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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:53

0001 #include <cstdlib>
0002 #include <iostream>
0003 #include <vector>
0005 #include "TString.h"
0007 #include "exceptions.h"
0008 #include "toolbox.h"
0009 #include "Options.h"
0011 #include "boost/regex.hpp"
0012 #include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
0013 #include "boost/algorithm/string.hpp"
0014 #include "boost/container/vector.hpp"
0015 #include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp"
0016 #include "boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp"
0018 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/interface/GeometryComparisonPlotter.h"
0019 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/scripts/visualizationTracker.C"
0020 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/makeArrowPlots.C"
0022 // for debugging
0023 #include "TObject.h"
0025 using namespace std;
0026 using namespace AllInOneConfig;
0028 namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
0029 namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
0030 namespace bc = boost::container;
0032 void comparisonScript(pt::ptree GCPoptions,
0033                       TString inFile,  //="mp1510_vs_mp1509.Comparison_commonTracker.root", // TODO: get ROOT file
0034                       TString outDir = "outputDir/",
0035                       TString alignmentName = "Alignment",
0036                       TString referenceName = "Ideal") {
0037   // the output directory is created if it does not exist
0038   fs::create_directories(outDir.Data());
0040   TString modulesToPlot = "all";
0041   TString transDir = outDir + "/Translations";
0042   TString rotDir = outDir + "/Rotations";
0043   fs::create_directories(transDir.Data());
0044   fs::create_directories(rotDir.Data());
0046   bool plotOnlyGlobal = GCPoptions.count("plotOnlyGlobal") ? GCPoptions.get<bool>("plotOnlyGlobal") : false;
0047   bool plotPng = GCPoptions.count("plotPng") ? GCPoptions.get<bool>("plotPng") : false;
0048   bool makeProfilePlots = GCPoptions.count("makeProfilePlots") ? GCPoptions.get<bool>("makeProfilePlots") : true;
0050   // Plot Translations
0051   GeometryComparisonPlotter* trans = new GeometryComparisonPlotter(
0052       inFile, transDir, modulesToPlot, alignmentName, referenceName, plotOnlyGlobal, makeProfilePlots, 0);
0053   // x and y contain the couples to plot
0054   // -> every combination possible will be performed
0055   // /!\ always give units (otherwise, unexpected bug from root...)
0056   vector<TString> x{"r", "phi", "z"};
0057   vector<TString> y{"dr", "dz", "rdphi", "dx", "dy"};
0058   vector<TString> xmean{"x", "y", "z", "r"};
0060   trans->SetBranchUnits("x", "cm");
0061   trans->SetBranchUnits("y", "cm");
0062   trans->SetBranchUnits("z", "cm");  //trans->SetBranchMax("z", 100); trans->SetBranchMin("z", -100);
0063   trans->SetBranchUnits("r", "cm");
0064   trans->SetBranchUnits("phi", "rad");
0065   trans->SetBranchUnits("dx", "#mum");  //trans->SetBranchMax("dx", 10); trans->SetBranchMin("dx", -10);
0066   trans->SetBranchUnits("dy", "#mum");  //trans->SetBranchMax("dy", 10); trans->SetBranchMin("dy", -10);
0067   trans->SetBranchUnits("dz", "#mum");
0068   trans->SetBranchUnits("dr", "#mum");
0069   trans->SetBranchUnits("rdphi", "#mum rad");
0071   trans->SetBranchSF("dx", 10000);
0072   trans->SetBranchSF("dy", 10000);
0073   trans->SetBranchSF("dz", 10000);
0074   trans->SetBranchSF("dr", 10000);
0075   trans->SetBranchSF("rdphi", 10000);
0077   trans->SetGrid(1, 1);
0078   trans->MakePlots(x, y, GCPoptions);  // default output is pdf, but png gives a nicer result, so we use it as well
0079   // remark: what takes the more time is the creation of the output files,
0080   //         not the looping on the tree (because the code is perfect, of course :p)
0081   if (plotPng) {
0082     trans->SetPrintOption("png");
0083     trans->MakePlots(x, y, GCPoptions);
0084   }
0086   trans->MakeTables(xmean, y, GCPoptions);
0088   // Plot Rotations
0089   GeometryComparisonPlotter* rot = new GeometryComparisonPlotter(
0090       inFile, rotDir, modulesToPlot, alignmentName, referenceName, plotOnlyGlobal, makeProfilePlots, 2);
0091   // x and y contain the couples to plot
0092   // -> every combination possible will be performed
0093   // /!\ always give units (otherwise, unexpected bug from root...)
0094   vector<TString> b{"dalpha", "dbeta", "dgamma"};
0096   rot->SetBranchUnits("z", "cm");
0097   rot->SetBranchUnits("r", "cm");
0098   rot->SetBranchUnits("phi", "rad");
0099   rot->SetBranchUnits("dalpha", "mrad");
0100   rot->SetBranchUnits("dbeta", "mrad");
0101   rot->SetBranchUnits("dgamma", "mrad");
0103   rot->SetBranchSF("dalpha", 1000);
0104   rot->SetBranchSF("dbeta", 1000);
0105   rot->SetBranchSF("dgamma", 1000);
0107   rot->SetGrid(1, 1);
0108   rot->SetPrintOption("pdf");
0109   rot->MakePlots(x, b, GCPoptions);
0110   if (plotPng) {
0111     rot->SetPrintOption("png");
0112     rot->MakePlots(x, b, GCPoptions);
0113   }
0115   delete trans;
0116   delete rot;
0117 }
0119 void vizualizationScript(TString inFile, TString outDir, TString alignmentName, TString referenceName) {
0120   TString outputFileName = outDir + "/Visualization";
0121   fs::create_directories(outputFileName.Data());
0122   //title
0123   std::string line1 = alignmentName.Data();
0124   std::string line2 = referenceName.Data();
0125   //set subdetectors to see
0126   int subdetector1 = 1;
0127   int subdetector2 = 2;
0128   //translation scale factor
0129   int sclftr = 50;
0130   //rotation scale factor
0131   int sclfrt = 1;
0132   //module size scale factor
0133   float sclfmodulesizex = 1;
0134   float sclfmodulesizey = 1;
0135   float sclfmodulesizez = 1;
0136   //beam pipe radius
0137   float piperadius = 2.25;
0138   //beam pipe xy coordinates
0139   float pipexcoord = 0;
0140   float pipeycoord = 0;
0141   //beam line xy coordinates
0142   float linexcoord = 0;
0143   float lineycoord = 0;
0144   runVisualizer(inFile,
0145                 outputFileName.Data(),
0146                 line1,
0147                 line2,
0148                 subdetector1,
0149                 subdetector2,
0150                 sclftr,
0151                 sclfrt,
0152                 sclfmodulesizex,
0153                 sclfmodulesizey,
0154                 sclfmodulesizez,
0155                 piperadius,
0156                 pipexcoord,
0157                 pipeycoord,
0158                 linexcoord,
0159                 lineycoord);
0160 }
0162 int GCP(int argc, char* argv[]) {
0163   /*
0164   TObject* printer = new TObject();
0165   printer->Info("GCPvalidation", "Hello!");
0166   // Hack to push through messages even without -v running
0167   // Very ugly coding, to run with std::cout -> run with -v option (GCP cfg.json -v)
0168   */
0170   // parse the command line
0171   Options options;
0172   options.helper(argc, argv);
0173   options.parser(argc, argv);
0175   std::cout << " ----- GCP validation plots -----" << std::endl;
0176   std::cout << " --- Digesting configuration" << std::endl;
0178   pt::ptree main_tree;
0179   pt::read_json(options.config, main_tree);
0181   pt::ptree alignments = main_tree.get_child("alignments");
0182   pt::ptree validation = main_tree.get_child("validation");
0184   pt::ptree GCPoptions = validation.get_child("GCP");
0186   // Disable some of the features for unit tests
0187   bool doUnitTest = GCPoptions.count("doUnitTest") ? GCPoptions.get<bool>("doUnitTest") : false;
0189   // If useDefaultRange, update ranges if not defined in GCPoptions
0190   bool useDefaultRange = GCPoptions.count("useDefaultRange") ? GCPoptions.get<bool>("useDefaultRange") : false;
0191   if (useDefaultRange) {
0192     // Read default ranges
0193     pt::ptree default_range;
0194     bc::vector<fs::path> possible_base_paths;
0195     boost::split(possible_base_paths, std::getenv("CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH"), boost::is_any_of(":"));
0196     fs::path default_range_path = "";
0197     fs::path default_range_file = "Alignment/OfflineValidation/data/GCP/GCP_defaultRange.json";
0198     for (const fs::path& path : possible_base_paths) {
0199       if (fs::exists(path / default_range_file)) {
0200         default_range_path = path / default_range_file;
0201       }
0202     }
0203     assert((fs::exists(default_range_path)) &&
0204            "Check if 'Alignment/OfflineValidation/test/GCP_defaultRange.json' exists");
0205     pt::read_json(default_range_path.c_str(), default_range);
0207     for (pair<string, pt::ptree> it : default_range) {
0208       if (GCPoptions.count(it.first) < 1) {
0209         GCPoptions.put(it.first,;
0210       }
0211     }
0212   }
0214   pt::ptree comAl = alignments.get_child("comp");
0215   pt::ptree refAl = alignments.get_child("ref");
0217   // Read the options
0218   TString inFile = main_tree.get<std::string>("output") + "/GCPtree.root";
0219   TString outDir = main_tree.get<std::string>("output");
0220   TString modulesToPlot = "all";
0221   TString alignmentName = comAl.get<std::string>("title");
0222   TString referenceName = refAl.get<std::string>("title");
0224   std::cout << " --- Running comparison script" << std::endl;
0225   // Compare script
0226   comparisonScript(GCPoptions, inFile, outDir, alignmentName, referenceName);
0228   if (!doUnitTest) {
0229     std::cout << " --- Running visualization script" << std::endl;
0230     // Visualization script
0231     vizualizationScript(inFile, outDir, alignmentName, referenceName);
0232   } else {
0233     std::cout << " --- Skipping visualization script for unit test purpose" << std::endl;
0234   }
0236   std::cout << " --- Running arrow plot script" << std::endl;
0237   // Arrow plot
0238   TString arrowDir = outDir + "/ArrowPlots";
0239   makeArrowPlots(inFile.Data(), arrowDir.Data());
0241   std::cout << " --- Finished running GCP.cpp" << std::endl;
0242   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
0243 }
0246 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return exceptions<GCP>(argc, argv); }
0247 #endif