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File indexing completed on 2024-06-13 03:23:11

0001 #include <cmath>
0002 #include <fstream>
0003 #include <iomanip>
0004 #include <iostream>
0005 #include <string>
0007 #include "toolbox.h"
0008 #include "Options.h"
0010 #include "TAxis.h"
0011 #include "TBranch.h"
0012 #include "TCanvas.h"
0013 #include "TChain.h"
0014 #include "TCut.h"
0015 #include "TF1.h"
0016 #include "TFile.h"
0017 #include "TFrame.h"
0018 #include "TH1.h"
0019 #include "TH1D.h"
0020 #include "TH1F.h"
0021 #include "TH2.h"
0022 #include "TH2F.h"
0023 #include "THStack.h"
0024 #include "TLatex.h"
0025 #include "TLegend.h"
0026 #include "TMath.h"
0027 #include "TPad.h"
0028 #include "TPaveText.h"
0029 #include "TRandom.h"
0030 #include "TString.h"
0031 #include "TStyle.h"
0032 #include "TSystem.h"
0033 #include "TTree.h"
0034 //#include "RooGlobalFunc.h"
0036 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
0037 #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
0038 #include <boost/property_tree/json_parser.hpp>
0039 #include <boost/range/adaptor/indexed.hpp>
0041 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/interface/FitWithRooFit.h"
0042 #include "Alignment/OfflineValidation/macros/CMS_lumi.h"
0044 using namespace RooFit;
0045 using namespace std;
0046 using namespace AllInOneConfig;
0047 namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
0048 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
0049 void makeNicePlotStyle(RooPlot* plot) {
0050   plot->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(true);
0051   plot->GetYaxis()->CenterTitle(true);
0052   plot->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
0053   plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
0054   plot->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
0055   plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.05);
0056   plot->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9);
0057   plot->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.3);
0058   plot->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0059   plot->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
0060   plot->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(.05);
0061   plot->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(.05);
0062 }
0063 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
0065 RooRealVar MuMu_mass("MuMu_mass", "MuMu_mass", 70, 110);
0066 static TString GT = "";
0067 TLatex* tlxg = new TLatex();
0068 class FitOut {
0069 public:
0070   double mean;
0071   double mean_err;
0072   double sigma;
0073   double sigma_err;
0074   double chi2;
0075   FitOut(double a, double b, double c, double d) : mean(a), mean_err(b), sigma(c), sigma_err(d) {}
0076 };
0078 FitOut ZMassBinFit_OldTool(TH1D* th1d_input, TString s_name = "zmumu_fitting", TString output_path = "./") {
0079   // silence messages
0080   RooMsgService::instance().setGlobalKillBelow(RooFit::FATAL);
0082   double xMean = 91.1876;
0083   double xMin = th1d_input->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
0084   double xMax = th1d_input->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
0086   double sigma(2.);
0087   double sigmaMin(0.1);
0088   double sigmaMax(10.);
0090   double sigma2(0.1);
0091   double sigma2Min(0.);
0092   double sigma2Max(10.);
0094   std::unique_ptr<FitWithRooFit> fitter = std::make_unique<FitWithRooFit>();
0096   bool useChi2(false);
0098   fitter->useChi2_ = useChi2;
0099   fitter->initMean(xMean, xMin, xMax);
0100   fitter->initSigma(sigma, sigmaMin, sigmaMax);
0101   fitter->initSigma2(sigma2, sigma2Min, sigma2Max);
0102   fitter->initAlpha(1.5, 0.05, 10.);
0103   fitter->initN(1, 0.01, 100.);
0104   fitter->initFGCB(0.4, 0., 1.);
0105   fitter->initGamma(2.4952, 0., 10.);
0106   fitter->gamma()->setConstant(kTRUE);
0107   fitter->initMean2(0., -20., 20.);
0108   fitter->mean2()->setConstant(kTRUE);
0109   fitter->initSigma(1.2, 0., 5.);
0110   fitter->initAlpha(1.5, 0.05, 10.);
0111   fitter->initN(1, 0.01, 100.);
0112   fitter->initExpCoeffA0(-1., -10., 10.);
0113   fitter->initExpCoeffA1(0., -10., 10.);
0114   fitter->initExpCoeffA2(0., -2., 2.);
0115   fitter->initFsig(0.9, 0., 1.);
0116   fitter->initA0(0., -10., 10.);
0117   fitter->initA1(0., -10., 10.);
0118   fitter->initA2(0., -10., 10.);
0119   fitter->initA3(0., -10., 10.);
0120   fitter->initA4(0., -10., 10.);
0121   fitter->initA5(0., -10., 10.);
0122   fitter->initA6(0., -10., 10.);
0124   TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas();
0125   c1->Clear();
0126   c1->SetLeftMargin(0.15);
0127   c1->SetRightMargin(0.10);
0129   fitter->fit(th1d_input, "breitWignerTimesCB", "exponential", xMin, xMax, false);
0131   c1->Print(Form("%s/fitResultPlot/%s_oldtool.pdf", output_path.Data(), s_name.Data()));
0132   c1->Print(Form("%s/fitResultPlot/%s_oldtool.root", output_path.Data(), s_name.Data()));
0134   FitOut fitRes(
0135       fitter->mean()->getVal(), fitter->mean()->getError(), fitter->sigma()->getVal(), fitter->sigma()->getError());
0137   return fitRes;
0138 }
0139 void Draw_th1d(TH1D* th1d_input, TString variable_name, TString output_path) {
0140   TCanvas* c = new TCanvas();
0141   c->cd();
0142   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0143   th1d_input->SetMarkerStyle(kFullCircle);
0144   th1d_input->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
0145   th1d_input->SetLineColor(kRed);
0146   th1d_input->SetMaximum(91.4);
0147   th1d_input->SetMinimum(90.85);
0148   th1d_input->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(variable_name.Data());
0149   th1d_input->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.2);
0150   th1d_input->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Mass mean (GeV)");
0151   th1d_input->Draw();
0152   tlxg->DrawLatexNDC(0.2, 0.8, Form("%s", GT.Data()));
0153   c->Print(Form("%s/fitResultPlot/mass_VS_%s.pdf", output_path.Data(), variable_name.Data()));
0154 }
0156 const static int variables_number = 8;
0157 const TString tstring_variables_name[variables_number] = {
0158     "CosThetaCS", "DeltaEta", "EtaMinus", "EtaPlus", "PhiCS", "PhiMinus", "PhiPlus", "Pt"};
0159 const TString tstring_variables_name_label[variables_number] = {"cos #theta_{CS}",
0160                                                                 "#Delta #eta",
0161                                                                 "#eta_{#mu^{-}}",
0162                                                                 "#eta_{#mu^{+}}",
0163                                                                 "#phi_{CS}",
0164                                                                 "#phi_{#mu^{-}}",
0165                                                                 "#phi_{#mu^{+}}",
0166                                                                 "p_{T}"};
0168 void Fitting_GetMassmeanVSvariables(TString inputfile_name, TString output_path) {
0169   TH2D* th2d_mass_variables[variables_number];
0170   TFile* inputfile = TFile::Open(inputfile_name.Data());
0171   TDirectoryFile* tdirectory = (TDirectoryFile*)inputfile->Get("DiMuonMassValidation");
0172   for (int i = 0; i < variables_number; i++) {
0173     TString th2d_name = Form("th2d_mass_%s", tstring_variables_name[i].Data());
0174     th2d_mass_variables[i] = (TH2D*)tdirectory->Get(th2d_name);
0175   }
0177   gSystem->Exec(Form("mkdir -p %s", output_path.Data()));
0178   gSystem->Exec(Form("mkdir -p %s/fitResultPlot", output_path.Data()));
0179   TFile* outputfile = TFile::Open(Form("%s/fitting_output.root", output_path.Data()), "RECREATE");
0180   TH1D* th1d_variables_meanmass[variables_number];
0181   TH1D* th1d_variables_entries[variables_number];
0182   const int variables_rebin[variables_number] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
0183   const double xaxis_range[variables_number][2] = {
0184       {-1, 1}, {-4.8, 4.8}, {-2.4, 2.4}, {-2.4, 2.4}, {-1, 1}, {-M_PI, M_PI}, {-M_PI, M_PI}, {0, 100}};
0185   for (int i = 0; i < variables_number; i++) {
0186     TString th1d_name = Form("th1d_meanmass_%s", tstring_variables_name[i].Data());
0188     th2d_mass_variables[i]->RebinY(variables_rebin[i]);
0189     th1d_variables_meanmass[i] = th2d_mass_variables[i]->ProjectionY(th1d_name, 1, 1, "d");
0190     for (int j = 0; j < th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->GetNbinsX(); j++) {
0191       if (i == 7 and j > 25) {
0192         continue;
0193       }
0194       std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
0195                 << " th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->GetNbinsX()=" << th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->GetNbinsX() << endl;
0196       std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " th2d_mass_variables[i]->GetNbinsY()=" << th2d_mass_variables[i]->GetNbinsY()
0197                 << endl;
0198       th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->SetBinContent(j, 0);
0199       th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->SetBinError(j, 0);
0201       TString th1d_mass_temp_name = Form("th1d_mass_%s_%d", tstring_variables_name[i].Data(), j);
0202       TH1D* th1d_i = th2d_mass_variables[i]->ProjectionX(th1d_mass_temp_name, j, j, "d");
0203       th1d_i->Write(th1d_mass_temp_name);
0204       TString s_cut = Form("nocut");
0205       TString s_name = Form("%s_%d", tstring_variables_name[i].Data(), j);
0207       FitOut fitR = ZMassBinFit_OldTool(th1d_i, s_name, output_path);
0209       th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->SetBinContent(j, fitR.mean);
0210       th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->SetBinError(j, fitR.mean_err);
0211     }
0213     th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xaxis_range[i][0], xaxis_range[i][1]);
0214     Draw_th1d(th1d_variables_meanmass[i], tstring_variables_name[i], output_path);
0215     outputfile->cd();
0216     th1d_variables_meanmass[i]->Write(th1d_name);
0218     TString th1d_name_entries = Form("th1d_entries_%s", tstring_variables_name[i].Data());
0219     th1d_variables_entries[i] = th2d_mass_variables[i]->ProjectionY(th1d_name_entries, 0, -1, "d");
0220     th1d_variables_entries[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(tstring_variables_name[i].Data());
0221     th1d_variables_entries[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entry");
0222     outputfile->cd();
0223     th1d_variables_entries[i]->Write(th1d_name_entries);
0224   }
0226   if (outputfile->IsOpen()) {
0227     // Get the path (current working directory) in which the file is going to be written
0228     const char* path = outputfile->GetPath();
0230     if (path) {
0231       std::cout << "File is going to be written in the directory: " << path << " for input file: " << inputfile_name
0232                 << std::endl;
0233     } else {
0234       std::cerr << "Error: Unable to determine the path." << std::endl;
0235     }
0236     outputfile->Close();
0237     delete outputfile;
0238   }
0239 }
0241 const static int max_file_number = 10;
0242 void Draw_TH1D_forMultiRootFiles(const vector<TString>& file_names,
0243                                  const vector<TString>& label_names,
0244                                  const vector<int>& colors,
0245                                  const vector<int>& styles,
0246                                  const TString& Rlabel,
0247                                  const TString& th1d_name,
0248                                  const TString& xlabel,
0249                                  const TString& ylabel,
0250                                  const TString& output_name) {
0251   if (file_names.empty() || label_names.empty()) {
0252     std::cout << "Provided an empty list of file and label names" << std::endl;
0253     return;
0254   }
0256   // do not allow the list of files and labels names to differ
0257   assert(file_names.size() == label_names.size());
0259   TH1D* th1d_input[max_file_number];
0260   TFile* file_input[max_file_number];
0261   for (auto const& filename : file_names | boost::adaptors::indexed(0)) {
0262     file_input[filename.index()] = TFile::Open(filename.value());
0263     th1d_input[filename.index()] = (TH1D*)file_input[filename.index()]->Get(th1d_name);
0264     th1d_input[filename.index()]->SetTitle("");
0265   }
0267   int W = 800;
0268   int H = 800;
0269   // references for T, B, L, R
0270   float T = 0.08 * H;
0271   float B = 0.12 * H;
0272   float L = 0.12 * W;
0273   float R = 0.04 * W;
0275   // Form the canvas name by appending th1d_name
0276   TString canvasName;
0277   canvasName.Form("canv_%s", th1d_name.Data());
0279   // Create a new canvas with the formed name
0280   TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas(canvasName, canvasName, W, H);
0281   canv->SetFillColor(0);
0282   canv->SetBorderMode(0);
0283   canv->SetFrameFillStyle(0);
0284   canv->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
0285   canv->SetLeftMargin(L / W + 0.05);
0286   canv->SetRightMargin(R / W);
0287   canv->SetTopMargin(T / H);
0288   canv->SetBottomMargin(B / H);
0289   canv->SetTickx(0);
0290   canv->SetTicky(0);
0291   canv->SetGrid();
0292   canv->cd();
0294   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
0296   TLegend* lg = new TLegend(0.3, 0.7, 0.7, 0.9);
0297   lg->SetFillStyle(0);
0298   lg->SetLineColor(0);
0299   lg->SetEntrySeparation(0.05);
0301   double ymin = 0.;
0302   double ymax = 0.;
0304   for (auto const& labelname : label_names | boost::adaptors::indexed(0)) {
0305     double temp_ymin = th1d_input[labelname.index()]->GetMinimum();
0306     double temp_ymax = th1d_input[labelname.index()]->GetMaximum();
0307     if (labelname.index() == 0) {
0308       ymin = temp_ymin;
0309       ymax = temp_ymax;
0310     }
0311     if (temp_ymin <= ymin) {
0312       ymin = temp_ymin;
0313     }
0314     if (temp_ymax >= ymax) {
0315       ymax = temp_ymax;
0316     }
0317   }
0319   for (auto const& labelname : label_names | boost::adaptors::indexed(0)) {
0320     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->SetMarkerColor(colors[labelname.index()]);
0321     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->SetLineColor(colors[labelname.index()]);
0322     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->SetMarkerStyle(styles[labelname.index()]);
0323     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xlabel);
0324     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(ylabel);
0325     th1d_input[labelname.index()]->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(2.0);
0326     lg->AddEntry(th1d_input[labelname.index()], labelname.value());
0328     TString label_meanmass_plot = "Mean M_{#mu#mu} (GeV)";
0329     if (ylabel.EqualTo(label_meanmass_plot)) {
0330       double ycenter = (ymax + ymin) / 2.0;
0331       double yrange = (ymax - ymin) * 2;
0332       double Ymin = ycenter - yrange;
0333       double Ymax = ycenter + yrange * 1.10;
0334       th1d_input[labelname.index()]->SetAxisRange(Ymin, Ymax, "Y");
0335       th1d_input[labelname.index()]->Draw("PEX0same");
0336     } else {
0337       double Ymin = ymin - ymin * 0.07;
0338       double Ymax = ymax + ymax * 0.35;
0339       th1d_input[labelname.index()]->SetAxisRange(Ymin, Ymax, "Y");
0340       th1d_input[labelname.index()]->Draw("HIST E1 same");
0341     }
0342   }
0344   CMS_lumi(canv, 0, 3, Rlabel);
0346   lg->Draw("same");
0348   canv->Update();
0349   canv->RedrawAxis();
0350   canv->GetFrame()->Draw();
0351   canv->SaveAs(output_name);
0353   if (output_name.Contains(".pdf")) {
0354     TString output_name_png(output_name);  // output_name is const, copy to modify
0355     output_name_png.Replace(output_name_png.Index(".pdf"), 4, ".png");
0356     canv->SaveAs(output_name_png);
0357   }
0358 }
0360 int Zmumumerge(int argc, char* argv[]) {
0361   vector<TString> vec_single_file_path;
0362   vector<TString> vec_single_file_name;
0363   vector<TString> vec_global_tag;
0364   vector<TString> vec_title;
0365   vector<int> vec_color;
0366   vector<int> vec_style;
0367   vector<TString> vec_right_title;
0369   Options options;
0370   options.helper(argc, argv);
0371   options.parser(argc, argv);
0372   pt::ptree main_tree;
0373   pt::read_json(options.config, main_tree);
0374   pt::ptree alignments = main_tree.get_child("alignments");
0375   pt::ptree validation = main_tree.get_child("validation");
0377   //Load defined order
0378   std::vector<std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>> alignmentsOrdered;
0379   for (const auto& childTree : alignments) {
0380     alignmentsOrdered.push_back(childTree);
0381   }
0382   std::sort(alignmentsOrdered.begin(),
0383             alignmentsOrdered.end(),
0384             [](const std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>& left, const std::pair<std::string, pt::ptree>& right) {
0385               return left.second.get<int>("index") < right.second.get<int>("index");
0386             });
0388   for (const auto& childTree : alignmentsOrdered) {
0389     // do not consider the nodes with a "file" to merge
0390     if (childTree.second.find("file") == childTree.second.not_found()) {
0391       std::cerr << "Ignoring alignment: " << childTree.second.get<std::string>("title") << ".\nNo file to merged found!"
0392                 << std::endl;
0393       continue;
0394     } else {
0395       std::cout << "Storing alignment: " << childTree.second.get<std::string>("title") << std::endl;
0396     }
0397     vec_single_file_path.push_back(childTree.second.get<std::string>("file"));
0398     vec_single_file_name.push_back(childTree.second.get<std::string>("file") + "/Zmumu.root");
0399     vec_color.push_back(childTree.second.get<int>("color"));
0400     vec_style.push_back(childTree.second.get<int>("style"));
0401     if (childTree.second.find("customrighttitle") == childTree.second.not_found()) {
0402       vec_right_title.push_back("");
0403     } else {
0404       vec_right_title.push_back(childTree.second.get<std::string>("customrighttitle"));
0405     }
0406     vec_global_tag.push_back(childTree.second.get<std::string>("globaltag"));
0407     vec_title.push_back(childTree.second.get<std::string>("title"));
0409     //Fitting_GetMassmeanVSvariables(childTree.second.get<std::string>("file") + "/Zmumu.root", childTree.second.get<std::string>("file"));
0410   }
0412   TString merge_output = main_tree.get<std::string>("output");
0413   //=============================================
0414   vector<TString> vec_single_fittingoutput;
0415   vec_single_fittingoutput.clear();
0416   for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec_single_file_path.size(); i++) {
0417     Fitting_GetMassmeanVSvariables(vec_single_file_name[i], vec_single_file_path[i]);
0418     vec_single_fittingoutput.push_back(vec_single_file_path[i] + "/fitting_output.root");
0419   }
0421   int files_number = vec_single_file_path.size();
0422   cout << "files_number=" << files_number << endl;
0423   for (int idx_variable = 0; idx_variable < variables_number; idx_variable++) {
0424     TString th1d_name = Form("th1d_meanmass_%s", tstring_variables_name[idx_variable].Data());
0426     Draw_TH1D_forMultiRootFiles(
0427         vec_single_fittingoutput,
0428         vec_title,
0429         vec_color,
0430         vec_style,
0431         vec_right_title[0],
0432         th1d_name,
0433         tstring_variables_name_label[idx_variable].Data(),
0434         "Mean M_{#mu#mu} (GeV)",
0435         merge_output + Form("/meanmass_%s_GTs.pdf", tstring_variables_name[idx_variable].Data()));
0437     TString th1d_name_entries = Form("th1d_entries_%s", tstring_variables_name[idx_variable].Data());
0439     Draw_TH1D_forMultiRootFiles(
0440         vec_single_fittingoutput,
0441         vec_title,
0442         vec_color,
0443         vec_style,
0444         vec_right_title[0],
0445         th1d_name_entries,
0446         tstring_variables_name_label[idx_variable].Data(),
0447         "Events",
0448         merge_output + Form("/entries_%s_GTs.pdf", tstring_variables_name[idx_variable].Data()));
0449   }
0451   //=============================================
0452   return EXIT_SUCCESS;
0453 }
0455 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { return Zmumumerge(argc, argv); }
0456 #endif