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Warning, /CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/data/EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 # ----------------------------------- EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports ----------------------------------------
0002 #
0003 #    Script for ECNA LSFJOB reports clean with path as argument
0004 #
0005 #    Syntax of call:   csh EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports PATH
0006 #
0007 #    Example of call: 
0008 #    csh EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports /afs/
0009 #
0010 #    Update: 17/03/10
0011 #    
0012 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 echo "*EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports> Script for ECNA LSFJOB report clean started."
0015 set userdir  = $HOME
0017 pwd
0019 if( !(-d ${1}) ) then
0020   set localdir = $PWD
0021 else
0022   set localdir = ${1}
0023 endif
0025 #....   .......
0026   cd ${localdir}
0027   pwd
0029 if( -f EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile ) then
0030   \rm -r LSFJOB_*/
0031   \rm EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile
0032 else
0033   echo "*EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports> no EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile found in directory: "
0034   echo "                               ${1}"
0035 endif
0037 echo "*EcnaSystemScriptCleanLSFJOBReports> End of execution."