int_t layer);
0075   static void SetLegendEntryOption(const char* option) {fgLegendEntryOption = option;} // some of "lpf"
0076   virtual void AddHistsOption(Option_t* option);
0077   virtual void AddHistsOption(Option_t* option, Int_t layer);
0078   virtual void SetHistsXTitle(const char* title);
0079   virtual void SetHistsXTitle(const char* title, Int_t layer);
0080   virtual void SetHistsYTitle(const char* title);
0081   virtual void SetHistsYTitle(const char* title, Int_t layer);
0082   virtual void SetHistsFillColor(Color_t color);
0083   virtual void SetHistsFillColor(Color_t color, Int_t layer);
0084   virtual void SetHistsLineWidth(Width_t width);
0085   virtual void SetHistsLineWidth(Width_t  width, Int_t layer);
0086   virtual void SetHistsLineStyle(Int_t style);
0087   virtual void SetHistsLineStyle(Int_t style, Int_t layer, Int_t numHistInPad = -1);
0088   virtual void SetHistsLineColor(Color_t color);
0089   virtual void SetHistsLineColor(Color_t color, Int_t layer);
0090   virtual void WriteCanvases(TFile* file);
0091   virtual void WriteHistos(TFile* file);
0092   virtual void Update();
0093   virtual void Update(Int_t layer);
0094   virtual Bool_t SetBatch(Bool_t set = kTRUE) {Bool_t r = fBatch; fBatch = set; return r;}
0095   virtual Bool_t IsBatch() const {return fBatch;}
0096   virtual void ExpandTo(Int_t newDepth);
0098   virtual GFHistArray* GetHistsOf(Int_t layer, Int_t histNum, Bool_t mayExpand = kFALSE);
0099   virtual TList* GetObjectsOf(Int_t layer, Int_t histNum);
0100   virtual Int_t GetNumHistsOf(Int_t layer);
0101   virtual TLegend* GetLegendOf(Int_t layer, Int_t nPad);
0102   virtual Int_t GetCanvasWidth() const {return fCanvasWidth;}
0103   virtual Int_t GetCanvasHeight() const {return fCanvasHeight;}
0104   virtual Int_t GetNumHistsX(Int_t layer) const;
0105   virtual Int_t GetNumHistsY(Int_t layer) const;
0106   virtual Double_t MaxOfHist(const TH1* h) const;
0107   virtual Double_t MaxOfHists(const TObjArray* hists) const;
0108   virtual Double_t MinOfHist(const TH1* h) const;
0109   virtual Double_t MinOfHists(const TObjArray* hists) const;
0110   virtual TVirtualPad* GetPad(Int_t layer, Int_t histNum);
0111   virtual TCanvas* GetCanvas(Int_t layer, Int_t number = 0);// after draw!!
0112   Int_t GetNumLayers() const {return fDepth;}
0113   virtual void GetLegendX1Y1X2Y2(Double_t& x1, Double_t& y1, Double_t& x2, Double_t& y2) const;
0115   static const Int_t kDefaultPadsPerCanX;// = 2; Doesn't work! Why ???
0116   static const Int_t kDefaultPadsPerCanY;// = 2; It should. And it DOES, if we make
0117   static const Int_t kDefaultDepth;// = 1;        these static const datamembers protected!
0119   static  Int_t NumberOfSubPadsOf(TCanvas* can);
0120   static void MakeDifferentStyle(GFHistArray* hists);
0121   Bool_t   DrawDiffStyle(Bool_t yesNo) {
0122     const Bool_t old = fDrawDiffStyle; fDrawDiffStyle = yesNo; return old;}
0123   Bool_t SameWithStats(Bool_t yesNo) {
0124     const Bool_t old = fSameWithStats; fSameWithStats = yesNo; return old;}
0126 protected:
0127   virtual void DrawReally(Int_t layer);
0128   virtual void DrawLegend(Int_t layer, Int_t histNo);
0129   virtual void DrawObjects(Int_t layer, Int_t histNo);
0130   virtual void MakeCanvases(Int_t layer);
0131   virtual TObjArray* MakeLegends(Int_t layer);
0132   virtual TList* MakeObjList(Int_t layer, Int_t histoNum);
0133   virtual void Initialise();
0134   virtual Bool_t CheckDepth(const char* method, Int_t layer, Bool_t mayExpand = kTRUE);
0135   virtual Bool_t CheckHistNum(const char* method, Int_t layer, Int_t histNum, 
0136                   Bool_t mayExpand = kFALSE);
0137   void DrawFuncs(const TH1* hist) const;
0138   void ColourStatsBoxes(GFHistArray *hists) const;
0139   void ColourFuncs(GFHistArray *hists) const;
0141 private:
0142   Int_t        fDepth;         // how many layers of histograms in arrays?
0143   TArrayI      fNoX;           // how many hists in x...
0144   TArrayI      fNoY;           // ... and in y in each canvas array
0145   TArrayC      fLogY;          // whether or not a layer should be plotted in log(y)
0146   Double_t     fLegendX1;      // default position
0147   Double_t     fLegendY1;      // ...of TLegends
0148   Double_t     fLegendX2;      // ... in x
0149   Double_t     fLegendY2;      // .. and y
0150   Double_t     fStatsX1;       // default positions in x and y
0151   Double_t     fStatsX2;       // ...of first statsbox in case
0152   Double_t     fStatsY1;       // ... many have to be drawn
0153   Double_t     fStatsY2;       // ... (subsequent boxes are shifted)
0154   TString      fCanvasName;
0155   Int_t        fCanvasWidth;   // pixel width
0156   Int_t        fCanvasHeight;  //       height of canvases (maybe relativly manipulated...) 
0157   static TString fgLegendEntryOption; // option used for legend entry style
0158   TObjArray*   fHistArrays;    // array of arrays of arrays of histograms
0159   TObjArray*   fLegendArrays;     // array of arrays to hold potential TLegend's
0160   TObjArray*   fObjLists;      // array of array of lists to hold potential objects
0161   TObjArray*   fCanArrays;     // array of arrays to hold canvases for drawing
0162   Bool_t       fBatch;         // if true: ignore Draw()
0163   Bool_t       fDrawDiffStyle; // if true(default): call MakeDifferentStyle while Draw
0164   Bool_t       fSameWithStats;  // if true(non-default): use SAMES option to add all stats boxes
0166   ClassDef(GFHistManager, 0)   // Gero's histogram manager (not writable!)
0167 };
0169 #endif