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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 AlignmentTreeMerger = cms.EDAnalyzer("TreeMerger",
0004                                      FileList= cms.string("DQMHitMapsList.txt"),
0005                                      TreeName= cms.string("AlignmentHitMaps"),#if you change this be sure to be consistent with the rest of your code
0006                                      OutputFile=cms.string("AlignmentHitMapsMerged.root"),
0007                                      NhitsMaxLimit=cms.int32(0),#this applies to ALL TK at the same time; no upper limit by default
0008                                      NhitsMaxSet=cms.PSet(#in this way you can set different thresholds for each subdet; it is ignored if NhitsMaxLimit is higher than -1
0009                                                    PXBmaxhits=cms.int32(-1),#no upper limit by default 
0010                                                    PXFmaxhits=cms.int32(-1),
0011                                                    TIBmaxhits=cms.int32(-1),
0012                                                    TIDmaxhits=cms.int32(-1),
0013                                                    TOBmaxhits=cms.int32(-1),
0014                                                    TECmaxhits=cms.int32(-1)
0015                                                    )
0016                                      )