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0001 // Class for histograms needed in the dijet analysis
0006 // Boost libraries for reading JSON files
0007 #define BOOST_BIND_GLOBAL_PLACEHOLDERS  // This suppresses some warning message. It is annoying so just not seeing it makes me happy.
0008 #include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp"
0009 #include "boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp"
0010 #include "boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp"
0012 // C++ includes
0013 #include <cstdlib>
0014 #include <iostream>
0015 #include <regex>
0016 #include <string>
0017 #include <vector>
0019 // Root includes
0020 #include "TString.h"
0022 class JetHtPlotConfiguration {
0023 public:
0024   // Enumeration for histogram types
0025   enum enumHistogramType { kDz, kDzError, kDxy, kDxyError, knHistogramTypes };
0027   // Enumeration for profile types
0028   enum enumProfileType {
0029     kDzErrorVsPt,
0030     kDzErrorVsPhi,
0031     kDzErrorVsEta,
0032     kDxyErrorVsPt,
0033     kDxyErrorVsPhi,
0034     kDxyErrorVsEta,
0035     kDzErrorVsPtWide,
0036     kDxyErrorVsPtWide,
0037     knProfileTypes
0038   };
0040   // Enumeration for trend types
0041   enum enumTrendType { kDzErrorTrend, kDxyErrorTrend, knTrendTypes };
0043   // Other constants
0044   static const int kMaxLegendColumns = 3;  // Maximum allowed number of colums in a legend
0046   // Constructors and destructor
0047   JetHtPlotConfiguration();                                              // Default constructor
0048   JetHtPlotConfiguration(const JetHtPlotConfiguration& in);              // Copy constructor
0049   virtual ~JetHtPlotConfiguration();                                     // Destructor
0050   JetHtPlotConfiguration& operator=(const JetHtPlotConfiguration& obj);  // Equal sign operator
0052   // Read a json configuration file
0053   void readJsonFile(const std::string fileName);
0055   // Getters for the configuration
0056   bool drawTrackQA() const;
0057   bool drawHistogram(const int iHistogram) const;
0058   bool drawProfile(const int iProfile) const;
0059   bool drawReferenceProfile() const;
0060   bool drawCentralEtaSummaryProfile() const;
0061   double profileZoomLow(const int iProfile) const;
0062   double profileZoomHigh(const int iProfile) const;
0063   bool drawTrend(const int iTrend) const;
0064   double trendZoomLow(const int iTrend) const;
0065   double trendZoomHigh(const int iTrend) const;
0067   double profileLegendShiftTotalX() const;
0068   double profileLegendShiftTotalY() const;
0069   double profileLegendShiftColumnX(const int iColumn) const;
0070   double profileLegendShiftColumnY(const int iColumn) const;
0071   double profileLegendTextSize() const;
0072   int profileLegendTextFont() const;
0074   double trendLegendShiftTotalX() const;
0075   double trendLegendShiftTotalY() const;
0076   double trendLegendTextSize() const;
0077   int trendLegendTextFont() const;
0079   bool drawTrendTag() const;
0080   std::vector<std::string> trendTagText() const;
0081   std::vector<double> trendTagPositionX() const;
0082   std::vector<double> trendTagPositionY() const;
0083   double trendTagTextSize() const;
0084   int trendTagTextFont() const;
0086   int trendCanvasHeight() const;
0087   int trendCanvasWidth() const;
0088   double trendMarginLeft() const;
0089   double trendMarginRight() const;
0090   double trendMarginTop() const;
0091   double trendMarginBottom() const;
0092   double trendTitleOffsetX() const;
0093   double trendTitleOffsetY() const;
0094   double trendTitleSizeX() const;
0095   double trendTitleSizeY() const;
0096   double trendLabelOffsetX() const;
0097   double trendLabelOffsetY() const;
0098   double trendLabelSizeX() const;
0099   double trendLabelSizeY() const;
0101   int nInputFiles() const;
0102   std::string inputFile(const int iFile) const;
0103   std::vector<std::string> inputFiles() const;
0105   std::string legendComment(const int iComment) const;
0106   int markerColor(const int iFile) const;
0107   int markerStyle(const int iFile) const;
0108   int markerSize(const int iFile) const;
0109   bool copyErrorColor(const int iFile) const;
0111   const char* lumiPerIovFile() const;
0112   const char* iovListMode() const;
0113   bool drawYearLines() const;
0114   int yearLineColor() const;
0115   int yearLineWidth() const;
0116   int yearLineStyle() const;
0117   std::vector<int> runsForLines() const;
0119   std::vector<double> widePtBinBorders() const;
0121   std::string legendTextForAllRuns() const;
0122   bool drawPlotsForEachIOV() const;
0123   int nIovInOnePlot() const;
0124   bool useLuminosityForTrends() const;
0125   bool skipRunsWithNoData() const;
0126   bool normalizeQAplots() const;
0128   const char* saveComment() const;
0130   bool makeIovListForSlides() const;
0131   const char* iovListForSlides() const;
0133   // Print the current configuration to console
0134   void printConfiguration() const;
0136 private:
0137   // Methods to expand environtental variables in the configuration
0138   void autoExpandEnvironmentVariables(std::string& text) const;
0139   std::string expandEnvironmentVariables(const std::string& input) const;
0141   // Strings correcponding to configuration in the JSON file
0142   std::string fJsonTrackQAname = "drawTrackQA";
0143   std::string fJsonCategoryNameHistogram = "drawHistograms";
0144   std::string fJsonNameHistogram[knHistogramTypes] = {"drawDz", "drawDzError", "drawDxy", "drawDxyError"};
0145   std::string fJsonCategoryNameProfile = "drawProfiles";
0146   std::string fJsonNameProfile[knProfileTypes] = {"drawDzErrorVsPt",
0147                                                   "drawDzErrorVsPhi",
0148                                                   "drawDzErrorVsEta",
0149                                                   "drawDxyErrorVsPt",
0150                                                   "drawDxyErrorVsPhi",
0151                                                   "drawDxyErrorVsEta",
0152                                                   "drawDzErrorVsPtWide",
0153                                                   "drawDxyErrorVsPtWide"};
0154   std::string fJsonNameReferenceProfile = "drawReferenceProfile";
0155   std::string fJsonNameCentralEtaSummaryProfile = "drawCentralEtaSummaryProfile";
0156   std::string fJsonCategoryNameProfileZoom = "profileZoom";
0157   std::string fJsonNameProfileZoom[knProfileTypes] = {"ZoomPtProfileDz",
0158                                                       "ZoomPhiProfileDz",
0159                                                       "ZoomEtaProfileDz",
0160                                                       "ZoomPtProfileDxy",
0161                                                       "ZoomPhiProfileDxy",
0162                                                       "ZoomEtaProfileDxy",
0163                                                       "ZoomPtWideProfileDz",
0164                                                       "ZoomPtWideProfileDxy"};
0165   std::string fJsonCategoryNameTrend = "drawTrends";
0166   std::string fJsonNameTrend[knHistogramTypes] = {"drawDzError", "drawDxyError"};
0167   std::string fJsonCategoryNameTrendZoom = "trendZoom";
0168   std::string fJsonNameTrendZoom[knHistogramTypes] = {"ZoomDzTrend", "ZoomDxyTrend"};
0170   std::string fJsonNameLegendShiftTotalX = "legendShiftTotalX";
0171   std::string fJsonNameLegendShiftTotalY = "legendShiftTotalY";
0172   std::string fJsonNameLegendShiftColumnX = "legendShiftX";
0173   std::string fJsonNameLegendShiftColumnY = "legendShiftY";
0174   std::string fJsonNameLegendTextSize = "legendTextSize";
0175   std::string fJsonNameLegendTextFont = "legendTextFont";
0176   std::string fJsonNameLegendTextForAllRuns = "legendTextForAllRuns";
0178   std::string fJsonNameCanvasHeight = "canvasHeight";
0179   std::string fJsonNameCanvasWidth = "canvasWidth";
0180   std::string fJsonNameMarginLeft = "marginLeft";
0181   std::string fJsonNameMarginRight = "marginRight";
0182   std::string fJsonNameMarginTop = "marginTop";
0183   std::string fJsonNameMarginBottom = "marginBottom";
0184   std::string fJsonNameTitleOffsetX = "titleOffsetX";
0185   std::string fJsonNameTitleOffsetY = "titleOffsetY";
0186   std::string fJsonNameTitleSizeX = "titleSizeX";
0187   std::string fJsonNameTitleSizeY = "titleSizeY";
0188   std::string fJsonNameLabelOffsetX = "labelOffsetX";
0189   std::string fJsonNameLabelOffsetY = "labelOffsetY";
0190   std::string fJsonNameLabelSizeX = "labelSizeX";
0191   std::string fJsonNameLabelSizeY = "labelSizeY";
0193   std::string fJsonInputFileName = "inputFiles";
0194   std::string fJsonLegendComment = "legendText";
0195   std::string fJsonDrawPlotsForEachIOV = "drawPlotsForEachIOV";
0196   std::string fJsonNIovInOnePlot = "nIovInOnePlot";
0197   std::string fJsonUseLuminosityForTrends = "useLuminosityAxis";
0198   std::string fJsonSkipRunsWithNoData = "skipRunsWithNoData";
0199   std::string fJsonNormalizeQAplots = "normalizeQAplots";
0200   std::string fJsonSaveComment = "saveComment";
0201   std::string fJsonLumiPerIovFile = "lumiPerIovFile";
0202   std::string fJsonIovListMode = "lumiFileMode";
0203   std::string fJsonDrawYearLines = "drawYearLines";
0204   std::string fJsonYearLineColor = "yearLineColor";
0205   std::string fJsonYearLineWidth = "yearLineWidth";
0206   std::string fJsonYearLineStyle = "yearLineStyle";
0207   std::string fJsonRunsForLines = "runsForLines";
0208   std::string fJsonNameDrawTag = "drawTags";
0209   std::string fJsonNameTagInfo = "tagLabels";
0210   std::string fJsonNameTagTextSize = "tagTextSize";
0211   std::string fJsonNameTagTextFont = "tagTextFont";
0212   std::string fJsonWidePtBinBorders = "widePtBinBorders";
0213   std::string fJsonMakeIovListForSlides = "makeIovlistForSlides";
0214   std::string fJsonIovListForSlides = "iovListForSlides";
0216   int fDebugLevel;
0218   bool fDrawTrackQA;
0219   bool fDrawHistogram[knHistogramTypes];
0220   bool fDrawProfile[knProfileTypes];
0221   bool fDrawReferenceProfile;
0222   bool fDrawCentralEtaSummaryProfile;
0223   double fProfileLegendShiftTotalX;
0224   double fProfileLegendShiftTotalY;
0225   double fProfileLegendShiftColumnX[kMaxLegendColumns];
0226   double fProfileLegendShiftColumnY[kMaxLegendColumns];
0227   double fProfileLegendTextSize;
0228   int fProfileLegendTextFont;
0229   bool fDrawTrend[knTrendTypes];
0230   double fTrendLegendShiftTotalX;
0231   double fTrendLegendShiftTotalY;
0232   double fTrendLegendTextSize;
0233   int fTrendLegendTextFont;
0235   bool fDrawTrendTag;
0236   std::vector<std::string> fTrendTagText;
0237   std::vector<double> fTrendTagPositionX;
0238   std::vector<double> fTrendTagPositionY;
0239   double fTrendTagTextSize;
0240   int fTrendTagTextFont;
0242   int fTrendCanvasHeight;
0243   int fTrendCanvasWidth;
0244   double fTrendMarginLeft;
0245   double fTrendMarginRight;
0246   double fTrendMarginTop;
0247   double fTrendMarginBottom;
0248   double fTrendTitleOffsetX;
0249   double fTrendTitleOffsetY;
0250   double fTrendTitleSizeX;
0251   double fTrendTitleSizeY;
0252   double fTrendLabelOffsetX;
0253   double fTrendLabelOffsetY;
0254   double fTrendLabelSizeX;
0255   double fTrendLabelSizeY;
0257   double fProfileZoomLow[knProfileTypes];
0258   double fProfileZoomHigh[knProfileTypes];
0259   double fTrendZoomLow[knTrendTypes];
0260   double fTrendZoomHigh[knTrendTypes];
0262   std::vector<std::string> fInputFileNames;
0263   std::vector<std::string> fLegendComments;
0264   std::vector<int> fMarkerColor;
0265   std::vector<int> fMarkerStyle;
0266   std::vector<int> fMarkerSize;
0267   std::vector<bool> fCopyErrorColor;
0268   std::string fLegendTextForAllRuns;
0269   bool fDrawPlotsForEachIOV;
0270   int fNIovInOnePlot;
0271   bool fUseLuminosityForTrends;
0272   bool fSkipRunsWithNoData;
0273   bool fNormalizeQAplots;
0274   std::string fSaveComment;
0276   std::string fLumiPerIovFile;
0277   std::string fIovListMode;
0278   bool fDrawYearLines;
0279   int fYearLineColor;
0280   int fYearLineWidth;
0281   int fYearLineStyle;
0282   std::vector<int> fRunsForLines;
0283   std::vector<double> fWidePtBinBorders;
0285   bool fMakeIovListForSlides;
0286   std::string fIovListForSlides;
0288   // Default marker styles that are used if not configured in json
0289   int fDefaultColors[11] = {
0290       kBlue, kRed, kGreen + 2, kMagenta, kBlack, kCyan, kViolet + 3, kOrange, kPink - 7, kSpring + 3, kAzure - 7};
0291   int fDefaultStyle = 20;  // Full circle
0292   int fDefaultMarkerSize = 1;
0293 };
0295 #endif