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0001 import re
0003 def setup(process, global_tag, zero_tesla=False, geometry=""):
0004     """General setup of an alignment process.
0006     Arguments:
0007     - `process`: cms.Process object
0008     - `global_tag`: global tag to be used
0009     - `zero_tesla`: if 'True' the B-field map for 0T is enforced
0010     - `geometry`: geometry to be used (default is an empty string for the standard geometry)
0011     """
0013     # MessageLogger for convenient output
0014     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0015     process.load('Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.alignmentsetup.myMessageLogger_cff')
0017     # Load the magnetic field configuration
0018     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0019     if zero_tesla:
0020         # For 0T MC samples or data
0021         process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_0T_cff")
0022     else:
0023         process.load('Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_cff')
0025     # Load the geometry
0026     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0027     if geometry == "":
0028         # Default geometry
0029         print(f"Using Geometry from DB")
0030         process.load('Configuration.Geometry.GeometryRecoDB_cff')
0031     else:
0032         # Check if the geometry string matches the format "Extended<X>", e.g. ExtendedRun4D110
0033         if re.match(r"^Extended\w+$", geometry):
0034             # Dynamically load the specified geometry
0035             geometry_module = f"Configuration.Geometry.Geometry{geometry}Reco_cff"
0036             try:
0037                 process.load(geometry_module)
0038                 print(f"Using Geometry: {geometry_module}")
0039             except Exception as e:
0040                 print(f"Error: Unable to load the geometry module '{geometry_module}'.\n{e}")
0041                 raise
0042         else:
0043             raise ValueError(f"Invalid geometry format: '{geometry}'. Expected format is 'Extended<X>'.")
0045     # Load the conditions (GlobalTag)
0046     # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
0047     process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff")
0049     from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
0050     process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, global_tag)
0051     print("Using Global Tag:", process.GlobalTag.globaltag._value)
0053     return process  # Not required since the cms.Process object is modified in place