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Warning, /Alignment/OfflineValidation/ is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 ## MTS (Muon Track Splitting) validation
0003 ### General info
0005 ```
0006 validations:
0007     MTS:
0008         <step_type>:
0009             <step_name>:
0010                 <options>
0011 ```
0013 MTS validation runs in 1 possible type of steps:
0014  - single (validation analysis by
0015 Step name is arbitrary string which will be used as a reference for consequent steps.
0016 Merge and trend jobs are not yet implemented.
0018 ### Single MTS jobs
0020 Single jobs can be specified per run (IoV as well).
0022 **Parameters below to be updated**
0023 Variable | Default value | Explanation/Options
0024 -------- | ------------- | --------------------
0025 IOV | None | List of IOVs/runs defined by integer value. IOV 1 is reserved for MC.
0026 Alignments | None | List of alignments. Will create separate directory for each.
0027 dataset | See | Path to txt file containing list of datasets to be used. If file is missing at EOS or is corrupted - job will eventually fail (most common issue).
0028 goodlumi | cms.untracked.VLuminosityBlockRange() | Path to json file containing lumi information about selected IoV - must contain list of runs under particular IoV with lumiblock info. Format: `IOV_Vali_{}.json`
0029 maxevents | 1 | Maximum number of events before cmsRun terminates.
0030 trackcollection | "generalTracks" | Track collection to be specified here, e.g. "ALCARECOTkAlMuonIsolated" or "ALCARECOTkAlMinBias" ...
0031 tthrbuilder | "WithAngleAndTemplate" | Specify TTRH Builder
0032 usePixelQualityFlag | True | Use pixel quality flag?
0033 cosmicsZeroTesla | False | Is this validation for cosmics with zero magnetic field?