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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from Alignment.OfflineValidation.trackerOfflineValidationSummary_cfi import trackerOfflineValidationSummary as _trackerOfflineValidationSummary
0005 TrackerOfflineValidationSummary =  _trackerOfflineValidationSummary.clone(
0006     moduleDirectoryInOutput   = "Alignment/Tracker",  # has to be the same as in TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff
0007     useFit                    = False,
0008     stripYDmrs                = False,  # should be the same as for stripYResiduals in TrackerOfflineValidation_Dqm_cff
0009     minEntriesPerModuleForDmr = 100,
0011     # DMR (distribution of median of residuals per module) of X coordinate (Strip)
0012     # width 2.0 um
0013     # Nbinx = cms.int32(500), xmin = cms.double(-0.05), xmax = cms.double(0.05)
0014     # width 0.5 um
0015     TH1DmrXprimeStripModules = dict(Nbinx = 5000, xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05),
0017     # DMR (distribution of median of residuals per module) of Y coordinate (Strip)
0018     TH1DmrYprimeStripModules = dict(Nbinx = 200, xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05),
0020     # DMR (distribution of median of residuals per module) of X coordinate (Pixel)
0021     # Nbinx = cms.int32(500), xmin = cms.double(-0.05), xmax = cms.double(0.05)
0022     TH1DmrXprimePixelModules = dict(Nbinx = 5000, xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05),
0024     # DMR (distribution of median of residuals per module) of Y coordinate (Pixel)
0025     # Nbinx = cms.int32(200), xmin = cms.double(-0.05), xmax = cms.double(0.05)
0026     TH1DmrYprimePixelModules = dict(Nbinx = 5000, xmin = -0.05, xmax = 0.05)
0027 )