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0001 #!/usr/bin/env python3
0003 from __future__ import print_function
0004 import os
0005 import re
0006 import sys
0007 if sys.version_info[0]>2:
0008   import _pickle as cPickle
0009 else:
0010   import cPickle
0011 import argparse
0012 import itertools
0013 import subprocess
0014 import collections
0015 import configparser as ConfigParser
0016 import as mps_tools
0017 import Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.mpslib.Mpslibclass as mpslib
0018 import Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.mpsvalidate.iniparser as mpsv_iniparser
0019 import Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.mpsvalidate.trackerTree as mpsv_trackerTree
0020 from Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.alignmentsetup.helper import checked_out_MPS
0021 from functools import reduce
0024 ################################################################################
0025 def main(argv = None):
0026     """Main routine. Not called, if this module is loaded via `import`.
0028     Arguments:
0029     - `argv`: Command line arguments passed to the script.
0030     """
0032     if argv == None:
0033         argv = sys.argv[1:]
0035     setup_alignment = SetupAlignment(argv)
0036     setup_alignment.setup()
0039 ################################################################################
0040 class SetupAlignment(object):
0041     """Class encapsulating the alignment campaign setup procedure."""
0043     def __init__(self, argv):
0044         """Constructor
0046         Arguments:
0047         - `argv`: command line arguments
0048         """
0050         self._argv = argv       # raw command line arguments
0051         self._args = None       # parsed command line arguments
0052         self._config = None     # ConfigParser object
0053         self._mss_dir = None    # mass storage directory
0054         self._datasets = collections.OrderedDict() # final dataset configs
0055         self._first_run = None   # first run for start geometry
0056         self._cms_process = None # cms.Process extracted from CMSSW config
0057         self._override_gt = None # snippet to append to config
0058         self._pede_script = None # path to pede batch script template
0059         self._weight_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # dictionary with dataset weights
0060         self._mille_script = None # path to mille batch script template
0061         self._mps_dir_name = None # MP campaign name (mp<ID>)
0062         self._common_weights = {} # dictionary with dataset weights from [weights] section
0063         self._weight_configs = [] # list with combinations of dataset weights
0064         self._general_options = {} # general options extracted from ini file
0065         self._external_datasets = collections.OrderedDict() # external dataset configs
0066         self._first_pede_config = True # does a pede job exist already?
0068         self._create_config()
0069         self._fill_general_options()
0070         self._fetch_datasets()
0071         self._construct_paths()
0072         self._create_mass_storage_directory()
0073         self._fetch_pede_settings()
0074         self._create_weight_configs()
0077     def setup(self):
0078         """Setup the alignment campaign."""
0080         if self._args.weight:
0081             self._create_additional_pede_jobs()
0082         else:
0083             self._create_mille_jobs()
0084             self._create_pede_jobs()
0086         if self._override_gt.strip() != "":
0087             msg = ("Overriding global tag with single-IOV tags extracted from "
0088                    "'{}' for run number '{}'.".format(self._global_tag,
0089                                                       self._first_run))
0090             print(msg)
0091             print("-"*75)
0092             print(self._override_gt)
0093             print("="*75)
0096     def _create_config(self):
0097         """Create ConfigParser object from command line arguments."""
0099         helpEpilog ="""Builds the config-templates from a universal
0100         config-template for each dataset specified in .ini-file that is passed
0101         to this script.  Then calls for all datasets."""
0102         parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
0103             description = ("Setup the alignment as configured in the "
0104                            "alignment_config file."),
0105             epilog = helpEpilog)
0106         parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
0107                             help="display detailed output of mps_setup")
0108         parser.add_argument("-w", "--weight", action="store_true",
0109                             help=("creates additional merge job(s) with "
0110                                   "(possibly new) weights from .ini-config"))
0111         parser.add_argument("alignmentConfig",
0112                             help=("name of the .ini config file that specifies "
0113                                   "the datasets to be used"))
0115         self._args = parser.parse_args(self._argv)
0116         self._config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
0117         self._config.optionxform = str # default would give lowercase options
0118                                        # -> not wanted
0120         self._config.config_path = self._args.alignmentConfig
0123     def _construct_paths(self):
0124         """Determine directory paths and create the ones that are needed."""
0126         mpsTemplates = os.path.join("src", "Alignment",
0127                                     "MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm", "templates")
0128         if checked_out_MPS()[0]:
0129             mpsTemplates = os.path.join(os.environ["CMSSW_BASE"], mpsTemplates)
0130         else:
0131             mpsTemplates = os.path.join(os.environ["CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE"], mpsTemplates)
0132         self._mille_script = os.path.join(mpsTemplates, "")
0133         self._pede_script  = os.path.join(mpsTemplates, "")
0135         # get working directory name
0136         currentDir = os.getcwd()
0137         match ='mpproduction\/mp(.+?)$', re.M|re.I),currentDir)
0138         if match:
0139             self._mps_dir_name = 'mp'
0140         else:
0141             print("Current location does not seem to be a MillePede campaign directory:", end=' ')
0142             print(currentDir)
0143             sys.exit(1)
0146     def _fill_general_options(self):
0147         """Create and fill `general_options` dictionary."""
0149         print("="*75)
0150         self._fetch_dataset_directory()
0151         self._fetch_external_datasets()
0152         self._fetch_essentials()
0153         self._fetch_defaults()
0156     def _fetch_external_datasets(self):
0157         """Fetch information about external datasets."""
0159         if self._config.has_option("general", "externalDatasets"):
0160             datasets = map(lambda x: x.strip(),
0161                            self._config.get("general",
0162                                             "externalDatasets").split(","))
0163             datasets = [x for x in datasets if len(x.strip()) > 0]
0164             for item in datasets:
0165                 splitted = item.split("|")
0166                 dataset = splitted[0].strip()
0167                 dataset = os.path.expandvars(dataset)
0169                 weight = splitted[1] if len(splitted) > 1 else None
0170                 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
0171                 config.optionxform = str
0173                 config.config_path = dataset
0174                 self._external_datasets[dataset] = {"config": config,
0175                                                     "weight": weight}
0179     def _create_mass_storage_directory(self):
0180         """
0181         Create MPS mass storage directory where, e.g., mille binaries are
0182         stored.
0183         """
0185         # set directory on eos
0186         self._mss_dir = self._general_options.get("massStorageDir",
0187                                                   "/eos/cms/store/group/alca_millepede/")
0188         self._mss_dir = os.path.join(self._mss_dir, "MPproductionFiles",
0189                                      self._mps_dir_name)
0191         cmd = ["mkdir", "-p", self._mss_dir]
0193         # create directory
0194         if not self._general_options.get("testMode", False):
0195             try:
0196                 with open(os.devnull, "w") as dump:
0197                     subprocess.check_call(cmd, stdout = dump, stderr = dump)
0198             except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
0199                 print("Failed to create mass storage directory:", self._mss_dir)
0200                 sys.exit(1)
0203     def _create_weight_configs(self):
0204         """Extract different weight configurations from `self._config`."""
0206         weights_list = [[(name, weight) for weight in self._weight_dict[name]]
0207                         for name in self._weight_dict]
0209         common_weights_list = [[(name, weight)
0210                                 for weight in  self._common_weights[name]]
0211                                for name in self._common_weights]
0213         common_weights_dicts = []
0214         for item in itertools.product(*common_weights_list):
0215             d = {}
0216             for name,weight in item:
0217                 d[name] = weight
0218             common_weights_dicts.append(d)
0220         weight_configs = []
0221         for weight_conf in itertools.product(*weights_list):
0222             number_of_configs = len(weight_configs)
0223             for common_weight in common_weights_dicts:
0224                 replaced_config \
0225                     = tuple([(dataset[0],
0226                               reduce(lambda x,y: mps_tools.replace_factors(x, y, common_weight[y]),
0227                                      common_weight, dataset[1]))
0228                              for dataset in weight_conf])
0229                 if replaced_config not in weight_configs:
0230                     weight_configs.append(replaced_config)
0232             # default if config contains no common weights:
0233             if len(weight_configs) == number_of_configs:
0234                 weight_configs.append(weight_conf)
0236         for weight_config in weight_configs:
0237             resolved_weight_config \
0238                 = [(dataset[0], mps_tools.compute_product_string(dataset[1]))
0239                    for dataset in weight_config]
0240             self._weight_configs.append(resolved_weight_config)
0243     def _fetch_pede_settings(self):
0244         """Fetch 'pedesettings' from general section in `self._config`."""
0246         self._pede_settings \
0247             = ([x.strip()
0248                 for x in self._config.get("general", "pedesettings").split(",")]
0249                if self._config.has_option("general", "pedesettings") else [None])
0252     def _create_mille_jobs(self):
0253         """Create the mille jobs based on the [dataset:<name>] sections."""
0255         gt_regex = re.compile('setupGlobaltag\s*\=\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']')
0256         sg_regex = re.compile("setupRunStartGeometry\s*\=\s*.*$", re.M)
0257         collection_regex = re.compile('setupCollection\s*\=\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']')
0258         czt_regex = re.compile('setupCosmicsZeroTesla\s*\=\s*.*$', re.M)
0259         cdm_regex = re.compile('setupCosmicsDecoMode\s*\=\s*.*$', re.M)
0260         pw_regex = re.compile('setupPrimaryWidth\s*\=\s*.*$', re.M)
0261         json_regex = re.compile('setupJson\s*\=\s*.*$', re.M)
0263         first_dataset = True
0264         for name, dataset in self._datasets.items():
0265             print("="*75)
0266             # Build config from template/Fill in variables
0267             try:
0268                 with open(dataset["configTemplate"],"r") as f:
0269                     tmpFile =
0270             except IOError:
0271                 print("The config-template called", end=' ')
0272                 print(dataset["configTemplate"], "cannot be found.")
0273                 sys.exit(1)
0275             tmpFile = re.sub(gt_regex,
0276                              'setupGlobaltag = \"'+dataset["globaltag"]+'\"',
0277                              tmpFile)
0278             tmpFile = re.sub(sg_regex,
0279                              "setupRunStartGeometry = "+
0280                              self._general_options["FirstRunForStartGeometry"], tmpFile)
0281             tmpFile = re.sub(collection_regex,
0282                              'setupCollection = \"'+dataset["collection"]+'\"',
0283                              tmpFile)
0284             if "ALCARECOTkAlCosmics" in dataset["collection"]:
0285                 if dataset['cosmicsZeroTesla']:
0286                     tmpFile = re.sub(czt_regex,
0287                                      'setupCosmicsZeroTesla = True',
0288                                      tmpFile)
0289                 else :
0290                     tmpFile = re.sub(czt_regex,
0291                                     'setupCosmicsZeroTesla = False',
0292                                      tmpFile)
0294                 if dataset['cosmicsDecoMode']:
0295                      tmpFile = re.sub(cdm_regex,
0296                                      'setupCosmicsDecoMode = True',
0297                                      tmpFile)
0298                 else:
0299                     tmpFile = re.sub(cdm_regex,
0300                                      'setupCosmicsDecoMode = False',
0301                                      tmpFile)
0303             if dataset['primaryWidth'] > 0.0:
0304                 tmpFile = re.sub(pw_regex,
0305                                  'setupPrimaryWidth = '+str(dataset["primaryWidth"]),
0306                                  tmpFile)
0307             if dataset['json'] != '':
0308                 tmpFile = re.sub(json_regex,
0309                                  'setupJson = \"'+dataset["json"]+'\"',
0310                                  tmpFile)
0312             thisCfgTemplate = ""
0313             with open(thisCfgTemplate, "w") as f:
0314                 f.write(tmpFile)
0317             # Set mps_setup append option for datasets following the first one
0318             append = "-a"
0319             if first_dataset:
0320                 append = ""
0321                 first_dataset = False
0322                 self._config_template = tmpFile
0323                 self._cms_process = mps_tools.get_process_object(thisCfgTemplate)
0324                 self._create_input_db()
0326             with open(thisCfgTemplate, "a") as f: f.write(self._override_gt)
0329             # create mps_setup command
0330             command = ["",
0331                        "-m",
0332                        append,
0333                        "-M", self._general_options["pedeMem"],
0334                        "-N", name,
0335                        self._mille_script,
0336                        thisCfgTemplate,
0337                        dataset["inputFileList"],
0338                        str(dataset["njobs"]),
0339                        self._general_options["classInf"],
0340                        self._general_options["jobname"],
0341                        self._pede_script,
0342                        "cmscafuser:"+self._mss_dir]
0343             if dataset["numberOfEvents"] > 0:
0344                 command.extend(["--max-events", str(dataset["numberOfEvents"])])
0345             command = [x for x in command if len(x.strip()) > 0]
0347             # Some output:
0348             print("Creating jobs for dataset:", name)
0349             print("-"*75)
0350             print("Baseconfig:        ", dataset["configTemplate"])
0351             print("Collection:        ", dataset["collection"])
0352             if "ALCARECOTkAlCosmics" in dataset["collection"]:
0353                 print("cosmicsDecoMode:   ", dataset["cosmicsDecoMode"])
0354                 print("cosmicsZeroTesla:  ", dataset["cosmicsZeroTesla"])
0355             print("Globaltag:         ", dataset["globaltag"])
0356             print("Number of jobs:    ", dataset["njobs"])
0357             print("Inputfilelist:     ", dataset["inputFileList"])
0358             if dataset["json"] != "":
0359                 print("Jsonfile:          ", dataset["json"])
0360             if self._args.verbose:
0361                 print("Pass to mps_setup: ", " ".join(command))
0363             # call the command and toggle verbose output
0364             self._handle_process_call(command, self._args.verbose)
0366             # remove temporary file
0367             self._handle_process_call(["rm", thisCfgTemplate])
0370     def _create_pede_jobs(self):
0371         """Create pede jobs from the given input."""
0373         for setting in self._pede_settings:
0374             print()
0375             print("="*75)
0376             if setting is None:
0377                 print("Creating pede job{}.".format(
0378                     "s" if len(self._pede_settings)*len(self._weight_configs) > 1 else ""))
0379                 print("-"*75)
0380             else:
0381                 print("Creating pede jobs using settings from '{0}'.".format(setting))
0382             for weight_conf in self._weight_configs:
0383                 # blank weights
0384                 self._handle_process_call(["", "-c"])
0386                 thisCfgTemplate = ""
0387                 with open(thisCfgTemplate, "w") as f: f.write(self._config_template)
0388                 if self._override_gt is None:
0389                     self._cms_process = mps_tools.get_process_object(thisCfgTemplate)
0390                     self._create_input_db()
0391                 with open(thisCfgTemplate, "a") as f: f.write(self._override_gt)
0393                 for name,weight in weight_conf:
0394                     self._handle_process_call(["", "-N", name, weight], True)
0396                 if not self._first_pede_config:
0397                     # create new mergejob
0398                     self._handle_process_call([""], self._args.verbose)
0400                 # read mps.db to find directory of new mergejob
0401                 lib = mpslib.jobdatabase()
0402                 lib.read_db()
0404                 # short cut for jobm path
0405                 jobm_path = os.path.join("jobData", lib.JOBDIR[-1])
0407                 # delete old merge-config
0408                 command = ["rm", "-f", os.path.join(jobm_path, "")]
0409                 self._handle_process_call(command, self._args.verbose)
0411                 # create new merge-config
0412                 command = [
0413                     "",
0414                     "-w", thisCfgTemplate,
0415                     os.path.join(jobm_path, ""),
0416                     jobm_path,
0417                     str(lib.nJobs),
0418                 ]
0419                 if setting is not None: command.extend(["-a", setting])
0420                 print("-"*75)
0421                 print(" ".join(command))
0422                 self._handle_process_call(command, self._args.verbose)
0423                 self._create_tracker_tree()
0424                 if self._first_pede_config:
0425                     os.symlink(self._tracker_tree_path,
0426                                os.path.abspath(os.path.join(jobm_path,
0427                                                             ".TrackerTree.root")))
0428                     self._first_pede_config = False
0430                 # store weights configuration
0431                 with open(os.path.join(jobm_path, ".weights.pkl"), "wb") as f:
0432                     cPickle.dump(weight_conf, f, 2)
0433                 print("="*75)
0435         # remove temporary file
0436         self._handle_process_call(["rm", thisCfgTemplate])
0439     def _create_additional_pede_jobs(self):
0440         """
0441         Create pede jobs in addition to already existing ones. Return GT
0442         override snippet.
0443         """
0445         # do some basic checks
0446         if not os.path.isdir("jobData"):
0447             print("No jobData-folder found.", end=' ')
0448             print("Properly set up the alignment before using the -w option.")
0449             sys.exit(1)
0450         if not os.path.exists("mps.db"):
0451             print("No mps.db found.", end=' ')
0452             print("Properly set up the alignment before using the -w option.")
0453             sys.exit(1)
0455         firstDataset = next(iter(self._datasets.values()))
0456         config_template = firstDataset["configTemplate"]
0457         collection = firstDataset["collection"]
0459         try:
0460             with open(config_template,"r") as f:
0461                 tmpFile =
0462         except IOError:
0463             print("The config-template '"+config_template+"' cannot be found.")
0464             sys.exit(1)
0466         tmpFile = re.sub('setupGlobaltag\s*\=\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']',
0467                          'setupGlobaltag = \"'+self._global_tag+'\"',
0468                          tmpFile)
0469         tmpFile = re.sub('setupCollection\s*\=\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\"\']',
0470                          'setupCollection = \"'+collection+'\"',
0471                          tmpFile)
0472         tmpFile = re.sub(re.compile("setupRunStartGeometry\s*\=\s*.*$", re.M),
0473                          "setupRunStartGeometry = "+self._first_run,
0474                          tmpFile)
0475         self._config_template = tmpFile
0477         # first pede job exists already in this mode:
0478         self._first_pede_config = False
0479         self._create_pede_jobs()
0482     def _handle_process_call(self, command, verbose = False):
0483         """
0484         Wrapper around subprocess calls which treats output depending on verbosity
0485         level.
0487         Arguments:
0488         - `command`: list of command items
0489         - `verbose`: flag to turn on verbosity
0490         """
0492         call_method = subprocess.check_call if verbose else subprocess.check_output
0493         try:
0494             call_method(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
0495         except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
0496             print("" if verbose else e.output)
0497             print("Failed to execute command:", " ".join(command))
0498             sys.exit(1)
0501     def _create_input_db(self):
0502         """
0503         Create sqlite file with single-IOV tags and use it to override the
0504         GT. If the GT is already customized by the user, the customization has
0505         higher priority. Creates a snippet to be appended to the configuration
0506         file.
0507         """
0509         run_number = int(self._first_run)
0510         if not run_number > 0:
0511             print("'FirstRunForStartGeometry' must be positive, but is", run_number)
0512             sys.exit(1)
0514         input_db_name = os.path.abspath("alignment_input.db")
0515         tags = mps_tools.create_single_iov_db(self._check_iov_definition(),
0516                                               run_number, input_db_name)
0518         self._override_gt = ""
0519         for record,tag in tags.items():
0520             if self._override_gt == "":
0521                 self._override_gt \
0522                     += ("\nimport "
0523                         "Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.alignmentsetup."
0524                         "SetCondition as tagwriter\n")
0525             self._override_gt += ("\ntagwriter.setCondition(process,\n"
0526                                   "       connect = \""+tag["connect"]+"\",\n"
0527                                   "       record = \""+record+"\",\n"
0528                                   "       tag = \""+tag["tag"]+"\")\n")
0531     def _check_iov_definition(self):
0532         """
0533         Check consistency of input alignment payloads and IOV definition.
0534         Returns a dictionary with the information needed to override possibly
0535         problematic input taken from the global tag.
0536         """
0538         print("Checking consistency of IOV definition...")
0539         iovs = mps_tools.make_unique_runranges(self._cms_process.AlignmentProducer)
0541         inputs = {
0542             "TrackerAlignmentRcd": None,
0543             "TrackerSurfaceDeformationRcd": None,
0544             "TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd": None,
0545         }
0547         for condition in self._cms_process.GlobalTag.toGet.value():
0548             if condition.record.value() in inputs:
0549                 inputs[condition.record.value()] = {
0550                     "tag": condition.tag.value(),
0551                     "connect": ("pro"
0552                                 if not condition.hasParameter("connect")
0553                                 else condition.connect.value())
0554                 }
0556         inputs_from_gt = [record for record in inputs if inputs[record] is None]
0557         inputs.update(
0558             mps_tools.get_tags(self._cms_process.GlobalTag.globaltag.value(),
0559                                inputs_from_gt))
0561         if int(self._first_run) != iovs[0]:     # simple consistency check
0562             if iovs[0] == 1 and len(iovs) == 1:
0563                 print("Single IOV output detected in configuration and", end=' ')
0564                 print("'FirstRunForStartGeometry' is not 1.")
0565                 print("Creating single IOV output from input conditions in run", end=' ')
0566                 print(self._first_run+".")
0567                 for inp in inputs: inputs[inp]["problematic"] = True
0568             else:
0569                 print("Value of 'FirstRunForStartGeometry' has to match first", end=' ')
0570                 print("defined output IOV:", end=' ')
0571                 print(self._first_run, "!=", iovs[0])
0572                 sys.exit(1)
0574         for inp in inputs.values():
0575             inp["iovs"] = mps_tools.get_iovs(inp["connect"], inp["tag"])
0577         # check consistency of input with output
0578         problematic_gt_inputs = {}
0579         input_indices = {key: len(value["iovs"]) -1
0580                          for key,value in inputs.items()}
0581         for iov in reversed(iovs):
0582             for inp in inputs:
0583                 if inputs[inp].pop("problematic", False):
0584                     problematic_gt_inputs[inp] = inputs[inp]
0585                 if inp in problematic_gt_inputs: continue
0586                 if input_indices[inp] < 0:
0587                     print("First output IOV boundary at run", iov, end=' ')
0588                     print("is before the first input IOV boundary at", end=' ')
0589                     print(inputs[inp]["iovs"][0], "for '"+inp+"'.")
0590                     print("Please check your run range selection.")
0591                     sys.exit(1)
0592                 input_iov = inputs[inp]["iovs"][input_indices[inp]]
0593                 if iov < input_iov:
0594                     if inp in inputs_from_gt:
0595                         problematic_gt_inputs[inp] = inputs[inp]
0596                         print("Found problematic input taken from global tag.")
0597                         print("Input IOV boundary at run",input_iov, end=' ')
0598                         print("for '"+inp+"' is within output IOV starting", end=' ')
0599                         print("with run", str(iov)+".")
0600                         print("Deriving an alignment with coarse IOV", end=' ')
0601                         print("granularity starting from finer granularity", end=' ')
0602                         print("leads to wrong results.")
0603                         print("A single IOV input using the IOV of", end=' ')
0604                         print("'FirstRunForStartGeometry' ("+self._first_run+")", end=' ')
0605                         print("is automatically created and used.")
0606                         continue
0607                     print("Found input IOV boundary at run",input_iov, end=' ')
0608                     print("for '"+inp+"' which is within output IOV starting", end=' ')
0609                     print("with run", str(iov)+".")
0610                     print("Deriving an alignment with coarse IOV granularity", end=' ')
0611                     print("starting from finer granularity leads to wrong", end=' ')
0612                     print("results.")
0613                     print("Please check your run range selection.")
0614                     sys.exit(1)
0615                 elif iov == input_iov:
0616                     input_indices[inp] -= 1
0618         # check consistency of 'TrackerAlignmentRcd' with other inputs
0619         input_indices = {key: len(value["iovs"]) -1
0620                          for key,value in inputs.items()
0621                          if (key != "TrackerAlignmentRcd")
0622                          and (inp not in problematic_gt_inputs)}
0623         for iov in reversed(inputs["TrackerAlignmentRcd"]["iovs"]):
0624             for inp in input_indices:
0625                 input_iov = inputs[inp]["iovs"][input_indices[inp]]
0626                 if iov < input_iov:
0627                     print("Found input IOV boundary at run",input_iov, end=' ')
0628                     print("for '"+inp+"' which is within 'TrackerAlignmentRcd'", end=' ')
0629                     print("IOV starting with run", str(iov)+".")
0630                     print("Deriving an alignment with inconsistent IOV boundaries", end=' ')
0631                     print("leads to wrong results.")
0632                     print("Please check your input IOVs.")
0633                     sys.exit(1)
0634                 elif iov == input_iov:
0635                     input_indices[inp] -= 1
0637         print(" -> IOV consistency check successful.")
0638         print("="*75)
0640         return problematic_gt_inputs
0643     def _create_tracker_tree(self):
0644         """Method to create hidden 'TrackerTree.root'."""
0646         if self._global_tag is None or self._first_run is None:
0647             print("Trying to create the tracker tree before setting the global", end=' ')
0648             print("tag or the run to determine the geometry IOV.")
0649             sys.exit(1)
0651         config = mpsv_iniparser.ConfigData()
0652         config.jobDataPath = "."    # current directory
0653         config.globalTag = self._global_tag
0654         config.firstRun = self._first_run
0655         self._tracker_tree_path = mpsv_trackerTree.check(config)
0658     def _fetch_essentials(self):
0659         """Fetch general options from config file."""
0661         for var in ("classInf","pedeMem","jobname", "FirstRunForStartGeometry"):
0662             try:
0663                 self._general_options[var] = self._config.get('general',var)
0664             except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0665                 print("No", var, "found in [general] section.", end=' ')
0666                 print("Please check ini-file.")
0667                 sys.exit(1)
0668         self._first_run = self._general_options["FirstRunForStartGeometry"]
0671     def _fetch_defaults(self):
0672         """Fetch default general options from config file."""
0674         for var in ("globaltag", "configTemplate", "json", "massStorageDir",
0675                     "testMode"):
0676             try:
0677                 self._general_options[var] = self._config.get("general", var)
0678             except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0679                 if var == "testMode": continue
0680                 print("No '" + var + "' given in [general] section.")
0682         for dataset in self._external_datasets.values():
0683             dataset["general"] = {}
0684             for var in ("globaltag", "configTemplate", "json"):
0685                 try:
0686                     dataset["general"][var] = dataset["config"].get("general", var)
0687                 except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError,ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
0688                     pass
0691     def _fetch_dataset_directory(self):
0692         """
0693         Fetch 'datasetDir' variable from general section and add it to the
0694         'os.environ' dictionary.
0695         """
0697         if self._config.has_option("general", "datasetdir"):
0698             dataset_directory = self._config.get("general", "datasetdir")
0699             # add it to environment for later variable expansion:
0700             os.environ["datasetdir"] = dataset_directory
0701             self._general_options["datasetdir"] = dataset_directory
0702         else:
0703             print("No datasetdir given in [general] section.", end=' ')
0704             print("Be sure to give a full path in inputFileList.")
0705             self._general_options["datasetdir"] = ""
0708     def _fetch_datasets(self):
0709         """Fetch internal and external dataset configurations."""
0711         all_configs = collections.OrderedDict()
0712         all_configs["main"] = {"config": self._config,
0713                                "general": self._general_options,
0714                                "weight": None}
0715         all_configs.update(self._external_datasets)
0717         for config in all_configs.values():
0718             global_weight = "1" if config["weight"] is None else config["weight"]
0719             if global_weight+self._config.config_path in self._common_weights:
0720                 global_weight = self._common_weights[global_weight+
0721                                                      self._config.config_path]
0722             elif global_weight in self._common_weights:
0723                 global_weight = self._common_weights[global_weight]
0724             else:
0725                 global_weight = (global_weight,)
0726             common_weights = {}
0727             weight_dict = {}
0728             for section in config["config"].sections():
0729                 cache_datasetdir = os.environ["datasetdir"]
0730                 if "general" in section:
0731                     if config["config"].has_option("general", "datasetdir"):
0732                         os.environ["datasetdir"] = config["config"].get("general", "datasetdir")
0733                 elif section == "weights":
0734                     for option in config["config"].options(section):
0735                         common_weights[option] \
0736                             = [x.strip() for x in
0737                                config["config"].get(section, option).split(",")]
0738                 elif section.startswith("dataset:"):
0739                     print("-"*75)
0740                     # set name from section-name
0741                     name = section[8:]
0742                     if name in self._datasets:
0743                         print("WARNING: Duplicate definition of dataset '{}'".format(name))
0744                         print(" -> Using defintion in '{}':\n".format(config["config"].config_path))
0745                         print("    [{}]".format(section))
0746                         for k,v in config["config"].items(section):
0747                             print("   ", k, "=", v)
0748                         print()
0749                     self._datasets[name] = {}
0751                     # extract weight for the dataset
0752                     if config["config"].has_option(section, "weight"):
0753                         self._weight_dict[name] \
0754                             = [x.strip() for x in
0755                                config["config"].get(section, "weight").split(",")]
0756                     else:
0757                         self._weight_dict[name] = ["1.0"]
0758                     self._weight_dict[name] = [global_w+"*"+w
0759                                                for w in self._weight_dict[name]
0760                                                for global_w in global_weight]
0761                     weight_dict[name] = self._weight_dict[name]
0763                     # extract essential variables
0764                     for var in ("inputFileList", "collection"):
0765                         try:
0766                             self._datasets[name][var] = config["config"].get(section, var)
0767                         except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0768                             print("No", var, "found in", section+". Please check ini-file.")
0769                             sys.exit(1)
0771                     # get globaltag and configTemplate. If none in section, try to get
0772                     # default from [general] section.
0773                     for var in ("configTemplate", "globaltag"):
0774                         try:
0775                             self._datasets[name][var] = config["config"].get(section, var)
0776                         except (ConfigParser.NoSectionError,ConfigParser.NoOptionError):
0777                             try:
0778                                 self._datasets[name][var] = config["general"][var]
0779                             except KeyError:
0780                                 try:
0781                                     self._datasets[name][var] \
0782                                         = all_configs["main"]["general"][var]
0783                                 except KeyError:
0784                                     print("No",var,"found in ["+section+"]", end=' ')
0785                                     print("and no default in [general] section.")
0786                                     sys.exit(1)
0788                     # extract non-essential options
0789                     if "ALCARECOTkAlCosmics" in self._datasets[name]["collection"]:
0790                         try:
0791                             self._datasets[name]["cosmicsZeroTesla"] \
0792                                 = config["config"].getboolean(section,"cosmicsZeroTesla")
0793                         except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0794                             print("No option cosmicsZeroTesla found in", section,"even though it is required for dataset type", self._datasets[name]["collection"], ". Please check ini-file.")
0795                             sys.exit(1)
0796                         try:
0797                             self._datasets[name]["cosmicsDecoMode"] \
0798                                 = config["config"].getboolean(section,"cosmicsDecoMode")
0799                         except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0800                             print("No option cosmicsDecoMode found in", section,"even though it is required for dataset type", self._datasets[name]["collection"], ".Please check ini-file.")
0801                             sys.exit(1)
0803                     self._datasets[name]["primaryWidth"] = -1.0
0804                     if config["config"].has_option(section,"primaryWidth"):
0805                         self._datasets[name]["primaryWidth"] \
0806                             = config["config"].getfloat(section,"primaryWidth")
0808                     self._datasets[name]["numberOfEvents"] = -1
0809                     if config["config"].has_option(section, "numberOfEvents"):
0810                         self._datasets[name]["numberOfEvents"] \
0811                             = config["config"].getint(section, "numberOfEvents")
0813                     self._datasets[name]["json"] = ""
0814                     try:
0815                         self._datasets[name]["json"] = config["config"].get(section,"json")
0816                     except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
0817                         try:
0818                             self._datasets[name]["json"] = config["general"]["json"]
0819                         except KeyError:
0820                             try:
0821                                 self._datasets[name]["json"] \
0822                                     = all_configs["main"]["general"]["json"]
0823                             except KeyError:
0824                                 print("No json given in either [general] or", end=' ')
0825                                 print("["+section+"] sections.")
0826                                 print(" -> Proceeding without json-file.")
0829                     #replace ${datasetdir} and other variables, e.g. $CMSSW_BASE
0830                     for var in ("inputFileList", "json", "configTemplate"):
0831                         self._datasets[name][var] \
0832                             = os.path.expandvars(self._datasets[name][var])
0835                     # Get number of jobs from lines in inputfilelist
0836                     self._datasets[name]["njobs"] = 0
0837                     try:
0838                         with open(self._datasets[name]["inputFileList"], "r") as filelist:
0839                             for line in filelist:
0840                                 if "CastorPool" in line:
0841                                     continue
0842                                 # ignore empty lines
0843                                 if not line.strip()=="":
0844                                     self._datasets[name]["njobs"] += 1
0845                     except IOError:
0846                         print("Inputfilelist", self._datasets[name]["inputFileList"], end=' ')
0847                         print("does not exist.")
0848                         sys.exit(1)
0849                     if self._datasets[name]["njobs"] == 0:
0850                         print("Number of jobs is 0. There may be a problem with the inputfilelist:")
0851                         print(self._datasets[name]["inputFileList"])
0852                         sys.exit(1)
0854                     # Check if njobs gets overwritten in .ini-file
0855                     if config["config"].has_option(section, "njobs"):
0856                         if config["config"].getint(section, "njobs") <= self._datasets[name]["njobs"]:
0857                             self._datasets[name]["njobs"] = config["config"].getint(section, "njobs")
0858                         else:
0859                             print("'njobs' is bigger than the number of files for this", end=' ')
0860                             print("dataset:", self._datasets[name]["njobs"])
0861                             print("Using default.")
0862                     else:
0863                         print("No number of jobs specified. Using number of files in", end=' ')
0864                         print("inputfilelist as the number of jobs.")
0866             # check if local weights override global weights and resolve name clashes
0867             for weight_name, weight_values in common_weights.items():
0868                 for key, weight in weight_dict.items():
0869                     if any([weight_name in w for w in weight]):
0870                         self._common_weights[weight_name+config["config"].config_path] = weight_values
0871                         self._weight_dict[key] = [mps_tools.replace_factors(w,
0872                                                                             weight_name,
0873                                                                             weight_name+config["config"].config_path)
0874                                                   for w in weight]
0875                     else:
0876                         self._common_weights[weight_name] = weight_values
0877                         self._weight_dict[key] = weight
0879             os.environ["datasetdir"] = cache_datasetdir
0881         if len(self._datasets) == 0:
0882             print("No dataset section defined in '{0}'".format(
0883                 ", ".join([self._args.aligmentConfig]+self._external_datasets.keys())))
0884             print("At least one section '[dataset:<name>]' is required.")
0885             sys.exit(1)
0887         self._global_tag = self._datasets[name]["globaltag"]
0890 ################################################################################
0891 if __name__ == "__main__":
0892     try:
0893         main()
0894     except KeyboardInterrupt:
0895         pass