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Warning, /Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/templates/alignment_config.ini is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ;###############################################################################
0002 ;## general settings
0003 ;###############################################################################
0004 ;# classInf: Specifies queue for the batch-sytem. If split by a ":", the first
0005 ;#           part specifies queue for millejobs and second part for pedejobs
0006 ;# This configuration parameter is mandatory.
0007 ;#
0008 ;# jobname: Arbitrary name to identify this campaign (used for batch job name)
0009 ;# This configuration parameter is mandatory.
0010 ;#
0011 ;# FirstRunForStartGeometry: Specify the run to be used as reference. The IOVs
0012 ;#                           of this runs are taken as start values for the
0013 ;#                           alignment and surface deformations.
0014 ;# This configuration parameter is mandatory.
0015 ;#
0016 ;# pedeMem: Specifies memory that is granted for Pedejob in MB
0017 ;# This configuration parameter is mandatory.
0018 ;#
0019 ;# datasetdir: Path to the datasetfiles for convenience (see inputFileList in
0020 ;#             dataset-sections).
0021 ;# This variable is optional.
0022 ;#
0023 ;# configTemplate: Specifies the default path and name of the config-template.
0024 ;#                 If the string $CMSSW_BASE is in the configTemplate-Path, it
0025 ;#                 is later substituted appropriately in
0026 ;# This variable can be overwritten in individual dataset-sections if needed.
0027 ;# It is mandatory to define it either here or in each dataset section.
0028 ;#
0029 ;# globaltag: Set a default globaltag for all datasets.
0030 ;# This variable can be overwritten in individual dataset-sections if needed.
0031 ;# It is mandatory to define it either here or in each dataset section.
0032 ;#
0033 ;# json: Specify a default path and name of a json file for exclusion of
0034 ;#       luminosity-intervals.
0035 ;# This variable is optional and can be overwritten in individual
0036 ;# dataset-sections if needed.
0037 ;#
0038 ;# externalDatasets: Specify a comma-separated list of extra ini files which
0039 ;#                   contain dataset sections and possibly (local) general and
0040 ;#                   weight sections.
0041 ;# This variable is optional.
0042 ;#
0043 ;# pedesettings: Specify a comma-separated list of files which contain different
0044 ;#               pede settings that are appended to the config.
0045 ;# This variable is optional.
0048 [general]
0049 classInf       = htcondor_cafalca_workday:htcondor_bigmem_testmatch
0050 jobname        = MillePedeCampaign
0051 pedeMem        = 32000
0052 datasetdir     = /afs/
0053 configTemplate =
0054 globaltag      = auto:run2_data
0055 ;# set this to the run from where you want to start
0056 FirstRunForStartGeometry = 0
0058 ;###############################################################################
0059 ;## weights
0060 ;###############################################################################
0061 ;# This section allows to assign names to weights which can be used in the
0062 ;# dataset sections below for the 'weight' parameter
0063 ; [weights]
0064 ; minbias = 0.3
0065 ; Cosmics = 3
0066 ; IsoMu = 1 ;default weight
0067 ; ZMuMu = 2.5
0070 ;###############################################################################
0071 ;## datasets
0072 ;###############################################################################
0073 ;# Choose a descriptive name for the section-name (e.g. Run2015C_Cosmics).
0074 ;# Later displayed in mps_stat.
0075 ;#
0076 ;###############################################################################
0078 ;#
0079 ;# collection: Specifies the type of tracks. Very important!
0080 ;# Possible collections:
0081 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlMinBias
0082 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T
0083 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlZMuMu
0084 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlUpsilonMuMu
0085 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated
0086 ;#      - generalTracks
0087 ;#      - ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsInCollisions
0088 ;#
0089 ;# inputFileList: Path to the list of datafiles. You can use the string ${datasetdir} which
0090 ;# is later replaced by the value of the datasetdir-variable in the general section.
0091 ;#
0093 ;# cosmicsDecoMode: Toggle deconvolution mode for cosmics. Was called apvmode before.
0094 ;#
0095 ;# cosmicsZeroTesla: Set to "true" for cosmics at 0T. Set to "false" for cosmics at 3.8T.
0096 ;#
0097 ;###############################################################################
0099 ;#
0100 ;# njobs: Overwrite the number of jobs. Per default counts the number of
0101 ;# files listed in the Inputfilelist and submits this number as njobs. You can overwrite this
0102 ;# with any lower number. If the number of jobs here exceeds the default, the default is used.
0103 ;#
0104 ;# primarywidth: Set a different primaryWidth for the AlignmentProducer.
0105 ;# Usage: primaryWidth = <somefloat>
0106 ;# Useful for di-muon collections (from Z/Upsilon) to tune this value.
0107 ;#
0108 ;# weight: Assigns a weight for pede for all millejobs
0109 ;# of the dataset.
0110 ;# Usage: weight = <somefloat>
0111 ;#
0112 ;# configTemplate: Overwrites the default from the general-section for an individual dataset.
0113 ;# If the string $CMSSW_BASE is in configTemplate-Path,
0114 ;# it is later substituted appropriately in
0115 ;#
0116 ;# globaltag: Overwrites the default from the general-section for an individual dataset.
0117 ;#
0118 ;# json: Overwrites the default from the general-secion for an individual dataset.
0119 ;#
0120 ;# numberOfEvents: maximum number of events (optional)
0121 ;#                 -> only approximate in combination with a JSON file
0123 [dataset:Cosmics3.8T]
0124 collection     = ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T
0125 inputFileList  = ${datasetdir}/
0126 cosmicsDecoMode  = true
0127 cosmicsZeroTesla = false
0129 [dataset:IsoMu]
0130 collection     = ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated
0131 inputFileList  = ${datasetdir}/
0133 [dataset:ZMuMu]
0134 collection     = ALCARECOTkAlZMuMu
0135 inputFileList  = ${datasetdir}/
0137 [dataset:UpsilonMuMu]
0138 collection     = ALCARECOTkAlUpsilonMuMu
0139 inputFileList  = ${datasetdir}/
0141 [dataset:MinBias]
0142 collection     = ALCARECOTkAlMinBias
0143 inputFileList  = ${datasetdir}/