Warning, /CalibCalorimetry/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/data/EcnaSystemScriptSubmit is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 # --------------------------------------------- EcnaSystemScriptSubmit --------------------------------
0002 #
0003 # Script for ECNA job submission with:
0004 # CMSSW version, subsystem, .py file name and queue as arguments
0005 #
0006 # Syntax of call: csh EcnaSystemScriptSubmit CMSSW_BASE SUB_SYSTEM PYTHON_FILE QUEUE
0007 #
0008 # Example of call: csh EcnaSystemScriptSubmit CMSSW_1_8_0 CalibCalorimetry ECNA_MWGR_80896.py 1nh
0009 #
0010 # Update: 03/03/11
0011 #
0012 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0014 echo "*EcnaSystemScriptSubmit> Script for ECNA job submission started."
0016 pwd
0017 set localdir = $PWD
0018 set userdir = $HOME
0020 #------------------------- Build each line of the script in tempo files
0021 cd ${localdir}
0023 if( -f cna_one_line_tempo_1 ) then
0024 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_1
0025 endif
0026 # echo "cd ${userdir}/cmssw/${1}" > cna_one_line_tempo_1
0027 echo "cd ${1}" > cna_one_line_tempo_1
0029 if( -f cna_one_line_tempo_2 ) then
0030 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_2
0031 endif
0032 echo eval \`scramv1 runtime -sh\` > cna_one_line_tempo_2
0034 if( -f cna_one_line_tempo_3 ) then
0035 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_3
0036 endif
0037 #echo "cd ${userdir}/scratch0/ecna/results_root" > cna_one_line_tempo_3
0038 if( -f cna_one_line_tempo_3b ) then
0039 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_3b
0040 endif
0041 echo "cd \" > cna_one_line_tempo_3b
0042 cat cna_one_line_tempo_3b ${userdir}/ECNA/path_results_root > cna_one_line_tempo_3
0044 if( -f cna_one_line_tempo_4 ) then
0045 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_4
0046 endif
0047 #------------> add extension .py to ${3} to have complete python file name in the script
0048 # echo "cmsRun ${userdir}/cmssw/${1}/src/${2}/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/data/${3}.py" > cna_one_line_tempo_4
0049 echo "cmsRun ${1}/src/${2}/EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/data/${3}.py" > cna_one_line_tempo_4
0051 #------------------------- Remove old script (named SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3})
0052 # if it exists and build the new script with cat command
0053 if ( -f SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3} ) then
0054 \rm SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0055 endif
0057 cat cna_one_line_tempo_1 cna_one_line_tempo_2 cna_one_line_tempo_3 cna_one_line_tempo_4 > SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0059 #------------------------- Right for execution
0060 chmod u+x SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0062 #.......... Submit the job with script SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0063 echo "*EcnaSystemScriptSubmit> Submitting the job on queue ${4} with script SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}"
0064 echo " "
0065 bsub -q ${4} SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0066 echo " "
0068 #------------------------- Flag files: EcnaSubmissionFlagFile and EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile
0069 #.......... remove the flag file EcnaSubmissionFlagFile if it exists and build a new flag file
0070 if( -f EcnaSubmissionFlagFile ) then
0071 \rm EcnaSubmissionFlagFile
0072 endif
0073 echo "Flag file for ECNA submission script management. Used by TCnaGui. Can be removed by user (with option Clean in TCnaGui or directly) ONLY AFTER all submitted jobs have been finished." > EcnaSubmissionFlagFile
0075 #.......... remove the flag file EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile if it exists and build a new flag file
0076 if( -f EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile ) then
0077 \rm EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile
0078 endif
0079 echo "Flag file for ECNA LSFJOB report management. Used by TCnaGui. Can be removed by user (with option Clean in TCnaGui or directly) ONLY AFTER all submitted jobs have been finished." > EcnaLSFJobReportFlagFile
0081 #------------------------- Remove the tempo files
0082 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_1
0083 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_2
0084 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_3
0085 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_3b
0086 \rm cna_one_line_tempo_4
0088 #..........the submission script must not be removed here but AFTER the job execution
0089 # (directly or with option Clean in TCnaGui)
0090 # NOT TO BE DONE HERE: \rm SubmissionScriptFromPythonFile_${3}
0092 echo "*EcnaSystemScriptSubmit> End of execution."