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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 11:56:55

0001 #include <cstdlib>
0002 #include <string>
0003 #include <iostream>
0004 #include <numeric>
0005 #include <functional>
0007 #include "exceptions.h"
0008 #include "toolbox.h"
0009 #include "Options.h"
0011 #include "boost/filesystem.hpp"
0012 #include "boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp"
0013 #include "boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp"
0014 #include "boost/optional.hpp"
0016 #include "TString.h"
0017 #include "TASImage.h"
0019 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/interface/CompareAlignments.h"
0020 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/FitPVResiduals.C"
0021 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/interface/TkAlStyle.h"
0023 using namespace std;
0024 using namespace AllInOneConfig;
0026 namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
0028 int merge(int argc, char* argv[]) {
0029   // parse the command line
0031   Options options;
0032   options.helper(argc, argv);
0033   options.parser(argc, argv);
0035   //Read in AllInOne json config
0036   pt::ptree main_tree;
0037   pt::read_json(options.config, main_tree);
0039   pt::ptree alignments = main_tree.get_child("alignments");
0040   pt::ptree validation = main_tree.get_child("validation");
0041   pt::ptree global_style;
0042   pt::ptree merge_style;
0043   global_style = main_tree.count("style") ? main_tree.get_child("style") : global_style;
0044   merge_style = global_style.count("PV") && global_style.get_child("PV").count("merge")
0045                     ? global_style.get_child("PV").get_child("merge")
0046                     : global_style;
0048   //Read all configure variables and set default for missing keys
0049   bool doMaps = validation.count("doMaps") ? validation.get<bool>("doMaps") : false;
0050   bool stdResiduals = validation.count("stdResiduals") ? validation.get<bool>("stdResiduals") : true;
0051   bool autoLimits = validation.count("autoLimits") ? validation.get<bool>("autoLimits") : false;
0053   float m_dxyPhiMax = validation.count("m_dxyPhiMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyPhiMax") : 40;
0054   float m_dzPhiMax = validation.count("m_dzPhiMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzPhiMax") : 40;
0055   float m_dxyEtaMax = validation.count("m_dxyEtaMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyEtaMax") : 40;
0056   float m_dzEtaMax = validation.count("m_dzEtaMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzEtaMax") : 40;
0057   float m_dxyPtMax = validation.count("m_dxyPtMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyPtMax") : 40;
0058   float m_dzPtMax = validation.count("m_dzPtMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzPtMax") : 40;
0059   float m_dxyPhiNormMax = validation.count("m_dxyPhiNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyPhiNormMax") : 0.5;
0060   float m_dzPhiNormMax = validation.count("m_dzPhiNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzPhiNormMax") : 0.5;
0061   float m_dxyEtaNormMax = validation.count("m_dxyEtaNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyEtaNormMax") : 0.5;
0062   float m_dzEtaNormMax = validation.count("m_dzEtaNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzEtaNormMax") : 0.5;
0063   float m_dxyPtNormMax = validation.count("m_dxyPtNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dxyPtNormMax") : 0.5;
0064   float m_dzPtNormMax = validation.count("m_dzPtNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("m_dzPtNormMax") : 0.5;
0065   float w_dxyPhiMax = validation.count("w_dxyPhiMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyPhiMax") : 150;
0066   float w_dzPhiMax = validation.count("w_dzPhiMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzPhiMax") : 150;
0067   float w_dxyEtaMax = validation.count("w_dxyEtaMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyEtaMax") : 150;
0068   float w_dzEtaMax = validation.count("w_dzEtaMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzEtaMax") : 1000;
0069   float w_dxyPtMax = validation.count("w_dxyPtMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyPtMax") : 150;
0070   float w_dzPtMax = validation.count("w_dzPtMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzPtMax") : 150;
0071   float w_dxyPhiNormMax = validation.count("w_dxyPhiNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyPhiNormMax") : 1.8;
0072   float w_dzPhiNormMax = validation.count("w_dzPhiNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzPhiNormMax") : 1.8;
0073   float w_dxyEtaNormMax = validation.count("w_dxyEtaNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyEtaNormMax") : 1.8;
0074   float w_dzEtaNormMax = validation.count("w_dzEtaNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzEtaNormMax") : 1.8;
0075   float w_dxyPtNormMax = validation.count("w_dxyPtNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dxyPtNormMax") : 1.8;
0076   float w_dzPtNormMax = validation.count("w_dzPtNormMax") ? validation.get<float>("w_dzPtNormMax") : 1.8;
0077   int iov = validation.count("IOV") ? validation.get<int>("IOV") : 1;
0078   std::string rlabel = validation.count("customrighttitle") ? validation.get<std::string>("customrighttitle") : "";
0079   rlabel = merge_style.count("Rlabel") ? merge_style.get<std::string>("Rlabel") : rlabel;
0080   std::string cmslabel = merge_style.count("CMSlabel") ? merge_style.get<std::string>("CMSlabel") : "INTERNAL";
0081   if (TkAlStyle::toStatus(cmslabel) == CUSTOM)
0082     TkAlStyle::set(CUSTOM, NONE, cmslabel, rlabel);
0083   else
0084     TkAlStyle::set(TkAlStyle::toStatus(cmslabel), NONE, "", rlabel);
0086   //Create plots
0087   // initialize the plot y-axis ranges
0088   thePlotLimits->init(m_dxyPhiMax,      // mean of dxy vs Phi
0089                       m_dzPhiMax,       // mean of dz  vs Phi
0090                       m_dxyEtaMax,      // mean of dxy vs Eta
0091                       m_dzEtaMax,       // mean of dz  vs Eta
0092                       m_dxyPtMax,       // mean of dxy vs Pt
0093                       m_dzPtMax,        // mean of dz  vs Pt
0094                       m_dxyPhiNormMax,  // mean of dxy vs Phi (norm)
0095                       m_dzPhiNormMax,   // mean of dz  vs Phi (norm)
0096                       m_dxyEtaNormMax,  // mean of dxy vs Eta (norm)
0097                       m_dzEtaNormMax,   // mean of dz  vs Eta (norm)
0098                       m_dxyPtNormMax,   // mean of dxy vs Pt  (norm)
0099                       m_dzPtNormMax,    // mean of dz  vs Pt  (norm)
0100                       w_dxyPhiMax,      // width of dxy vs Phi
0101                       w_dzPhiMax,       // width of dz  vs Phi
0102                       w_dxyEtaMax,      // width of dxy vs Eta
0103                       w_dzEtaMax,       // width of dz  vs Eta
0104                       w_dxyPtMax,       // width of dxy vs Pt
0105                       w_dzPtMax,        // width of dz  vs Pt
0106                       w_dxyPhiNormMax,  // width of dxy vs Phi (norm)
0107                       w_dzPhiNormMax,   // width of dz  vs Phi (norm)
0108                       w_dxyEtaNormMax,  // width of dxy vs Eta (norm)
0109                       w_dzEtaNormMax,   // width of dz  vs Eta (norm)
0110                       w_dxyPtNormMax,   // width of dxy vs Pt  (norm)
0111                       w_dzPtNormMax     // width of dz  vs Pt  (norm)
0112   );
0114   //Load file list in user defined order
0115   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>> alignmentsOrdered;
0116   for (const auto& childTree : alignments) {
0117     alignmentsOrdered.push_back(childTree);
0118   }
0119   std::sort(alignmentsOrdered.begin(),
0120             alignmentsOrdered.end(),
0121             [](const std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>& left, const std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>& right) {
0122               return left.second.get<int>("index") < right.second.get<int>("index");
0123             });
0124   for (const auto& childTree : alignmentsOrdered) {
0125     if (childTree.second.get<bool>("isMC")) {
0126       loadFileList(
0127           (childTree.second.get<string>("file") + Form("/PVValidation_%s_%d.root", childTree.first.c_str(), 1)).c_str(),
0128           "PVValidation",
0129           childTree.second.get<string>("title"),
0130           childTree.second.get<int>("color"),
0131           childTree.second.get<int>("style"));
0132     } else {
0133       loadFileList(
0134           (childTree.second.get<string>("file") + Form("/PVValidation_%s_%d.root", childTree.first.c_str(), iov))
0135               .c_str(),
0136           "PVValidation",
0137           childTree.second.get<string>("title"),
0138           childTree.second.get<int>("color"),
0139           childTree.second.get<int>("style"));
0140     }
0141   }
0143   //And finally fit
0144   FitPVResiduals("", stdResiduals, doMaps, "", autoLimits, cmslabel, rlabel);
0146   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
0147 }
0150 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return exceptions<merge>(argc, argv); }
0151 #endif