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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # Full configuration for Tracker Geometry Comparison Tool
0004 from Alignment.OfflineValidation.trackerGeometryCompare_cfi import trackerGeometryCompare as _trackerGeometryCompare
0005 TrackerGeometryCompare = _trackerGeometryCompare.clone(
0006     fromDD4hep     = False,
0007     writeToDB      = False,
0008     outputFile     = 'output.root',
0009     setCommonTrackerSystem = 'NONE', ##must be "NONE" if you don't want to use this option
0010     detIdFlag      = False,
0011     detIdFlagFile  = 'blah.txt',
0012     weightById     = False,
0013     #   untracked vstring levels = {"PixelEndcap","PixelHalfBarrel","TID","HalfBarrel","Endcap","DetUnit"}
0014     levels         = ['Det'],
0015     weightBy       = 'DetUnit',
0016     weightByIdFile = 'blah2.txt',
0017     treeNameAlign  = 'alignTree',
0018     treeNameDeform = 'alignTreeDeformations',
0019     inputROOTFile1 = 'IDEAL',
0020     inputROOTFile2 = 'idealtracker2.root',
0021     moduleList     = 'moduleList.txt',
0022     surfDir        = '.'
0023 )