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0001 //
0002 //    |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
0003 //    ||-----------------------------------------------------------------||
0004 //    ||   ROOT script to read the millepede.his file produced by pede   ||
0005 //    ||-----------------------------------------------------------------||
0006 //    |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
0007 //
0008 // Author     : Gero Flucke
0009 // Date       : July 2007
0010 // Last update: $Date: 2009/01/20 20:22:27 $ by $Author: flucke $
0011 //
0012 //
0013 // Usage:
0014 // ======
0015 //
0016 // Start ROOT and compile (!) the script:
0017 //
0018 // root [0] .L readPedeHists.C+
0019 // Info in <TUnixSystem::ACLiC>: creating shared library ./
0020 //
0021 // If the millepede.his file is in the directory that ROOT was started in, just call
0022 //
0023 // root [1] readPedeHists()
0024 //
0025 // ROOT will display the histograms (TH1) and XY-data objects (TGraph).
0026 //
0027 // The following options and their combinations can be given as first argument:
0028 // - print: produce a postscript file 
0029 // - write: write the histograms and graphs into the ROOT file millepede.his.root
0030 // - nodraw: skip displaying (write/print work still fine)
0031 //
0032 // Note that both options 'print' and 'write' will overwrite existing files.
0033 //
0034 // If the millepede.his file has been renamed or is not in the local directory,
0035 // its name can be given as second argument. The names of the postscript or ROOT files
0036 // will be adjusted to the given name, too.
0037 // 
0038 // The following example will read the file '../adir/millepede_result5.his' and directly
0039 // produce the postscript file '../adir/' without displaying and
0040 // without producing a ROOT file:
0041 //
0042 // root [1] readPedeHists("print nodraw", "../adir/millepede_result5.his")
0043 // Info in <TCanvas::Print>: ps file ../adir/millepede_result5.hisps has been created
0044 // Info in <TCanvas::Print>: Current canvas added to ps file ../adir/
0045 // Info in <TCanvas::Print>: Current canvas added to ps file ../adir/
0046 // Info in <TCanvas::Print>: Current canvas added to ps file ../adir/
0047 // Info in <TCanvas::Print>: Current canvas added to ps file ../adir/
0048 //
0049 //
0050 // Possible modifications:
0051 // =======================
0052 // - The size of the canvases is defined in ReadPedeHists::Draw() via 'nPixelX' and 'nPixelY'.
0053 // - The number of histograms/graphs per canvas is defined in ReadPedeHists::Draw() as 
0054 //   'nHistX' and 'nHistY'.
0055 // - The position of the corners of the boxes giving the minimum or maximum value of a
0056 //   histogrammed distribution is defined as the first four arguments after 'new TPaveText'
0057 //   at the end of the method ReadPedeHists::readNextHist.
0058 // - gStyle->SetOptStat(...), executed before readPedeHists(), defines whether you see all
0059 //   relevant information in the statistics. Try e.g.:
0060 //   root [0] gStyle->SetOptStat("emrou"); // or "nemrou"
0061 //
0063 #include <fstream>
0064 #include <vector>
0065 #include <utility> //  for std::pair
0066 #include <iostream>
0068 #include <TROOT.h>
0069 #include <TFile.h>
0070 #include <TDirectory.h>
0071 #include <TError.h>
0072 #include <TH1.h>
0073 #include <TGraph.h>
0074 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
0075 #include <TCanvas.h>
0076 #include <TMath.h>
0077 #include <TPaveText.h>
0079 //__________________________________________________________________________
0080 void readPedeHists(Option_t *option = "", const char *txtFile = "millepede.his");//"nodraw" skips drawing, "print" produces ps file, "write" writes object in ROOT file 
0082 //__________________________________________________________________________
0083 //__________________________________________________________________________
0084 //__________________________________________________________________________
0086 class ReadPedeHists
0087 {
0088  public:
0089   explicit ReadPedeHists(const char *txtFile);
0090   ~ReadPedeHists() {} // non virtual: do not inherit from this class
0091   void Draw(); // draw hists and graphs read from file
0092   void Write(const char *rootFileName); // write hists/graphs to file
0093   void Print(const char *printFileName); // if drawn, print into file, e.g. ps
0095  private:
0096   template<class T> 
0097   bool readBasic(std::ifstream &aStream, T &outValue);
0098   template<class T> 
0099   bool readBasicVector(std::ifstream &aStream, std::vector<T> &outVector);
0100   bool proceedTo(std::ifstream &aStream, const TString &pattern);
0101   void readNumVersTypeTitle(std::ifstream &file, Int_t &num, Int_t &version, Int_t &type,
0102                 TString &title);
0103   TH1 *readNextHist(std::ifstream &file);
0104   std::pair<TGraph *,Option_t*> readNextGraph(std::ifstream &file);
0105   bool readNext(std::ifstream &file, TH1 *&hist, std::pair<TGraph*,Option_t*> &graphOpt);
0106   void read(std::ifstream &stream);
0108   std::ifstream theStream;
0109   std::vector<TH1*> theHists;
0110   std::vector<std::pair<TGraph*, Option_t*> > theGraphOpts;
0111   std::vector<TCanvas*> theCanvases;
0112 };
0114 //__________________________________________________________________________
0115 ReadPedeHists::ReadPedeHists(const char *txtFile) :
0116   theStream(txtFile, ios::in)
0117 {
0118   if (!theStream.is_open()) {
0119     ::Error("ReadPedeHists::ReadPedeHists", "file %s could not be opened", txtFile);
0120   } else {
0121     this->read(theStream);
0122   }
0123 }
0126 //__________________________________________________________________________
0127 template<class T> 
0128 bool ReadPedeHists::readBasic(std::ifstream &aStream, T &outValue)
0129 {
0130   while (true) {
0131     const int aChar = aStream.get();
0132     if (!aStream.good()) return false;
0134     switch(aChar) {
0135     case ' ':
0136     case '\t':
0137     case '\n':
0138       if (aStream.eof()) return false;
0139       continue; // to next character
0140     default:
0141       aStream.unget();
0142       aStream >> outValue;
0143       if ( {// not correct type 'T' (!aStream.good() is true also in case of EOF)
0144         aStream.clear();
0145         return false; 
0146       } else {
0147         return true;
0148       }
0149     } // switch
0150   } // while
0152   ::Error("ReadPedeHists::readBasic", "Should never come here!");
0153   return false;
0154 }
0156 //__________________________________________________________________________
0157 template<class T> 
0158 bool ReadPedeHists::readBasicVector(std::ifstream &aStream, std::vector<T> &outVector)
0159 {
0160   // vector must have desired size
0161   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < outVector.size(); ++i) {
0162     if (!readBasic(aStream, outVector[i])) return false;
0163   }
0165   return true;
0166 }
0168 //__________________________________________________________________________
0169 bool ReadPedeHists::proceedTo(std::ifstream &aStream, const TString &pattern)
0170 {
0171   if (pattern.IsNull()) return true;
0172   const char *method = "ReadPedeHists::proceedTo";
0174   TString line;
0175   do {
0176     line.ReadLine(aStream);
0177     if (line.Contains(pattern)) {
0178       line.ReplaceAll(pattern, "");
0179       line.ReplaceAll(" ", "");
0180       if (!line.IsNull()) {
0181     ::Warning(method, "line contains also '%s'", line.Data());
0182       }
0183       return true;
0184     } else {
0185       ::Warning(method, "skipping line '%s'", line.Data());
0186     }
0187   } while (!aStream.eof());
0189   ::Error(method, "pattern '%s' not found", pattern.Data());
0190   return false; // did not find pattern
0191 }
0193 //__________________________________________________________________________
0194 void ReadPedeHists::readNumVersTypeTitle(std::ifstream &file, Int_t &num,
0195                      Int_t &version, Int_t &type, TString &title)
0196 {
0197   std::string key; // key word
0199   const char *method = "ReadPedeHists::readNumVersTypeTitle";
0200   if (!readBasic(file, num)) {
0201     ::Error(method, "failed reading hist number");
0202   }
0204   if (!readBasic(file, key) || key != "version") {
0205     ::Error(method, "expect key 'version', got '%s'", key.c_str());
0206   }
0207   if (!readBasic(file, version)) {
0208     ::Error(method, "failed reading version");
0209   }
0211   if (!readBasic(file, key) || key != "type") {
0212     ::Error(method, "expect key 'type', got '%s'", key.c_str());
0213   }
0214   if (!readBasic(file, type)) ::Error(method, "failed reading type");
0216   title.ReadLine(file); // Title is a full line without key after the type!
0217   Ssiz_t len = title.Length();
0218   while (len != kNPOS && len > 0 && title[--len] == ' ') {} // empty loop
0219   title.Resize(len+1); // remove trailing space
0220   title += Form(" (version %d)", version);
0221 }
0223 //__________________________________________________________________________
0224 TH1 *ReadPedeHists::readNextHist(std::ifstream &file)
0225 {
0226   // Key 'Histogram' assumed to be already read!
0228   // Until histogram title we have a fixed order to read in these numbers:
0229   Int_t num = -1; // hist number
0230   Int_t version = -1; // version (is it iteration?)
0231   Int_t type = -1; // type, e.g. x-axis in log scale 
0232   TString title; // skip spaces??
0234   const char *method = "ReadPedeHists::readNextHist"; // for errors/warnings
0236   readNumVersTypeTitle(file, num, version, type, title);
0237   if (num == -1 || version == -1 || type == -1) {
0238     ::Error(method, "Problems reading hist number, version or type, so skip it.");
0239     proceedTo(file, "end of histogram");
0240     return 0;
0241   }
0242   //   type 1: normal 1D histogram
0243   //        2: 1D histogram with bins in log_10
0245   // For the remaining information we accept any order, but there will be problems 
0246   // in case number of bins (key 'bins,') comes after 'bincontent'...
0247   std::vector<Float_t> nBinsUpLow(3, -1.); // nBins (int...), lower and upper edge
0248   std::vector<Int_t> underInOver(3, -1); // underflow : between lower/upper : overflow
0249   std::vector<Float_t> binContent; // do not yet know length
0250   Float_t min = 0., max = 0., mean = 0., sigma = 0.; // min/max of x-axis, mean/sigma of distrib.
0252   std::string key; // key word
0253   while (readBasic(file, key)) {
0254     if (key == "bins,") {
0255       // read nBins with borders
0256       if (!readBasic(file, key) || key != "limits") {
0257     ::Error(method, "expect key 'limits', got (%s)", key.c_str());
0258       } else if (!readBasicVector(file, nBinsUpLow)) {
0259     ::Error(method, "failed reading nBins, xLow, xUp (%f %f %f)", 
0260         nBinsUpLow[0], nBinsUpLow[1], nBinsUpLow[2]);
0261       } else {
0262     binContent.resize(static_cast<unsigned int>(nBinsUpLow[0]));
0263       }
0264     } else if (key == "out-low") {
0265       // read under-/overflow with what is 'in between'
0266       if (!readBasic(file, key) || key != "inside"
0267       || !readBasic(file, key) || key != "out-high") {
0268     ::Error(method, "expected keys 'inside' and 'out-high', got (%s)", key.c_str());
0269       } else if (!readBasicVector(file, underInOver) || underInOver[0] == -1 
0270          || underInOver[1] == -1 || underInOver[2] == -1) {
0271     ::Error(method, "failed reading under-, 'in-' and overflow (%d %d %d)",
0272         underInOver[0], underInOver[1], underInOver[2]);
0273       }
0274     } else if (key == "bincontent") {
0275       // read bin content - problem if lenght not yet set!
0276       if (nBinsUpLow[0] == -1.) {
0277     ::Error(method, "n(bins) (key 'bins') not yet set, bin content cannot be read");
0278       } else if (!readBasicVector(file, binContent)) {
0279     ::Error(method, "failed reading bincontent ");
0280       }
0281     } else if (key ==  "minmax") {
0282       // read minimal and maximal x-value
0283       if (!readBasic(file, min) || !readBasic(file, max)) {
0284     ::Error(method, "failed reading min or max (%f %f)", min, max);
0285       }
0286     } else if (key == "meansigma") {
0287       // read mean and sigma as calculated in pede
0288       if (!readBasic(file, mean) || !readBasic(file, sigma)) {
0289     ::Error(method, "failed reading mean or sigma (%f %f)", mean, sigma);
0290       }
0291     } else if (key == "end") {
0292       // reached end - hopefully all has been read...
0293       proceedTo(file, "of histogram");
0294       break; // ...the while reading the next key
0295     } else {
0296       ::Error(method, "unknown key '%s', try next word", key.c_str());
0297     }
0298   }
0300   // now create histogram
0301   if (nBinsUpLow[1] == nBinsUpLow[2]) { // causes ROOT drawing errors
0302     nBinsUpLow[2] = nBinsUpLow[1] + 1.;
0303     ::Error(method, "Hist %d (version %d): same upper and lower edge (%f), set upper %f.",
0304         num, version, nBinsUpLow[1], nBinsUpLow[2]);
0305   }
0306   TH1 *h = new TH1F(Form("hist%d_version%d", num, version), title,
0307             binContent.size(), nBinsUpLow[1], nBinsUpLow[2]);
0308   h->SetBinContent(0, underInOver[0]);
0309   for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin <= binContent.size(); ++iBin) {
0310     h->SetBinContent(iBin, binContent[iBin - 1]);
0311   }
0312   h->SetBinContent(binContent.size() + 1, underInOver[2]);
0313   h->SetEntries(underInOver[0] + underInOver[1] + underInOver[2]);
0315   if (type == 2) {
0316     // could do more fancy stuff for nicer display...
0317     h->SetXTitle("log_{10}");
0318   } else if (type != 1) {
0319     ::Warning(method, "Unknown histogram type %d.", type);
0320   }
0322   if (mean || sigma) { // overwrite ROOT's approximations from bin contents
0323     Double_t stats[11] = {0.}; // no way to get this '11' from TH1... :-(
0324     h->GetStats(stats);
0325     stats[0] = stats[1] = h->GetEntries();// sum w and w^2
0326     stats[2] = mean * stats[0]; // sum wx
0327     stats[3] = (sigma * sigma + mean * mean) * stats[0]; // sum wx^2
0328     h->PutStats(stats);
0329   }
0330   if (min || max) {
0331     TPaveText *text = new TPaveText(.175, .675, .45, .875, "NDC");
0332     text->AddText(Form("min = %g", min));
0333     text->AddText(Form("max = %g", max));
0334     text->SetTextAlign(12);
0335     text->SetBorderSize(1);
0336     h->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(text);// 'hack' to get it drawn with the hist
0337   }
0339   return h;
0340 }
0342 //__________________________________________________________________________
0343 std::pair<TGraph*, Option_t*> ReadPedeHists::readNextGraph(std::ifstream &file)
0344 {
0345   // graph and drawing option...
0346   // Key 'XY-Data' assumed to be already read!
0348   TGraph *graph = 0;
0349   Option_t *drawOpt = 0; // fine to use simple pointer since assigned only hardcoded strings
0351   // Until graph title we have a fixed order to read in these numbers:
0352   Int_t num = -1; // graph number
0353   Int_t version = -1; // version (is it iteration?)
0354   Int_t type = -1; // cf. below
0355   TString title;
0357   const char *method = "ReadPedeHists::readNextGraph"; // for errors/warnings
0359   readNumVersTypeTitle(file, num, version, type, title);
0360   if (num == -1 || version == -1 || type == -1) {
0361     ::Error(method, "Problems reading graph number, version or type, so skip it.");
0362     proceedTo(file, "end of xy-data");
0363     return std::make_pair(graph, drawOpt);
0364   }
0365   // graph types: 1   dots              (x,y)
0366   //              2   polyline
0367   //              3   dots and polyline
0368   //              4   symbols with (x,y) and dx, dy
0369   //              5   same as 5
0370   if (type < 1 || type > 5) {
0371     ::Error(method, "Unknown xy-data type %d, so skip graph.", type);
0372     proceedTo(file, "end of xy-data");
0373   }
0375   // now read number of points and content
0376   UInt_t numPoints = 0;
0377   std::vector<Float_t> content; // do not yet know length (need two/four values per point!)
0379   std::string key;
0380   while (readBasic(file, key)) {
0381     if (key == "stored") {
0382       if (!readBasic(file, key) || key != "not-stored") {
0383     ::Error(method, "expected key 'not-stored', got '%s'", key.c_str());
0384       } else if (!readBasic(file, numPoints)) {
0385     ::Error(method, "failed reading number of points (%d)", numPoints);
0386       }
0387     } else if (key == "x-y") {
0388       if (type < 1 || type > 3) {
0389     ::Error(method, "expect key x-y-dx-dy for type %d, found x-y", type);
0390       }
0391       content.resize(numPoints * 2);
0392       if (!readBasicVector(file, content) || !numPoints) {
0393     ::Error(method, "failed reading x-y content%s",
0394         (!numPoints ? " since n(points) (key 'stored') not yet set" : ""));
0395       }
0396     } else if (key == "x-y-dx-dy") {
0397       if (type < 4 || type > 5) {
0398     ::Error(method, "expect key x-y for type %d, found x-y-dx-dy", type);
0399       }
0400       content.resize(numPoints * 4);
0401       if (!readBasicVector(file, content) || !numPoints) {
0402     ::Error(method, "failed reading x-y-dx-dy content%s",
0403         (!numPoints ? " since n(points) (key 'stored') not yet set" : ""));
0404       }
0405     } else if (key == "end") {
0406       proceedTo(file, "of xy-data");
0407       break;
0408     } else {
0409       break; 
0410       ::Error(method, "unknown key '%s', try next word", key.c_str());
0411     }
0412   }
0414   // now create TGraph(Error) and fill drawOpt
0415   if (type == 4 || type == 5) {
0416     TGraphErrors *graphE = new TGraphErrors(numPoints);
0417     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < content.size(); i += 4) {
0418       graphE->SetPoint     (i/4, content[i]  , content[i+1]);
0419       graphE->SetPointError(i/4, content[i+2], content[i+3]);
0420     }
0421     drawOpt = "AP";
0422     graph = graphE;
0423   } else if (type >= 1 && type <= 3) {
0424     graph = new TGraph(numPoints);
0425     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < content.size(); i += 2) {
0426       graph->SetPoint(i/2, content[i], content[i+1]);
0427     }
0428     if (type == 1) {
0429       drawOpt = "AP";
0430     } else if (type == 2) {
0431       drawOpt = "AL";
0432     } else if (type == 3) {
0433       drawOpt = "ALP";
0434     }
0435     if (TString(drawOpt).Contains("P")) graph->SetMarkerStyle(20); // 
0436   } // 'else' not needed, tested above
0438   if (graph) graph->SetNameTitle(Form("graph%d_version%d", num, version), title);
0439   return std::make_pair(graph, drawOpt);
0440 }
0442 //__________________________________________________________________________
0443 bool ReadPedeHists::readNext(std::ifstream &file, TH1 *&hist,
0444                  std::pair<TGraph*,Option_t*> &graphOpt)
0445 {
0446   hist = 0;
0447   graphOpt.first = 0;
0448   graphOpt.second = 0;
0450   TString type;
0451   while (true) {
0452     if (file.eof()) break;
0453     file >> type;
0454     if ( || (type != "Histogram" && type != "XY-Data")) {
0455       TString line;
0456       line.ReadLine(file);
0457       if (line != "" && line.Length() != line.CountChar(' ')) { // not empty
0458     ::Error("ReadPedeHists::readNext", 
0459         "Expect 'Histogram' or 'XY-Data', but failed, line is '%s'",
0460         line.Data());
0461     if (proceedTo(file, "end of")) line.ReadLine(file); // just skip rest of line...
0462       }
0463     }
0465     if (type == "Histogram") hist = readNextHist(file);
0466     if (type == "XY-Data")  graphOpt = readNextGraph(file);
0467     if (hist || graphOpt.first) break;
0468   }
0470   return (hist || graphOpt.first);
0471 }
0473 //__________________________________________________________________________
0474 void ReadPedeHists::read(std::ifstream &file)
0475 {
0476   theHists.clear();
0477   theGraphOpts.clear();
0479   TH1 *hist = 0;
0480   std::pair<TGraph*, Option_t*> graphOpt(0,0); // graph and its drawing option
0481   while (readNext(file, hist, graphOpt)) {
0482     if (hist) theHists.push_back(hist);
0483     if (graphOpt.first) theGraphOpts.push_back(graphOpt);
0484   }
0485 }
0487 //__________________________________________________________________________
0488 void ReadPedeHists::Draw()
0489 {
0490   theCanvases.clear(); // memory leak?
0492   const Int_t nHistX = 3;
0493   const Int_t nPixelX = 700;
0494   const Int_t nHistY = 2;
0495   const Int_t nPixelY = 500;
0496   Int_t last = nHistX * nHistY;
0497   unsigned int iH = 0;
0499   while (iH < theHists.size()) {
0500     if (last >= nHistX * nHistY) {
0501       unsigned int canCorner = theCanvases.size() * 20;
0502       theCanvases.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("hists%d", iH), "", 
0503                     canCorner, canCorner, nPixelX, nPixelY));
0504       theCanvases.back()->Divide(nHistX, nHistY);
0505       last = 0;
0506     }
0507     theCanvases.back()->cd(++last);
0508     theHists[iH]->Draw();
0509     ++iH;
0510   }
0512   last = nHistX * nHistY;
0513   iH = 0;
0514   while (iH < theGraphOpts.size()) {
0515     if (last >= nHistX * nHistY) {
0516       unsigned int canCorner = theCanvases.size() * 20;
0517       theCanvases.push_back(new TCanvas(Form("graphs%d", iH), "",
0518                     canCorner, canCorner, nPixelX, nPixelY));
0519       theCanvases.back()->Divide(nHistX, nHistY);
0520       last = 0;
0521     }
0522     theCanvases.back()->cd(++last);
0523     theGraphOpts[iH].first->Draw(theGraphOpts[iH].second);
0524     ++iH;
0525   }
0526 }
0528 //__________________________________________________________________________
0529 void ReadPedeHists::Print(const char *printFileName)
0530 {
0531   std::vector<TCanvas*>::iterator iC = theCanvases.begin(), iE = theCanvases.end();
0532   if (iC == iE) return; // empty...
0534   theCanvases.front()->Print(Form("%s[", printFileName)); // just open ps
0535   while(iC != iE) {
0536     (*iC)->Print(printFileName);
0537     ++iC;
0538   }
0539   theCanvases.front()->Print(Form("%s]", printFileName)); // just close ps
0541 }
0543 //__________________________________________________________________________
0544 void ReadPedeHists::Write(const char *rootFileName)
0545 {
0546   if (theHists.empty() && theGraphOpts.empty()) return;
0548   ::Info("ReadPedeHists::Write", "(Re-)Creating ROOT file %s.", rootFileName);
0550   TDirectory *oldDir = gDirectory;
0551   TFile *rootFile = TFile::Open(rootFileName, "RECREATE");
0553   for (std::vector<TH1*>::iterator iH = theHists.begin(), iE = theHists.end();
0554        iH != iE; ++iH) {
0555     (*iH)->Write();
0556   }
0558   for (std::vector<std::pair<TGraph*,Option_t*> >::iterator iG = theGraphOpts.begin(),
0559      iE = theGraphOpts.end(); iG != iE; ++iG) {
0560     (*iG).first->Write();
0561   }
0563   delete rootFile;
0564   oldDir->cd();
0565 }
0567 //__________________________________________________________________________
0568 //__________________________________________________________________________
0569 //__________________________________________________________________________
0570 void readPedeHists(Option_t *option, const char *txtFile)
0571 {
0572   ReadPedeHists reader(txtFile);
0573   TString opt(option);
0574   opt.ToLower();
0576   const bool oldBatch = gROOT->IsBatch();
0577   if (opt.Contains("nodraw")) {
0578     opt.ReplaceAll("nodraw", "");
0579     gROOT->SetBatch(true);
0580   }
0582   reader.Draw();
0584   if (opt.Contains("print")) {
0585     opt.ReplaceAll("print", "");
0586     reader.Print(TString(Form("%s.pdf", txtFile)));
0587   }
0589   if (opt.Contains("write")) {
0590     opt.ReplaceAll("write", "");
0591     reader.Write(TString(Form("%s.root", txtFile)));
0592   }
0594   gROOT->SetBatch(oldBatch);
0595   opt.ReplaceAll(" ", "");
0596   if (!opt.IsNull()) {
0597     ::Warning("readPedeHists", "Unknown option '%s', know 'nodraw', 'print' and 'write'.",
0598           opt.Data());
0599   }
0600 }