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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:34

0001 // Original Author:  Broen van Besien
0002 //         Created:  Thu, 19 Mar 2015 18:12:35 GMT
0004 #include "Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/plugins/MillePedeFileConverter.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/LuminosityBlock.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0008 #include "CondFormats/Common/interface/FileBlobCollection.h"
0010 #include <memory>
0011 #include <fstream>
0013 MillePedeFileConverter::MillePedeFileConverter(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
0014     : inputDir_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("fileDir")),
0015       inputFileName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("inputBinaryFile")),
0016       fileBlobLabel_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("fileBlobLabel")) {
0017   // We define what this producer produces: A FileBlobCollection
0018   produces<FileBlobCollection, edm::Transition::EndLuminosityBlock>(fileBlobLabel_);
0019 }
0021 void MillePedeFileConverter::endLuminosityBlockProduce(edm::LuminosityBlock& iLumi, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
0022   auto const& moduleType = moduleDescription().moduleName();
0023   auto const& moduleLabel = moduleDescription().moduleLabel();
0025   edm::LogInfo("MillePedeFileActions") << "Inserting all data from file " << inputDir_ + inputFileName_
0026                                        << " as a FileBlob to the lumi, using label \"" << fileBlobLabel_ << "\".";
0027   // Preparing the FileBlobCollection:
0028   auto fileBlobCollection = std::make_unique<FileBlobCollection>();
0030   // Creating the FileBlob:
0031   // (The FileBlob will signal problems with the file itself.)
0032   FileBlob fileBlob{inputDir_ + inputFileName_, true};
0034   if (fileBlob.size() > 0) {  // skip if no data or FileBlob file not found
0035     // Adding the FileBlob to the lumi:
0036     fileBlobCollection->addFileBlob(fileBlob);
0037     edm::LogInfo(moduleType) << "[" << moduleLabel << "] fileBlob size was not empty, putting file blob with size "
0038                              << fileBlob.size() << std::endl;
0039   }
0041   edm::LogInfo(moduleType) << "[" << moduleLabel << "]"
0042                            << " Root file contains " << fileBlobCollection->size() << " FileBlob(s).";
0043   iLumi.put(std::move(fileBlobCollection), fileBlobLabel_);
0044 }
0046 // Manage the parameters for the module:
0047 // (Note that this will autogenerate the file.)
0048 void MillePedeFileConverter::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
0049   edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
0051   desc.add<std::string>("fileDir", "")
0052       ->setComment(
0053           "Keep the fileDir empty if you want to write to the current "
0054           "directory. If you use it, it should end with a slash.");
0056   desc.add<std::string>("inputBinaryFile", "milleBinary.dat")
0057       ->setComment("Filename of the file created by Mille in the AlignmentProducer");
0059   desc.add<std::string>("fileBlobLabel", "milleBinary.dat")
0060       ->setComment(
0061           "It's probably a good idea to keep the label the same as the "
0062           "original filename(s). See configuration of "
0063           "MillePedeFileExtractor, it should be the same there.");
0065   descriptions.add("millePedeFileConverter", desc);
0066   descriptions.setComment(
0067       "This is the generic cfi file for the "
0068       "MillePedeFileConverter");
0069 }