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0001 # last update on $Date: 2009/07/17 14:17:33 $ by $Author: kaschube $
0003 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0005 process = cms.Process("Alignment")
0007 process.options = cms.untracked.PSet(
0008     Rethrow = cms.untracked.vstring("ProductNotFound") # do not accept this exception
0009     )
0011 # initialize  MessageLogger
0012 # process.load("FWCore.MessageLogger.MessageLogger_cfi")
0013 # This whole mess does not really work - I do not get rid of FwkReport and TrackProducer info...
0014 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0015     cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(
0016         enable = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0017     ),
0018     files = cms.untracked.PSet(
0019         alignment = cms.untracked.PSet(
0020             Alignment = cms.untracked.PSet(
0021                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0022             ),
0023             DEBUG = cms.untracked.PSet(
0024                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0025             ),
0026             ERROR = cms.untracked.PSet(
0027                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0028             ),
0029             INFO = cms.untracked.PSet(
0030                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(10)
0031             ),
0032             LogicError = cms.untracked.PSet(
0033                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1)
0034             ),
0035             WARNING = cms.untracked.PSet(
0036                 limit = cms.untracked.int32(10)
0037             ),
0038             enableStatistics = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0039             threshold = cms.untracked.string('DEBUG')
0040         )
0041     )
0042 )
0044 # initialize magnetic field
0045 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_cff")
0046 #process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.MagneticField_0T_cff")
0048 # ideal geometry and interface
0049 process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsIdealGeometryXML_cfi")
0050 process.load("Geometry.TrackerNumberingBuilder.trackerNumberingGeometry_cfi")
0051 # for Muon: process.load("Geometry.MuonNumbering.muonNumberingInitialization_cfi")
0053 process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.FrontierConditions_GlobalTag_cff")
0054 process.GlobalTag.globaltag = 'MC_31X_V3::All' #'IDEAL_V12::All' # 'CRAFT_ALL_V11::All' # 'IDEAL_30X::All'  # take your favourite
0056 # using database file
0057 from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import *
0058 process.trackerAlignment = cms.ESSource("PoolDBESSource",
0059                                         CondDBSetup,
0060 #                                        connect = cms.string("sqlite_file:/afs/"),
0061 #                                        connect = cms.string("frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_21X_ALIGNMENT"),
0062                                         connect = cms.string("frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_COND_31X_FROM21X"),
0063                                         toGet = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string("TrackerAlignmentRcd"),
0064                                                                    tag = cms.string("TrackerGeometry_v5_offline")), #"Alignments"
0065                                                           cms.PSet(record = cms.string("TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd"),
0066                                                                    tag = cms.string("TrackerGeometryErrors_v5_offline")) #"AlignmentErrorsExtended"
0067                                                           )
0068                                         )
0069 process.es_prefer_trackerAlignment = cms.ESPrefer("PoolDBESSource","trackerAlignment")
0070 #del process.es_prefer_GlobalTag
0072 process.load("RecoVertex.BeamSpotProducer.BeamSpot_cfi")
0074 # track selection for alignment
0075 process.load("Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentTrackSelector_cfi")
0076 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.src = 'ALCARECOTkAlMinBias' #'generalTracks' ## ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated # adjust to input file
0077 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.ptMin = 2.
0078 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.etaMin = -5.
0079 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.etaMax = 5.
0080 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.nHitMin = 9
0081 process.AlignmentTrackSelector.chi2nMax = 100.
0082 # some further possibilities
0083 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.applyNHighestPt = True
0084 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.nHighestPt = 2
0085 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.applyChargeCheck = True
0086 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.minHitChargeStrip = 50.
0087 # needs RECO files:
0088 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.applyIsolationCut = True 
0089 #process.AlignmentTrackSelector.minHitIsolation = 0.8
0092 # refitting
0093 process.load("RecoTracker.TrackProducer.TrackRefitters_cff")
0094 # In the following use
0095 # TrackRefitter (normal tracks), TrackRefitterP5 (cosmics) or TrackRefitterBHM (beam halo)
0096 process.TrackRefitter.src = 'AlignmentTrackSelector'
0097 process.TrackRefitter.TrajectoryInEvent = True
0098 # beam halo propagation needs larger phi changes going from one TEC to another
0099 #process.MaterialPropagator.MaxDPhi = 1000.
0100 # the following for refitting with analytical propagator (maybe for CRUZET?)
0101 #process.load("TrackingTools.KalmanUpdators.KFUpdatorESProducer_cfi")
0102 #process.load("TrackingTools.KalmanUpdators.Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer_cfi")
0103 #process.load("TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectoryFitter_cfi")
0104 #process.load("TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectorySmoother_cfi")
0105 #process.load("TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFFittingSmoother_cfi")
0106 #process.load("TrackingTools.GeomPropagators.AnalyticalPropagator_cfi")
0107 #process.load("TrackingTools.KalmanUpdators.Chi2MeasurementEstimatorESProducer_cfi")
0108 #process.TrackRefitter.Propagator = "AnalyticalPropagator"
0109 #process.KFTrajectoryFitter.Propagator = "AnalyticalPropagator"
0110 #process.KFTrajectorySmoother.Propagator = "AnalyticalPropagator"
0111 ## Not to loose hits/tracks, we might want to open the allowed chi^2 contribution for single hits:
0112 ##process.Chi2MeasurementEstimator.MaxChi2 = 50. # untested, default 30
0113 #process.load("RecoLocalTracker.SiStripRecHitConverter.StripCPEfromTrackAngle_cfi")
0114 #process.load("RecoLocalTracker.SiStripRecHitConverter.SiStripRecHitMatcher_cfi")
0115 #process.load("RecoTracker.TransientTrackingRecHit.TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder_cfi")
0116 ## end refitting with analytical propagator
0119 # Alignment producer
0120 process.load("Alignment.CommonAlignmentProducer.AlignmentProducer_cff")
0122 process.AlignmentProducer.ParameterBuilder.Selector = cms.PSet(
0123     alignParams = cms.vstring(
0124 #        'PixelHalfBarrels,rrrrrr', 
0125 #        'PXEndCaps,111111',
0126 #        'TrackerTOBHalfBarrel,111111', 
0127 #        'TrackerTIBHalfBarrel,111111', 
0128 #        'TrackerTECEndcap,111111', 
0129 #        'TrackerTIDEndcap,111111', 
0130 #        'PixelDets,111001', 
0131 #        'BarrelDetsDS,111001', 
0132 #        'TECDets,111001,endCapDS', 
0133 #        'TIDDets,111001,endCapDS', 
0134 #        'BarrelDetsSS,101001', 
0135 #        'TECDets,101001,endCapSS', 
0136 #        'TIDDets,101001,endCapSS'
0137 #
0138 # very simple scenario for testing
0139 # # 6 parameters for larger structures
0140 #         'PixelHalfBarrels,ffffff',
0141 #         'PXEndCaps,111111',
0142 #         'TrackerTOBHalfBarrel,111111',
0143 #         'TrackerTIBHalfBarrel,111111',
0144 #         'TrackerTECEndcap,ffffff',
0145 #         'TrackerTIDEndcap,ffffff'
0146 #
0147     #'TrackerTPBHalfBarrel,rrrrrr',
0148     #'TrackerTPEEndcap,rrrrrr',
0149     #'TrackerTIBHalfBarrel,110111',
0150     'TrackerTIBHalfBarrel,ff0fff,zIsNeg', # not yet enough fixed d.o.f. ...
0151     'TrackerTIBHalfBarrel,110111,zIsPos',
0152     'TrackerTOBHalfBarrel,110111',
0153     #'TrackerTECEndcap,111111',
0154     #'TIBSSLayers,110111',
0155     #'TIBDSLayers,111111',
0156     #'TOBSSLayers,110111',
0157     #'TOBDSLayers,111111',
0158     #'TECLayers,111111'
0160     'TrackerTECDisk,110001'#,
0161     #        'TrackerTECEndcap,ff0fff'
0162     #        'TrackerTECDiskLayers11,ff0fff',
0163     #        'TrackerTECDiskLayers28,110111',
0164     #        'TrackerTECDiskLayers99,ff0fff'    
0166     ),
0167     endCapSS = cms.PSet(
0168         phiRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0169         rRanges = cms.vdouble(40.0, 60.0, 75.0, 999.0),
0170         etaRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0171         yRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0172         xRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0173         zRanges = cms.vdouble()
0174     ),
0175     endCapDS = cms.PSet(
0176         phiRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0177         rRanges = cms.vdouble(0.0, 40.0, 60.0, 75.0),
0178         etaRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0179         yRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0180         xRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0181         zRanges = cms.vdouble()
0182     ),
0183     zIsPos = cms.PSet(phiRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0184                       rRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0185                       etaRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0186                       yRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0187                       xRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0188                       zRanges = cms.vdouble(-99999., 0.)
0189                       ),
0190     zIsNeg = cms.PSet(phiRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0191                       rRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0192                       etaRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0193                       yRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0194                       xRanges = cms.vdouble(),
0195                       zRanges = cms.vdouble(0, 99999.)
0196                       )
0197 )
0199 # LAS first test misalignment
0200 #process.AlignmentProducer.MisalignmentScenario = cms.PSet(
0201     #saveToDbase = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0202     #setRotations = cms.bool(True),
0203     #setTranslations = cms.bool(True),
0204     #seed = cms.int32(121212),
0205     #distribution = cms.string('gaussian'),
0206     #setError = cms.bool(True),
0208 #    TECs = cms.PSet(
0209 #        TECsDisks = cms.PSet(
0210 #            dZlocal = cms.double(0.0),
0211 #            phiXlocal = cms.double(0.0),
0212 #            dYlocal = cms.double(0.05),
0213 #            phiZlocal = cms.double(0.001),
0214 #            dXlocal = cms.double(0.05)#,
0215 #            phiYlocal = cms.double(0.0)
0216 #        )#,
0217 #        TECDisk5 = cms.PSet( # from TrackerNoKnowledgeScenario
0218 #            dZlocal = cms.double(0.0112),
0219 #            phiXlocal = cms.double(0.0002),
0220 #            dYlocal = cms.double(0.01),
0221 #            phiZlocal = cms.double(0.0001),
0222 #            dXlocal = cms.double(0.01)#,
0223 #            phiYlocal = cms.double(0.0001)
0224 #        )   
0225 #        TECDisk2_3_4_5_6_7_8 = cms.PSet(
0226 #            dZlocal = cms.double(0.0112),
0227 #            phiZlocal = cms.double(0.0001),
0228 #            dXlocal = cms.double(0.0112),
0229 #            phiXlocal = cms.double(0.0002),
0230 #            dYlocal = cms.double(0.0206),
0231 #            phiYlocal = cms.double(0.0001)
0232 #        )
0233 #    )
0234 #)
0236 #process.AlignmentProducer.doMuon = True # to align muon system
0237 process.AlignmentProducer.doMisalignmentScenario = True # False
0238 # If the above is true, you might want to choose the scenario:
0239 #from Alignment.TrackerAlignment.Scenarios_cff import *
0240 #process.AlignmentProducer.MisalignmentScenario = TrackerSurveyLASOnlyScenario
0241 process.AlignmentProducer.applyDbAlignment = True # neither globalTag nor trackerAlignment
0242 # monitor not strictly needed:
0243 #process.TFileService = cms.Service("TFileService", fileName = cms.string("histograms.root"))
0244 #process.AlignmentProducer.monitorConfig = cms.PSet(monitors = cms.untracked.vstring ("AlignmentMonitorGeneric"),
0245 #                                                   AlignmentMonitorGeneric = cms.untracked.PSet()
0246 #                                                   )
0248 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig = cms.PSet(
0249     process.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm
0250 )
0252 #from Alignment.MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm.PresigmaScenarios_cff import *
0253 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.Presigmas.extend(TrackerShortTermPresigmas.Presigmas)
0254 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.mode = 'full' # 'full' # 'mille' # 'pede' # 'pedeSteer'
0255 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.mergeBinaryFiles = cms.vstring()
0256 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.monitorFile = cms.untracked.string("millePedeMonitor.root")
0257 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.binaryFile = cms.string("milleBinaryISN.dat")
0258 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.TrajectoryFactory = process.BzeroReferenceTrajectoryFactory
0259 # ...OR TwoBodyDecayTrajectoryFactory OR ...
0260 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.max2Dcorrelation = 2. # to switch off
0261 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.fileDir = '/tmp/flucke'
0262 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeReader.fileDir = './'
0263 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.treeFile = 'treeFile_lasFirst.root'
0264 ##default is sparsGMRES                                    <method>  n(iter)  Delta(F)
0265 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.method = 'diagonalisation  6  0.8'
0266 process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.options = cms.vstring(
0267     'hugecut 500.0',
0268    'entries 1' #, 'pedeSteerHierarchy_tecdisks.txt'
0269    #'chisqcut  20.0  4.5' # ,'outlierdownweighting 3' #,'dwfractioncut 0.1'
0270    #'bandwidth 6'
0271 )
0272 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.steerFileDebug = True
0273 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.minHieraConstrCoeff = 0.
0274 #process.AlignmentProducer.algoConfig.pedeSteerer.minHieraParPerConstr = 1
0277 process.source = cms.Source("PoolSource",
0278     skipEvents = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
0279     fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(
0280     #"file:aFile.root" #"rfio:/castor/"
0281     #"file:/afs/"
0282     "file:/afs/"
0283     # old: tkLasBeams_dataCRAFT.root; new, bad: tkLasBeams_CRAFT_2_2_9.root
0284     )
0285 )
0287 #process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
0288 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet( input = cms.untracked.int32(1) )
0290 process.load("Alignment.LaserAlignment.TkLasBeamFitter_cfi")
0291 process.AlignmentProducer.tkLasBeamTag = "TkLasBeamFitter"
0294 process.p = cms.Path(process.offlineBeamSpot
0295                      *process.TkLasBeamFitter
0296                      #*process.AlignmentTrackSelector
0297                      #*process.TrackRefitter
0298                      )
0300 #--- SAVE ALIGNMENT CONSTANTS TO DB --------------------------------
0301 # Default in MPS is saving as alignment_MP.db. Uncomment next line not to save them.
0302 # For a standalone (non-MPS) run, uncomment also the PoolDBOutputService part.
0303 #process.AlignmentProducer.saveToDB = True
0304 ##process.AlignmentProducer.saveApeToDB = True # no sense: Millepede does not set it!
0305 #from CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBSetup_cfi import *
0306 #process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service(
0307 #    "PoolDBOutputService",
0308 #    CondDBSetup,
0309 #    timetype = cms.untracked.string('runnumber'),
0310 #    connect = cms.string('sqlite_file:TkAlignment.db'),
0311 #    toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
0312 #      record = cms.string('TrackerAlignmentRcd'),
0313 #      tag = cms.string('testTag')
0314 #    )#,
0315 #    #                  cms.PSet(
0316 #    #  record = cms.string('TrackerAlignmentErrorExtendedRcd'),
0317 #    #  tag = cms.string('testTagAPE') # needed is saveApeToDB = True
0318 #    #)
0319 #                      )
0320 #    )
0321 # MPS needs next line as placeholder for pede