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0001 #ifndef TopObjects_StGenEvent_h
0002 #define TopObjects_StGenEvent_h
0004 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TopGenEvent.h"
0006 /**
0007    \class   StGenEvent StGenEvent.h "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/StGenEvent.h"
0009    \brief   Class derived from the TopGenEvent for single-top events
0011    The structure holds reference information to the generator particles 
0012    of the decay chains for each top quark and of the initial partons 
0013    and provides access and administration. The derived class contains 
0014    a few additional getters with respect to its base class.
0015 */
0017 class StGenEvent : public TopGenEvent {
0018 public:
0019   /// empty constructor
0020   StGenEvent();
0021   /// default constructor
0022   StGenEvent(reco::GenParticleRefProd&, reco::GenParticleRefProd&);
0023   /// default destructor
0024   ~StGenEvent() override;
0026   /// return single lepton if available; 0 else
0027   const reco::GenParticle* singleLepton() const;
0028   /// return single neutrino if available; 0 else
0029   const reco::GenParticle* singleNeutrino() const;
0030   /// return single W
0031   const reco::GenParticle* singleW() const;
0032   /// return single Top
0033   const reco::GenParticle* singleTop() const;
0034   /// return decay b
0035   const reco::GenParticle* decayB() const;
0036   /// return associated b
0037   const reco::GenParticle* associatedB() const;
0038 };
0040 #endif