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Warning, /Alignment/OfflineValidation/test/unit_test.yaml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 LFS: $CMSSW_BASE/tmp/UnitTest
0002 name: test_yaml
0003 alignments:
0004     unitTest:
0005         color: 1
0006         globaltag: auto:phase1_2018_realistic
0007         style: 2101
0008         title: unit test
0009     unitTestPV:
0010         color: 1
0011         globaltag: 110X_dataRun2_v10
0012         style: 2001
0013         title: unit test
0014     ideal:
0015         color: 1
0016         globaltag: auto:phase1_2017_design
0017         style: 2101
0018         title: ideal
0019         conditions:
0020             TrackerAlignmentRcd:
0021                 connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0022                 tag: TrackerAlignment_Upgrade2017_design_v4
0023     SURun3:
0024         color: 632
0025         globaltag: auto:phase1_2017_design
0026         style: 2101
0027         title: startup run3
0028         conditions:
0029             TrackerAlignmentRcd:
0030                 connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0031                 tag: TrackerAlignment_Run3Startup_v0_mc
0032     unitTestJetHT:
0033         color: 1
0034         globaltag: auto:run2_data
0035         style: 2101
0036         title: Unit test
0037     unitTestJetHTMC:
0038         color: 1
0039         globaltag: auto:phase1_2018_realistic
0040         style: 2101
0041         title: unit test
0042     unitTestDiMuonVMC:
0043         color: 1
0044         globaltag: auto:phase1_2022_realistic
0045         style: 2101
0046         title: unit test
0047     unitTestZmumuMCreal:
0048         color: 1
0049         globaltag: auto:phase1_2024_realistic
0050         style: 20
0051         title: realistic
0052     unitTestZmumuMCdesign:
0053         color: 2
0054         globaltag: auto:phase1_2024_design
0055         style: 21
0056         title: design
0057     PromptNewTemplate:
0058         name: PromptNewTemplate
0059         color: 1
0060         globaltag: 124X_dataRun3_Prompt_v10 
0061         style: 2301
0062         title: Alignment in prompt with 400V pixel templates
0063         conditions:
0064             SiPixelTemplateDBObjectRcd:
0065                connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0066                tag: SiPixelTemplateDBObject_phase1_38T_2022_v9
0067             SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectRcd:
0068                connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0069                tag: SiPixel2DTemplateDBObject_phase1_38T_2022_v9
0070     mp3619:
0071         name: mp3619
0072         color: 2
0073         globaltag: 124X_dataRun3_Prompt_v10 
0074         style: 2001
0075         title: mp3619 
0076         conditions:
0077             TrackerAlignmentRcd:
0078                connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0079                tag: TrackerAlignment_collisions22_v13
0080             SiPixelTemplateDBObjectRcd:
0081                connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0082                tag: SiPixelTemplateDBObject_phase1_38T_2022_v9
0083             SiPixel2DTemplateDBObjectRcd:
0084                connect: frontier://FrontierProd/CMS_CONDITIONS
0085                tag: SiPixel2DTemplateDBObject_phase1_38T_2022_v9
0086 validations:
0087     DMR:
0088         single:
0089             TestSingleMC:
0090                 IOV:
0091                 - 1
0092                 alignments:
0093                 - unitTest
0094                 trackcollection: generalTracks
0095                 vertexcollection: offlinePrimaryVertices
0096                 magneticfield: true
0097                 maxevents: 1
0098                 maxtracks: 1
0099                 maxEntriesPerModuleForDmr: 100
0101         merge:
0102             TestMergeMC:
0103                 methods:
0104                 - median
0105                 - rmsNorm
0106                 curves:
0107                 - plain
0108                 - split
0109                 customrighttitle: IOV
0110                 moduleFilterFile: ""
0111                 maxBadLumiPixel: 0.5
0112                 maxBadLumiStrip: 7.0
0113                 legendoptions:
0114                 - mean
0115                 - rms
0116                 singles:
0117                 - TestSingleMC
0118                 usefit: true
0119                 minimum: 15 
0121         trends:
0122             TestTrendMC:
0123                 merges:
0124                 - TestMergeMC
0125                 Variables:
0126                 - median
0127                 doUnitTest: true
0129         averaged:
0130             TestAveragedMC:
0131                 merges:
0132                 - TestMergeMC
0133                 maxfiles: 700
0134                 lumiPerRun:
0135                 - Alignment/OfflineValidation/data/lumiperRun2018_delivered.csv
0136                 lumiMC:
0137                 - 1::TestMergeMC::64482.432
0139     PV:
0140         single:
0141             TestDATA:
0142                 IOV:
0143                     - 317087
0144                 alignments:
0145                     - unitTestPV
0146                 maxevents: 10
0147                 trackcollection: ALCARECOTkAlMinBias
0148                 vertexcollection: offlinePrimaryVertices
0149                 isda: true
0150                 ismc: false                 
0152         merge:
0153             TestDATA:
0154                 singles:
0155                 - TestDATA
0156                 doMaps: true
0157                 stdResiduals: true
0158                 autoLimits: false
0159                 m_dxyPhiMax: 20
0160                 m_dzPhiMax: 50
0161                 m_dxyEtaMax: 20
0162                 m_dzEtaMax: 50
0164         trends:
0165             TestDATA:
0166                 singles:
0167                 - TestDATA
0168                 doUnitTest: true  
0170     SplitV:
0171         merge:
0172             testUnits:
0173                 singles:
0174                 - testUnits
0176         single:
0177             testUnits:
0178                 IOV:
0179                 - 1
0180                 alignments:
0181                 - unitTest
0182                 trackcollection: generalTracks
0183                 HLTSelection: False
0184                 triggerBits: HLT_*
0185                 maxevents: 10
0186     DiMuonV:
0187         merge:
0188             testUnits:
0189                 singles:
0190                 - testUnits
0191         single:
0192             testUnits:
0193                 IOV:
0194                 - 1
0195                 alignments:
0196                 - unitTestDiMuonVMC
0197                 trackcollection: generalTracks
0198                 maxevents: 10
0200     Zmumu:
0201         merge:
0202             testSingleZMM:
0203                 singles:
0204                 - testSingleZMM
0205         single:
0206             testSingleZMM:
0207                 IOV:
0208                 - 1
0209                 alignments:
0210                 - unitTestZmumuMCreal
0211                 - unitTestZmumuMCdesign
0212                 trackcollection: ALCARECOTkAlZMuMu
0213                 maxevents: 100
0214     MTS:
0215         merge:
0216             testSingleMTS:
0217                 singles:
0218                 - testSingleMTS
0219         single:
0220             testSingleMTS:
0221                 IOV:
0222                 - 1
0223                 alignments:
0224                 - PromptNewTemplate
0225                 - mp3619
0226                 maxevents: 200000 
0227                 trackcollection: ALCARECOTkAlCosmicsCTF0T
0228                 tthrbuilder: WithAngleAndTemplate
0229                 usePixelQualityFlag: True
0230                 cosmicsZeroTesla: False
0231                 magneticfield: 3.8  
0232     GCP:
0233         GCPdetUnits:
0234             levels: DetUnit
0235             plotPng: true
0236         compare:
0237             GCPdetUnits:
0238                 SURun3vsIdeal:
0239                     reference: ideal
0240                     compared: SURun3
0241                     IOVpairs:
0242                     - [1, 1]
0243         doUnitTest: true
0244     JetHT:
0245         single:
0246             testJob:
0247                 alignments:
0248                 - unitTestJetHT
0249                 trackCollection: ALCARECOTkAlMinBias
0250                 maxevents: 100
0251                 iovListFile: Alignment/OfflineValidation/data/lumiPerRun_Run2.txt
0253             testMC:
0254                 alignments:
0255                 - unitTestJetHTMC
0256                 trackCollection: ALCARECOTkAlMinBias
0257                 mc: True
0258                 maxevents: 100
0259         merge:
0260             testJob:
0261                 singles:
0262                 - testJob
0263                 alignments:
0264                 - unitTestJetHT
0265             testMC:
0266                 singles:
0267                 - testMC
0268                 alignments:
0269                 - unitTestJetHTMC
0270         plot:
0271             testJob:
0272                 merges:
0273                 - testJob
0274                 alignments:
0275                 - unitTestJetHT
0276                 jethtplot:
0277                     drawProfiles:
0278                         drawDzErrorVsPt: true
0279                         drawDxyErrorVsPt: true
0280                     drawHistograms:
0281                         drawDz: true
0282                         drawDxy: true
0283             testMC:
0284                 merges:
0285                 - testMC
0286                 alignments:
0287                 - unitTestJetHTMC
0288                 jethtplot:
0289                     drawProfiles:
0290                         drawDzErrorVsPt: true
0291                         drawDxyErrorVsPt: true
0292                     drawHistograms:
0293                         drawDz: true
0294                         drawDxy: true    
0295     PixBary:
0296         single:
0297             testSinglePixBary:
0298                 firstRun: 376370
0299                 lastRun: 379254
0300                 alignments:
0301                 - unitTest
0302                 - mp3619
0303 style:
0304     DMR:
0305         averaged:
0306             CMSlabel: "Internal"
0307             Rlabel: "Unit Test"
0309         merge:
0310             CMSlabel: "Internal" 
0311     PV:
0312         merge:
0313             CMSlabel: "Preliminary" 
0314     trends:
0315         CMSlabel: "Internal"
0316         Rlabel: "Unit Test"
0317         earlyStops:
0318             - unitTest
0319         lines:
0320             pixel:
0321                 line:
0322                     title: Pixel calibration update
0323                     style: kDotted
0324                     color: kGray
0325                 runs:
0326                     - 186500
0327                     - 195360
0328                     - 197749
0329                     - 200961
0330                     - 203368
0331                     - 204601
0332                     - 206446
0333                     - 238341
0334                     - 246866
0335                     - 253914
0336                     - 255655
0337                     - 271866
0338                     - 276315
0339                     - 278271
0340                     - 280928
0341                     - 290543
0342                     - 297281
0343                     - 298653
0344                     - 299443
0345                     - 300389
0346                     - 301046
0347                     - 302131
0348                     - 303790
0349                     - 303998
0350                     - 304911
0351                     - 313041
0352                     - 314881
0353                     - 316758
0354                     - 317475
0355                     - 317485
0356                     - 317527
0357                     - 317661
0358                     - 317664
0359                     - 318227
0360                     - 320377
0361                     - 321831
0362                     - 322510
0363                     - 322603
0364                     - 323232
0365                     - 324245
0366             years:
0367                 line:
0368                     style: kSolid
0369                     color: kBlack
0370                     width: 1
0371                 runs:
0372                     - 272008
0373                     - 290543
0374                     - 313041
0375                 labels:
0376                     - 2016
0377                     - 2017
0378                     - 2018
0379             phases:
0380                 line:
0381                     style: kSolid
0382                     color: kBlack
0383                     width: 2
0384                 runs:
0385                     - 272008
0386                     - 290543
0387                 labels:
0388                     Phase-0
0389                     Phase-1